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词汇 board
释义 board 英bɔːd, bəʊrd美bɔrd, bordAHDbôrd, bōrd ★★★★☆常小中高四六研IT牛4COCA⁷⁶⁴BNC⁵⁷⁵iWeb⁴⁸³Economist¹⁰⁸⁰


a long thin flat piece of cut wood; plank


a flat piece of hard material used for a particular purpose

U膳食费; 膳食

the cost of meals


an official body or group that has responsibility for a particular organization or activity

vt. 用木板覆盖或封闭

cover with boards

vt. 上船或火车、飞机等

go on board a ship or public vehicle, aircraft, etc.

vt. & vi. 搭伙并寄宿,收费供膳食及住宿

get or supply with meals

a committee having supervisory powers;

the board has seven members

a stout length of sawn timber; made in a wide variety of sizes and used for many purposesa flat piece of material designed for a special purpose;

he nailed boards across the windows

food or meals in general;

she sets a fine table

room and board

a vertical surface on which information can be displayed to public viewa table at which meals are served;

he helped her clear the dining table

a feast was spread upon the board

electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices;

he checked the instrument panel

suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree

a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilitiesa flat portable surface usually rectangular designed for board games;

he got out the board and set up the pieces

get on board of trains, buses, ships, aircraft, and take one's meals at or in;

she rooms in an old boarding house

lodge and take meals atprovide food and lodging for;

The old lady is boarding three men


❌ We'd better board to the train now.

✔️ We'd better board the train now.

表示“上车〔飞机、船〕”时, board是及物动词,接宾语时不需再加介词。

board, batten, plank, plate

这组词都有“板”的意思。其区别在于:board是普通用词,泛指各种宽而薄的板; batten一般指“板条”“压条”“挂瓦条”“压缝条”。例如:

batten door小板门。


We got into the cellar through a round hole covered by a metal plate.我们从一个有金属盖板的圆洞进入地下室。
I read her name on the polished brass plate.我在擦亮的黄铜门牌上看到了她的名字。
In the steel plate five holes were drilled an inch apart.在这块钢板上钻了五个相距一英寸的孔。


plank bed木板床; plank bridge木板桥。


a black board 黑色的木板

a blackboard 黑板

on board 在船〔车、飞机〕上

on the board 将在会上讨论

board, harbour, house, lodge, room, shelter




Many villagers volunteered to house the flood victims.许多村民自愿为水灾难民提供住处。

3.board主要指“提供膳宿; 包食宿”,而且通常指收费的。例如:

My aunt boards holidaymakers during the summer.夏天我的姨母收费给度假的人提供膳宿。
She arranged to board some Chinese students from the university.她安排了这所大学的一些中国学生在她家食宿。
Mrs. Jones makes a living by boarding students.琼斯太太靠给学生们提供食宿为生。


Many southerners sheltered runaway slaves during the Civil War.南北战争之时,许多南方人保护过逃跑的奴隶。
You can't shelter your brother from blame in the accident.在这次事故中,你无法庇护你的弟弟免受责备。


They lodged the wanderers for the night.他们为流浪汉提供住宿。
The motel lodges thirty people a night.汽车旅馆一夜可为30个人提供住宿。


