词汇 | 听之任之 |
释义 | 听之任之 辨形“之”,不能写作“知”。 辨析参见“听天由命”。。 辨形“之”,不能写作“知”。 辨析见“听天由命”。 俄文хранить молчáние относительнооставлять без внимáния 德文jn gewǎhren lassen einer Sache freien Lauf lassen 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 Rather than let your career meander, look for opportunities to prove you have initiative and leadership skills. Some local officials reinforced their dykes; others allowed them to fail. And, of course, there is massive piracy of DVDs, which the Chinese government does little to prevent. One is to do nothing, treating the various problems created by resistance as acceptable costs when set against drugs’ much greater benefits. Eric Schmidt, the boss of Google, caused uproar a few months ago when he seemed to suggest that the“ perfect economic solution” to click fraud was to “ let it happen”. Many Americans, however, might ask why the State Department had allowed a rising economic rival into such a vast oil reserve. Under the complaisant eye of Mr Ahmadinejad, a former guardsman, it has won a big, even dominant, place in the economy. If its debt is left to spiral down, Italy will be shut out of the bond markets. He was angry that European Union leaders have not stopped Slovenia from blocking Croatia’s EU accession talks over a trivial border dispute— but nobody thinks that merited his departure. Without any action, Mr Vilsack argues, courts will dictate the future of GM, organic and conventional crops. I understood her unease, but as the attending physician, I couldn’t second her opinion. Federal prosecutors are now investigating whether any commanders knew of the SOS debacle, but failed to stop it. Once a system is in production and running smoothly, handling the changing loads and recovering from failure, it would be nice to just let things be. In poor countries many governments often ignore waste altogether. On this issue, the government is adrift. It may have inspired a generation of young women to drink their coffee black, face school exams with weary fatalism and idly practice seduction techniques on dim-witted victims. Something was obviously very wrong here: it wasn’t that people didn’t know what they wanted, but rather that cynicism, or resignation, prevented them from acting. The political scientist also gave his students an all-purpose excuse for inaction and resignation. This reflects badly on India’s ruling party but is in fact grimly consistent with its long reluctance to enforce the law against Shiv Sena— a big reason for the impunity Mr Thackeray has enjoyed. Mr Obama did little to dispel the idea that he could work miracles. The untreated immune system is not helpless in all of this. Global emissions would still be almost10% lower than if nothing had been done. Yesterday's select committee hearing was a farce before the foam ever left my fingers: a toothless panel confronting men too slippery to be caught between their gums. |
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