

单词 Acquisitions
释义 Acquisitions
Although the frequency of acquisitions has slowed,their number remains high.
尽管收购的频率已经减缓,数目却维持在高峰。 ebigear

As rivals threw money at new projects or acquisitions, it spent more on share buybacks and dividends than it invested.
当对手在新项目或收购上投资,埃克森美孚把更多的资金用于股票回购和股息而非投资。 blogbus

Because of this, these systems can often survive multiple consolidations and acquisitions over time.
因此,这些系统往往能够在多次合并和并购中幸免,长期生存下来。 ibm

Enterprise network expansion as a result of mergers and acquisitions.
企业收购和合并导致的企业网络扩充。 ibm

If your organization has a strategy of achieving growth through acquisitions, consider how newly acquired entities will fit within your design.
如果您的组织有通过收购实现发展的战略,请考虑新收购的实体将如何融入您的设计中。 ibm

In many cases, distribution is due in large part to mergers and acquisitions.
在许多情况下,分布很大程度上归因于合并和收购。 ibm

Mergers and acquisitions among companies and organizations often require data and application architects to integrate disparate data sources into a unified view of the data.
公司和组织间的合并和收购通常要求数据和应用程序架构师将异类数据源集成到数据的统一视图中。 ibm

Mergers and acquisitions are likely to pick up, not least because some smaller funds of funds may have to put themselves up for sale.
合并和兼并很可能会加速,尤其是因为一些小的组合基金可能不得不将自己出售。 ecocn

Mergers and acquisitions scenarios might result in federated connectivity implementations.
合并和收购场景可能导致联邦连接实现。 ibm

New acquisitions are often run as separate business units but integrated on the back end for enterprise reporting and other purposes.
新收购的部分经常作为独立的业务单位运行,但在后端进行了集成,用于进行企业报告和其他用途。 ibm

Part10 looks at mergers and acquisitions and, more generally, at the control and governance of the firm.
第10部分介绍了公司的合并和收购,以及更加宏观层面的公司控制和管理。 yeeyan

Protects customer investment in a highly volatile information management market in which mergers and acquisitions frequently take place.
保护用户在很不稳定的信息管理市场里的投资,在那里经常会出现合并和收购。 ibm

Some analysts think the deal could accelerate this trend by triggering more acquisitions.
一些分析员认为这笔交易会加速这种趋势,并触发更多的收购。 ecocn

That company lives by mergers and acquisitions.
那家公司靠合并和收购为生。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

That raised the temptation for acquisitions.
这为并购增加诱惑筹码。 ecocn

The legion of lawyers and bankers who specialise in mergers and acquisitions, for example, may at last have something to do.
比如说那些专职合并及收购的律师和银行家们就很高兴 — 他们终于可能会有活干了。 ecocn

We don't exclude the possibility of acquisitions if it strengthens our competitiveness.
我们不排除收购的可能性,只要这能加强我们的竞争力。 voa365




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