Harbouring criminals is an offence in law.窝藏罪犯是违法的。board的本意是“木板”。由于木板可以用于多种用途,所以单词board也从“木板”衍生出多种不同含义。古代西方人吃饭时的餐桌最初就是一块长木板,所以board一词衍生出“膳食”的含义。开会的会议桌最初也是一块长木板,所以board一词又衍生出“董事会”的含义。
用作名词 n.
动词+~be on board上船后burnish the board把木板抛光fall over board从船上掉下去get board上船go on board上车measure the board量木板nail the board钉木板organize a board组织一个委员会put up a board竖起木板saw a board锯木板形容词+~advisory board顾问委员会local board地方委员会sounding board共鸣板,共振板smooth board光滑的木板spare board备用板the bulletin board布告栏the draining board滴水板上the editorial board编委会the highest board最高的跳板the loose board松动的地板the top board最高的跳板thick board厚木板thin board薄木板名词+~advertisement board广告牌chess board棋盘cutting board供切割〔裁剪〕用的案板draft board〈美〉征兵局Education board教育委员会message board留言栏notice board〈英〉布告牌pine board松木板school board校董会sign board招牌,标志牌spring board跳板介词+~above board光明磊落across the board包括一切地,一律a piece of board一块长板the members of board董事会的全体成员the edge of one board木板的边the other side of the board木板的另一面chairman of the board董事长on board在船或飞机上on one's notice board在告示牌上on the board板子上~+介词the board against the wall靠在墙上的板子the board of directors董事会用作动词 v.~+名词board a bus上汽车board roof用木板盖屋顶board a ship上船board a train上火车board an aircraft上飞机board holiday-makers收费给度假的人供膳宿board the floor铺地板~+副词board around〈美〉轮餐board in在寄宿处吃饭board off用木板隔开board out在别处吃饭board over用木板铺上board up用木板堵上~+介词board at在…地方搭伙board by按…搭伙board for为…搭伙board over将…的尾部铺上木板board with和某人一起搭伙
用作名词n.above board

摆到桌面上的,光明正大 just and honorable

across the board

全体人员都包括在内 include in all the people

go by the board

未成功 be unsuccessful

on board

在船〔火车、飞机、汽车〕上 on ship〔train, plane, bus〕 etc.

board in v.+adv.

用木板围住或封住 close a space with boards of wood

board sth ⇔ inThere used to be a hole in the fence that we could creep through, but it's been boarded in.以前篱笆上有一个口子,我们可以钻进钻出,可是这个口子已用木板给钉上了。
board out v.+adv.

不在住处吃饭; (把某人)寄在别处膳宿 (cause to receive food and lodgings away from home)

board outJim boards out.吉姆在外面搭伙。
Mr. Smith has a bedroom in our house but boards out.史密斯先生住在我们家里,但他在别的地方吃饭。board sb ⇔ outShe boarded out her children with a neighbour.她把孩子们寄在邻居家膳宿。
board up v.+adv.

用木板封住,用板隔断 put boards over the door or windows

board sth ⇔ upBoard the door up.用木板把门封住。
He boards up his doors and windows before leaving on a holiday.度假之前他用木板把门窗封上。
When the shop closes, the shopkeeper boards up the windows.商店关门时,老板用木板把窗户封上。
The windows are boarded up to prevent the thieves from breaking in.用木板封好窗户,防止盗贼进入。
board with v.+prep.

