

单词 boat race
释义 boat race bəutreis 短语⁴⁹¹⁴⁴

a race between people rowing or driving boats用作名词They are training for theboat race.他们正在为划船比赛接受训练。
Simon rowed aboat raceand got first place.西蒙参加了划船比赛并赢得了冠军。 My family eated rice dumpling together, before going to see the Dragon Boat Race, organized by the voluntary organization.
一家人其乐融融地围在一起吃粽子,与爸爸妈妈一起去看自发组织的龙舟赛。 bbs.yule.iciba.com

The annual Oxford- Cambridge Boat Race is much the same: a slugfest between predominantly non- British mercenaries.
每年的牛津-剑桥的划艇赛也是如此:主要是非英国人的雇佣军之间的一场激战。 topsage

A team representing Nantou County won the2010 Central Taiwan Dragon Boat Race in Changhua County's Lugang Township.
一支代表南投县的队伍赢得了在彰化县鹿港镇举行的2010年中部县市龙舟友谊赛。 formosahut.com

Dragon Boat race Traditions At the center of this festival are the dragon boat races. Competing teams drive their colorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm of beating drums.
风俗习惯端午节最重要的活动是龙舟竞赛,比赛的队伍在热烈的鼓声中划著他们多彩的龙舟前进。 ebigear

Dragon boat race, flying kites, Yangge dance, I- go, Qigong and Shadowboxing are traditional sports loved by all minorities.
赛龙舟、放风筝、扭秧歌、围棋、气功和太极拳是深受汉族和各少数民族人们喜爱的传统运动项目。 kuenglish

During the festival, there are also many cultural activities, like cockfighting, the dragon boat race etc.
在节日期间,还有许多极富民族特色的活动,如斗鸡、龙舟赛等。 iciba




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