词汇 | 吹毛求疵 |
释义 | 吹毛求疵 辨形“疵”,不能写作“庇”。 辨析吹毛求疵和“求全责备”;都有“对人对事十分苛求”的意思。吹毛求疵是不怀好意;是故意挑剔;“求全责备”的动机可以是好的也可以是不好的;它要求的是完美无缺。 辨形“疵”,不能写作“庇”。 辨析吹毛求疵和“求全责备”;都有“对人对事十分苛求”的意思。吹毛求疵是不怀好意;是故意挑剔;“求全责备”的动机可以是好的也可以是不好的;它要求的是完美无缺。 歇后语头发里找粉刺;地毯上找针 法文éplucherépiloguer 俄文придирáться к пустякáм 德文an allem herumnǒrgeln ein Haar in der Suppe finden 【注意】疵,不能读作cì。 反义词 In focusing only on the excesses of the1960s, the New Right reminded me a lot of the carping that white southerners did against Reconstruction for a century after the Civil War. But instead of simply carping about students with colleagues in the great faculty- lounge tradition, Ms. Davidson questioned the whole form of the research paper. The most important weakness, however, is one that goes some way to justifying the claims of Mr Ferguson's academic colleagues who carp at his embrace of the popular. However, at this point, it is too easy to be a critic, and some of the issues are insignificant, or are reasonable for a 1.0 release. But it is churlish to carp. The DPP's carping thus strikes a discordant note. The recession forced corporate America to look hard for savings, and the people who were being paid hundreds of dollars an hour to nitpick were an obvious target. Attempts to understand or imagine her inner life tend to be a bit stilted, perhaps because the author is a historian, not a novelist. But this is a small cavil. Critics on the American right are wrong to carp at Mr Obama’s bowing to kings and emperors. Oh, dear, what can we say about this monarch that will not sound too censorious? All of which may be dismissed as the self-interested carping of fat cats. All of which may be dismissed as the self interested carping of Britain’s discredited fat cats. He is a harsh critic of Mr Corzine's economic policies, which is going down well in a state with unemployment reaching a rate not seen since1977 and the nation's heaviest tax burden. They are also carping about her New Yorkiness— she did not learn to drive a car until her late 20s— and her supposed isolation from the lives of ordinary Americans. Now, before organizations start to quibble over the optimal quality of service for a share service, they might want to agree on what the interface to the shared service needs to look like. Critics also like to carp, pointing out that, although he was a brilliant musician, Bernstein somehow lacked the depth of thought and vision necessary to produce a genuine masterpiece. Will this move them to improve behavior the poll characterized as impolite, prone to loud carping and inattentive to local customs? This distinction may seem a quibble, but the yearning to pin the crisis on a handful of supposed criminals distorts the story we tell about it. As the carpers point out, there have already been assorted Iraq reviews in Britain, both independent and parliamentary. The minimal research effort applied to the way charities or NGOs are run and how well they do contrasts sharply with the minute scrutiny applied to the work of business and government. Critics carp that Vale’s ventures in copper and nickel have not been wholly successful. |
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