寄膳; 搭伙 take meals with sb in sb's house

board with sbHe boarded with his aunt.他在他姨妈家寄膳。故事记忆离家成为 Boarder寄宿生碗筷扔进 Cupboard碗柜坐下来敲 Keyboard键盘眼睛看着 Blackboard黑板时时梦想 Aboard上机美国淘金进入 Board董事会飞到美国淘金发财。非常记忆bo〖象60〗+ar矮人〖拼音〗+d弟〖编码〗⇒60个矮人被弟弟放到了木板上小学英语速记联想记忆:跟abroad国外一起记近义词 feedplankcatchentern. panelslabv. accommodate
用作名词n.Would you saw me a piece of board two inches by one?请给我锯一块长两英寸、宽一英寸的小板好吗?
The carpenter was shaving a board.木匠在刨一块木板。
The carpenter evened a board with a plane.那位木工用刨刨平了一块木板。
Nail the boards onto the fence posts, they will make a good fence.把这些木板钉在立柱上,这样围墙就牢固了。
Will you nail down that loose board in the floor?请把那块松动的地板钉牢好吗?
Lean the board against the wall, it is in the way.把板子靠在墙上,它挡道。
How many of our girls dived off the top board.姑娘中有多少从最高的跳板上跳过水?
The competitors will dive off the highest board.比赛者将从最高一个跳板上跳入水中。
If you can't pull the nails out by their heads, punch them out from the other side of the board.如果你不能把钉子从钉子头这边取出来,你可以从木板的另一面把它们敲出来。
The boat is built by lapping the edge of one board over the board underneath.用一块木板的边压在下面的一块木板上,船就这样造出来。
They knocked together a rough box with wooden boards.他们用木板草草地做成了一个粗糙的箱子。
We plan to floor the house with pine boards.这房子我们打算用松木做地板。
The room was floored with boards.这房间是用木料铺的地板。
Leave the dishes on the board to drain.将盘子放在水槽旁边的板上晾干。
He stacked the dishes on the draining board.他把碗盘放在滴水板上。
The students put up a poster on the bulletin board.学生们在布告栏上贴了一张海报。
Please post this important message on your notice board so that all the students can read it.请把这张重要的通知贴在告示牌上,以便全体学生都能看到。
We'll notify the time of the meeting on the bulletin board.我们将在布告栏上公布会议的时间。
The teachers usually pin up the best work on the board.老师们通常把最好的作业钉在展示板上。
A boy was kept busy marking up the runs on a board.杂役忙着把车的班次写在布告牌上。
I pay weekly for my board and lodging.我按周付食宿费。
I owe for my board and lodging.我欠着食宿费。
Her father pays for her rent and board but Lucy keeps herself in clothes.露西的父亲负担她的吃住,她自己则挣钱添置衣服。
Let's go and arrange with them about the board.咱们去和他们安排一下搭伙的事吧。
The notice was put up by the editorial board of the school journal.布告是校刊编委会贴的。
The point will be laid on the board at the next meeting.这一点将在下一次会议上讨论。
Your suggestion will be set before the board at their next meeting.你的建议将提交董事会的下次会议审议。
He is still on the board, but he resigned as chairman some months ago.他仍在董事会,但几个月前他辞去了董事长职务。
They committed some funds to the care of the board of trustees.他们把一笔款子交给董事会管理。
The board is determining company policy.董事会正在制定公司的方针大计。
He acted as secretary to the board.他充任委员会的秘书。
The members of board requested that the chairman of the board should reconsider his decision.董事会的全体成员要求董事长重新考虑他的决定。
He was later removed by the board of directors.后来他被董事会撤职了。
His election to the board of directors paved the way to the replacement of the old president.他被选入董事会,这为他取代原来的董事长铺平了道路。
The board nominated her as the new director.董事会任命她为新董事。
Uncle left his position on the board of directors as he felt that he should move over in favour of a younger man.叔叔觉得把他在董事会的职位让给一个年轻些的人有好处。
The three-man board manages its business with care and dispatch.这个三人董事会办事细心、麻利。
Your request will be handed up to the board of the directors.你的要求将被提交给董事会。
I shall have to gather myself together to face the whole board of directors.我得冷静下来以对付整个董事会。
We thank the committee for bringing to light some facts which will influence the board's decision.委员会暴露了将影响理事会作出决定的一些事实,对此我们深表感谢。
Are you going to bring any of the other board members in on your plan for the election ?你想请董事会的其他人来参与讨论你的选举计划吗?
