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词汇 bobby
释义 bob·by 英ˈbɒbiː美ˈbɑbiAHDbŏbʹē

an informal term for a British policeman在英语口语中,人们有时候用bobby来称呼警察。bobby一词其实是创建伦敦第一支警察部队的罗伯特•皮尔爵士的名字Robert的昵称。罗伯特•皮尔爵士Sir Robert Peel,1788-1850是英国最杰出的首相之一,被看作英国保守党的创建人。1829年,当时担任英国内政部长的罗伯特•皮尔促使议会通过了创建新警察制度的议案《大伦敦警察法》,建立了“大伦敦警察厅”,标志着近代警察制度的建立。在建警初期,罗伯特•皮尔提出的九项警务原则,深刻体现了英国警察的性质,使警察事业在英国取得了辉煌的成就。因此,在英国,人们亲切地用罗伯特的昵称bobby来称呼警察。bobby pinU形发夹bobby socks短袜bobby soxer=bobbysoxerbobby sox短袜bobby-dazzler华而不实的东西…hairgrip 发夹bobby veal小牛肉bobby calf初生之犊bobby off走开滚开bobby socker少女,十多岁的姑娘…
近义词 constable警官police officer警官cop纺锤状线团、管纱…

Bobby cried when he broke his kite. Mother said, “You're a big boy now. Act your age.”鲍比把风筝弄破时哭了起来。妈妈说:“你已经是个大孩子了,要像个大孩子的样子。”
Let Bobby run down to the post office for you: he can do it in the twinkling of an eye.让博比为你跑一躺邮局吧,这桩事他一眨眼功夫就能办好的。
Oh, don't worry about it. accidents happen. Besides, I knew Bobby was coming. I should have put that vase away.哦,别担心。意外总是会发生的。另外,知道鲍比要来,我应该早点把花瓶放起来。
John's new hat is abobbydazzler.约翰的新几十非常引人注意。noun.police officer
同义词 bluecoat,cop,detective,flatfoot,officer,patrolman,police,policeman,policewomanpatrolwoman,peace officer
bailiffnoun overseer
bluecoatnoun police officer
bobby,constable,cop,detective,flatfoot,officer,patrolman,patrolwoman,peace officer,policeman,policewoman
constablenoun police officer
bluecoat,bobby,cop,detective,flatfoot,officer,patrolman,patrolwoman,peace officer,policeman,policewoman
finestnoun police officer
bluecoat,bobby,cop,detective,officer,patrolman,patrolwoman,peace officer,police,policeman,policewoman
patrolmannoun policeman
arm of the law,badge,bear,beat cop,black and white,blue,bluecoat,bobby,constable,constabulary,cop,copper,corps,detective,fed,finest,flatfoot,force,gendarme,heat,law,law enforcement,narc,officer,patrol,patrolwoman,peace officer,police,police officer,policewoman
patrolwomannoun policeman
arm of the law,badge,bear,beat cop,black and white,blue,bluecoat,bobby,constable,constabulary,cop,copper,corps,detective,fed,finest,flatfoot,force,gendarme,heat,law,law enforcement,narc,officer,patrol,patrolman,peace officer,police,police officer,policewoman After several years, however, the boss promoted Bobby to the position of manager but John remained an ordinary employee.
然而,几年后,老板提拔博比担任经理,而约翰仍是一名普通员工。 yeeyan

I saw from“ Bobby” that life can turn around in an instant; we can lose strength in an instant and money can seem to evaporate.
从鲍毕的事情,我们知道,生活中的变数瞬息万变。 也许,我们的力量瞬间会化为乌有,钱财会顷刻消失不见。 yeeyan

It is the brainchild of a group led by Bobby Cohanim at the Draper Laboratory, an independent research centre in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
来自麻省剑桥的一个独立研究中心---爵普实验室的鲍比.科海里所率领的一支团队创作这款新型探测器。 ecocn

Turns out Bobby had owned a small landscaping business, and had loved his work, but he suffered an injury on the job that required an operation.
并且得知,鲍毕曾经拥有一家小型的环保公司,他十分热爱他的事业,但工作中的一次意外让他不得不进行手术。 yeeyan

“ I'm humbled to receive an award for something I love doing and continue to love doing, I am very humbled,” said a tearful Beckham, who accepted the award from Sir Bobby Charlton.
“我觉得自己所做的一切真的是微不足道,我一直深爱着足球,并会继续踢下去。”从博比•查尔顿爵士手中接过奖杯后,贝克汉姆含泪说。 yeeyan

“ To receive it from Sir Bobby, who was there when I first started, I am truly honoured,” he added.
他接着说:“能从博比爵士手中接过奖杯,我真是感觉受宠若惊。” yeeyan

And if Bobby died, our young brother, Ted, would take over for him.
而如果鲍比也去世的话,那最小的弟弟,泰德就要接手。 ecocn

By the way, “ Bobby” and I enjoy a cup of coffee at least once a week now.
顺便说一下,鲍毕和我现在每周至少有一次一起共品咖啡的机会。 yeeyan

He decided not to resign but to learn from Bobby.
他决定收回辞呈并向博比学习。 ebigear

Her late uncle Bobby was a senator, too, as was her father, John Kennedy, before he became president.
而她已过世的叔叔博比罗伯特.肯尼迪,以及她的父亲约翰肯尼迪成为总统前,也都是参议员。 ecocn

John and Bobby joined a wholesale company together just after graduation from college the same year.
约翰和博比同一年大学毕业之后,马上就加入了一家批发公司。 yeeyan

John was very impressed and realized the difference between himself and Bobby.
约翰受到很大的触动,他意识到自己与博比之间的差距。 examw

Meanwhile, Bobby Kennedy continued to fret about whether he should get in the race too.
与此同时,鲍比.肯尼迪继续忧虑着,不知自己是否也应加入到竞选中去。 yeeyan

My dead dog, Bobby, doesn't do tricks anymore.
我的死狗博比再也不能玩那些小把戏了。 yeeyan

People could be forgiven for thinking the British bobby is wallowing in sleaze.
人们如果认为英国警察正沉湎于腐败中也是不为过的。 ecocn

PEOPLE were always coming to get Bobby Fischer. And he was ready for them.
人们总是来找鲍比·菲舍尔,并且他总是时刻准备着迎接他们。 ecocn

See exclusive photos of Sting and his friend Bobby Sager distributing indestructible balls to children in need.
详见斯汀和朋友鲍比•塞奇给需要帮助的孩子们分发“希望足球”的独家照片。 yeeyan

That's Bobby!
那是博比的! hjenglish

Well, I hope I can get Bobby back in this sack. He's starting to swell and come apart on me.
唉,我希望这个麻袋还能装得下博比,他已经开始发胀,似乎随时都会在我肩上散架。 yeeyan

Bobby has to give up his Porsche and his golf club membership, sell his house and move his family into his parents’ home.
鲍比不得不放弃了他的保时捷以及高尔夫球会会员,卖了他的房子,举家搬到他父母那里居住。 yeeyan

Bobby has two small eyes. He has long ears.
博比有两个小眼睛。他有长耳朵。 hjenglish




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