

单词 Boba
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A lot's changed for Boba, even though not much time's passed for him.
波巴变了许多,即使对他来说时间并没有过去太久。 starwarschina

After the Battle of Geonosis, Boba quietly buried his father's body and marked the grave with a simple“J.”
吉奥诺西斯战役后,波巴悄悄埋葬了父亲的尸体,只在坟墓上简单地标上了“J·F”。 starwarsfans

But though his motivations are cold and his plan calculated to perfection, Boba isn't alone in his malicious machinations against the Jedi Order.
虽然他的动机冷血,计划筹备得天衣无缝,但波巴在实施对抗绝地武士团的恶毒阴谋时并非孤身一人。 starwarsfans

Determined to exact revenge upon the Jedi, Boba poses as a clone cadet to sneak aboard a Jedi Cruiser.
决意要向绝地报仇,波巴假扮成克隆人军校学员,潜入一艘绝地巡洋舰。 starwarschina

Weiss, who is known as Boba Wee- sah in China, still is the head coach.
维斯,他在中国的名气就像 Boba Wee- sah不知此人是谁,他仍然是主教练。 blog.sina.com.cn

When she began recovering her memories, she held no ill-will toward Boba.
当辛塔丝开始恢复记忆时,她对波巴不再仇视。 starwarsfans

Young Boba's life changed when a tenacious Jedi Knight, Obi- Wan Kenobi, came looking for his father.
一位顽强的绝地武士欧比—万·克诺比的出现改变了小波巴的一生。 nakedprisoner

Boba watched as his father's enemies were sentenced to death, but Jedi prove very hard to kill.
波巴本想观看他父亲的敌人如何被执行死刑,但绝地武士不会那么轻易就屈服。 nakedprisoner.com




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