Despite his pleasant manner,I suspected he was fishing for information about the decisions made at the board meeting.尽管他的态度讨人喜欢,可我怀疑他是在打听关于董事会决定的消息。
We joined the passengers waiting to board.我们加入了等候上船的旅客队伍中。
As soon as I'm on board I always feel sick.我一上船就感到恶心。
He has been on the boards all his life.他演了一辈子戏。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe workers are boarding over the stern of the boat.工人们将船的尾部铺上木板。
We joined the passengers waiting to board.我们加入了等候上船的旅客队伍中。
I'm boarding at a friend's house.我在一位朋友家里寄宿搭伙。
S+~+ n./pron.He boarded the roof himself.他自己用木板盖屋顶。
Floe and I decided to board a train for Geneva.我和弗洛决定乘火车去日内瓦。
The customs house officers boarded our ship and made a thorough search for smuggled goods.海关官员登上船仔细搜查走私货物。
My aunt boards holiday-makers during the summer.夏天我的姨妈收费给度假的人提供膳宿。
She arranged to board some Chinese students from the university.她安排了这所大学的一些中国学生在她家食宿。
Mrs. Jones makes a living by boarding students.琼斯太太靠给学生们做饭为生。
The floor wasboarded.地面已铺好铺板。其他v -ing as Attrib.He showed us the boarding house.他领我们看了膳宿处。
There is a small boarding school in the little town.那个小镇上有一所不大的寄宿学校。
Charlie ran away twice from his boarding school.查理两次从寄宿学校逃跑。Pdam-board挡板Pboardingn.木板Pfoot-board踏板Pkeyboardn.键盘Plapboardn.膝板Ppinboard插接板Psubboard子插件Ptail-board尾板Parm-board起纹板Pformboard形状板Pfreeboardn.干舷Pgangboardn.跳板Pmonoboard单板的Pplugboard插接板Ppresboard硬纸版Pwallboardn.墙板Pblackboardn.黑板Pboxboardn.硬纸板Pchalkboardn.黑板Pflashboardn.闸板Pguideboardn.路牌Pleeboardn.下风板Pmopboardn.踢脚板Ppaperboardn.纸板Pscaleboardn.底板Ptagboardn.标签纸Ptreadboardn.踏板Pboard-level板级的Pcallboardn.通告板Pcardboardn.薄纸板Phardboardn.硬纸板Pheadboardn.床头板Pnameboardn.站名牌Psideboardn.餐具柜Ptable-boardn.牌桌Pwashboardn.洗衣板Pcall-boardn.公告板Pdrainboardn.滴水板Pfibreboardn.纤维板Pknifeboardn.磨刀板Ploadingboard承载板Pmatchboardn.企口板Ppunchboardn.击彩盘Pscoreboardn.记分板Pstrawboardn.硬纸板Pweatherboardn.檐板Pastarboardad.向右舷Pbuckboardn.平板马车Pmillboardn.书面厚纸Psplashboardn.挡泥板Pboards-moneyn.伙食钱Pbreadboardn.切面包板Pmantel-boardn.壁炉架Pmouldboardn.模板型板Psprayboardn.防溅船舷Pbreadboarding试验模拟Pfingerboardn.指板键盘Pmotherboardn.底板母板Poff-board场外交易市场Psignboardn.招牌布告板Pboardinghousen.寄宿处Pbargeboardn.山墙封檐板Pboard-outvi.在外面搭伙Pchessboardn.西洋象棋盘Pdraughtboardn.西洋棋盘Pbakeboard烘板烘烤面团板Pbaseboardn.护壁板脚底板Pbeaverboardn.硬建筑纸板Pboardern.寄膳者寄膳宿者Pchipboardn.粗纸板刨花板Pdashboardn.仪表板挡泥板Pday-boardern.寄膳走读生Pspringboardn.跳板出发点Ptailboardn.可取下的尾板Pboardhousen.供膳的寄宿处Pcupboardn.食橱碗柜餐具柜Pmother-board母板主插件板Pplasterboardn.石膏灰泥板Pshuffleboardn.推圆盘游戏Psoundboardn.共鸣板共振板Pswitch-board电键板配电板Pbridgeboardn.木楼梯之侧板Pmoldboardn.犁壁推土板模板Pnoticeboardn.告示牌布告板Pshipboardn.舷侧船a.船用的Pstringboardn.楼梯斜梁侧板Pboarding-cardn.搭载客货单Pbaffle-boardn.反射板防音板Pfloatboardn.蹼板轮翼承水板Pskateboardn.溜冰板v.滑滑板Pfootboardn.踏脚板放脚台竖板Pkeyboarding键盘输入键盘作业Pmid-board中隔墙间壁中间纸板Pswitchboardn.配电盘接线总机Pinboarda.内侧的ad.向内在船内Poverboardad.自船上落下在船外Pboardroomn.会议室证券交换场所Psurfboardn.冲浪板用冲浪板滑水Pbillboardn.广告牌布告板vt.宣传Pfloorboardn.一块地板汽车底部板Pseaboardn.海岸沿海地带a.海边的Pcheckerboarding划方格线划分小格Pclipboardn.有纸夹的写字板剪贴板Plarboardn.左舷a.左舷的ad.朝左舷Pmortarboardn.灰泥搅拌托板学士帽Poutboarda.外侧的舷外的ad.向舷外Ptar-boardn.一种坚固的书皮硬纸板Psideboardsn.络腮胡子鬓脚连鬓胡子Pwaterboardn.水刑水利委员会防浪板Pboardwalkn.木板路木板铺成的散步道Pcribbage-boardn.克里比奇牌戏记分板Ppressboardn.压制板绝缘用合成纤维板Pbackboardn.后挡板背板脊骨矫正板篮板Ponboardad.在板上在船上在车上在飞机上Ppasteboardn.厚纸纸板纸牌a.纸板做的不结实的Paboardad.在船上在火车上在飞机上prep.在…之上Pclapboardn.护墙板护壁板桶板vt.给…覆盖护墙板Paboveboardad.光明正大地率直地a.光明正大的率直的Pcentreboardn.船底中心垂直升降板装有升降板的小船Pstarboardn.右舷右侧ad.向右舷vt.转向右方向右转舵Pcheckerboardn.棋盘方格图案vt.在…上面纵横交错地排列/分布




