词汇 | 同病相怜 |
释义 | 同病相怜 辨形“怜”,不能写作“连”。 辨析同病相怜与“物伤其类”区别在于:同病相怜偏重于“怜”;即互相怜悯同情;而“物伤其类”偏重于“伤”;即伤感;悲伤。 辨形“怜”,不能写作“连”。 辨析同病相怜与“物伤其类”区别在于:同病相怜偏重于“怜”;即互相怜悯同情;而“物伤其类”偏重于“伤”;即伤感;悲伤。 歇后语牛郎织女哭梁祝;姐儿俩害相思 法文on sympathise avec ses compagnons de misère 俄文страдáющие одной и той же болезнью сочувствую друг другу 德文Leidensgenossen sympathisieren miteinander Leidensgefǎhrten fühlen miteinander 张先生很想让别人看到这张床,那就会听到许多赞赏的话,他特别喜欢听人恭维,于是,决定通知亲朋好友来家里做客,好借此机会炫耀一下自己新买的床。可是,转念一想,似有不妥,因为家里来了客人,都是在前厅接待,怎么能看到卧室里的床呢。 想来想去,张先生还真想出一个办法来,那就是佯装生病,告之亲朋好友,凡来探望的,岂不都要到卧室来坐一坐?如此,便可以达到目的了。 张先生于是病卧在床,家里人遵嘱告之几位亲朋好友,说张先生有病,不能前去拜望,因分十想念亲友,希望他们有空过来坐坐。 第一位来看望张先生的是一位姓王的老朋友。 王先生刚巧新买了一双鞋,质地很好,样子也不错,于是,王先生穿着这双新鞋去张家拜访,也想趁机让张先生夸夸自己的新鞋。 王先生到了张府,被张家人引至卧室去见张先生。王先生问候过张先生,便退至坐凳旁,正襟坐下。为了让张先生看到自己的新鞋,故意把衣襟扯到一边,再把一只腿搭到另一只腿上,这样翘着脚,更容易让张先生看到鞋。 谁知道,两个人的注意力都放在自己身上,根本没注意到对方的变化。 这样坐了一会儿,张先生只好拍拍床,对王先生说: “先生请坐近一点,坐到床上来吧,这是我新添置的床,你看如何?” 王先生心领神会,边夸床好,边指着自己的鞋说: “新东西就是不一样,你看我这双新买的鞋,也不错吧?” 两人都怀着一样的心思,自然彼此理解,于是,两人着实地向对方吹捧了一通。 反义词 With it will go a parallel outfit, the Paris-based “ European Security and Defence Assembly” of the member states' parliamentarians, which has a budget of €6m and a staff of30. Outside of a general compassion for fellow peers, moral values are based entirely on opinion . The topic of morality can easily be dissected from multiple view points among compassionate people of similar societal backgrounds. When you got laid off, you were in the same boat as many others. Like Ireland, the Baltic state is experiencing the pain of a burst property bubble and is now treading the path of austerity and internal devaluation. Both Jane and Elizabeth felt uncomfortable, and sympathized with each other. One priority is more zealous action by Portugal, Spain and others to prove that, although they suffer from some of the same ailments, they are not Greece. We all fight the same temptations, and“ all of us have sinned.” Millions have felt what you're feeling and have faced the same struggles you're facing right now. I felt more than ordinary human sympathy for him in his misfortune. I was deeply moved as a fellow sufferer. It was anchored by an old, once- stately mansion that was cut- up into cheap apartments, and was surrounded by a sad assembly of rundown trailers and a couple white- washed shack homes. Take some comfort in the thought that thousands of people are in the same boat with you every day, and you will live through it and you will be a better person for having done so. And all those souls we have lost before you. Some patients also know her background— that I rescued her from a family that had abused her— and I think they can identify with her for that reason. The advance of genetic engineering has been held up as much by social objections as technical ones. The slide in Shanghai also weighed on Hong Kong, capping gains for the Hang Seng index at 5.3 percent. One exciting outcome of the study was that participants formed tight- knit groups in the online community based on their common experience with Parkinson's disease. And what about Manchester United’s La Liga double Barcelona? This is something I've been working through for quite a while, and still continue to work through, and I want to help others that are in the same situation. Courts are in similar straits all over the country. So the collapse into bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler has brought Windsor down along with Detroit. |
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