释义 |
名堂 míng táng ☆☆☆☆☆n.名词⁰·⁰⁰⁰⁶ᴾᵃ¹⁴⁷⁵⁷ 基本例句 result; achievement; reason; item; varietyresult; achievement成就what lies behind something; reason道理 这个坏家伙又在搞什么名堂?What's that villain up to now? 敌军突然撤走了,这里面有什么名堂?What's behind the enemy's sudden retreat? 办婚事么,别搞那么多名堂。Not too much elaborateness and show at the wedding. 墙角上的砖这么砌是有名堂的。There's areasonfor laying the corner bricks this way. 问了他半天也没问出个名堂。I questioned him for a long time but got nowhere with him. 依靠集体力量,一定能搞出名堂来。As long as we rely on our collective effort, we can certainly achieve something. 别看他们只是个业余表演队,演出的名堂可多啦!They might be only an amateur troupe, but they have an amazing repertoire. |