词汇 | 吐故纳新 |
释义 | 吐故纳新 辨形“新”,不能写作“心”。 辨析吐故纳新与“除旧布新”区别在于:吐故纳新可以用来形容人弃恶从善;而“除旧布新”一般不用此义。“除旧布新”可用于废除旧制度;机构等;吐故纳新一般不用此义。 辨形“新”,不能写作“心”。 辨析吐故纳新与“除旧布新”区别在于:吐故纳新可以用来形容人弃恶从善;而“除旧布新”一般不用此义。“除旧布新”可用于废除旧制度;机构等;吐故纳新一般不用此义。 法文rejeter ce qui est altéré et absorber ce qui est neuf 俄文удалять негодное и вбирáть новое 反义词 Breathing got self- renewing, but produced foam accumulation. He said one of his core tasks will be to breathe new life and inject renewed confidence into the sometimes weary Secretariat, and seek to set the highest ethical standard. New life keeps the energy flowing, like the breath of the world. Rehan transpire in China concept, self- release and thus truly achieve physical and mental health. |
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