

单词 Bobbi
释义 Bobbi ˈbɑːbi COCA²⁷⁶⁰³
Two in half a million: Bobbi Kelly and Nick Ercoline greet the dawn on August17,1969.
五十万人中的两位:波比·凯莉和尼克·俄克兰一起迎接1969年8月17日的黎明。 yeeyan

“ I look at it every day, ” Bobbi says. “ I met Nick, we fell in love and it was the beginning of my best life.”
“我每天都看这张照片,”波比说,“那时我刚认识尼克,我们相爱了,那是我最美好一段生活的起点。” yeeyan

“ There is no doubt in my mind that it's me and Bobbi and Nick Ercoline, ” he says.
科克兰说:“在我心里,毫无疑问,那就是我、波比和尼克·俄克兰。” yeeyan

After that first shock of recognition, the couple gave little thought to the photograph for nearly two decades, until Life tracked down Bobbi for a20th- anniversary article in 1989.
在照片上认出自己的惊喜之后,这对夫妇二十年里都没把那张照片当回事,直到1989年《生活》杂志在做二十周年纪念报道时找到波比。 yeeyan

And his Woodstock photograph hangs, poster- size, above Nick and Bobbi's breakfast table.
而他那张伍德斯托克的照片被放大成海报那么大小挂在尼克和波比家里,就在的早餐桌上面。 yeeyan

Bear Bobbi: I see, I will go somehow to pick up the children.
波比熊:我知道了,我会很快来到卡布拉星接回孩子们的。 blog.sina.com.cn

But Bobbi Kurshan says she recognizes that many teachers may not be quick to trust free, open- source materials.
但是 Bobbi Kurshan说她意识到许多的老师并不很多就相信这些免费的、开放式的资源。 yeeyan

One night in 1970, Corcoran brought the just- released Woodstock soundtrack album to Bobbi's apartment.
1970年的一天晚上,科克兰带着一张刚发行的《伍德斯托克》原声专辑来到了波比的家里。 yeeyan

So Bobby the cat was placed in a smaller- sized cage that fits inside Bobbi's larger kennel.
猫巴比被放进一个较小尺寸的笼子,这样才好塞进芭比较大的狗屋里。 ebigear

These results echo earlier research by Dr DeBruine's thesis adviser, evolutionary biologist Bobbi Low.
这些结果呼应了进化生物学家波比·洛先前的研究,波比是德布鲁恩博士的论文导师。 ecocn

Bobbi Kurshan is the executive director.
Bobbi Kurshan是执行主任。 yeeyan

Bobbi Wailes developed polio before a vaccine became available in the nineteen fifties.
Bobbi Wailes在19世纪50年代疫苗开发出来之前患上了小儿麻痹症。51voa




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