board的另一个意思是“理事会”,指企业、学校、团体等的领导机构,是集合名词, board用作主语时,其谓语动词既可用单数形式强调理事会整体,也可用复数形式强调成员个体。


on board表示“在船〔火车、飞机、汽车〕上”等,且on board后不能用of。


board用作动词时意思是由原名词“木板”及其引申所表示的“餐桌”“甲板”三个意思转化而来的,即:①用木板覆盖或封闭; ②上船或火车、飞机等; ③提供膳食服务及住宿尤指收费。

board作“用木板覆盖或封闭”解时,是及物动词,以被封闭物作宾语,可用于被动结构; 作“上船或火车、飞机等”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,以表示交通工具的名词作宾语; 作“搭伙”“膳宿”解时,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,以被提供服务的人作宾语。

on board of the steamer/ship,on board the steamer/ship,on board ship这几种表达方式都常见。注意on board of ship是错误的表达;

在美式英语中,on board通常解释“上车”,“在车上”或“在飞机上”,而在英式英语中则解释为“上船”和“在船上”。

用作名词Will you draw the nails from thisboard?请你把钉子从这块木板上拔出来好吗?
Paste down the map on theboard.把这张地图用浆糊贴在布告板上。
Her election to theboardof directors caused great surprise.她被选进董事会,令人大为吃惊。
Please get onboardat once; the plane is taking off very soon.请即刻登机;飞机马上就要起飞了。
She pays $100 a week plus room andboard.她每星期付100美元,另加食宿。
For ambitious actors, playing on theboardsis the greatest happiness in their life.对怀着雄心壮志的演员来说,在舞台上表演是他们生命中最大的快乐。用作动词Passengers mustboardthe ship by 6 p.m.旅客必须在下午六点钟以前上船。
The passenger walk up the ramp toboardthe airplane.旅客们走上活动舷梯登上飞机。
Flight 757 is nowboarding.757航班的乘客请现在登机。
We will be very glad toboardand lodge you.我们很高兴为您提供食宿。
Jim prefers toboardwith Mrs.Smith.吉姆更愿意在史密斯太太那儿搭伙。
I'dboardup the windows if I were you.如果我要是你的话,我就用木板把窗户钉上。noun.piece of wood
同义词 panellath,plank,slat,strip,timber
反义词 individual,onenoun.meal
同义词 eats,fare,food,keep,mess,provisions,victualsdaily of advisers
同义词 cabinet,committee,jury,paneladvisers,brass,conclave,council,directorate,directors,execs,executives,trustees,upstairsadvisory group,executive suite,front office
反义词 individual,oneverb.embark on vehicle
同义词 catch,climb on,enter,get on,hop onemplane,entrain,mountembus
反义词 disembark,get off,leaveverb.provide food and sleeping quarters
同义词 accommodate,put upbed,canton,feed,harbor,house,lodge,quarter,roomcare for,let crash
反义词 turn awayturn out
accommodateverb make room, lodging available
contain,domicile,entertain,furnish,harbor,hold,house,put up,quarter,receive,rent,shelter,supply,take in,welcome
accommodatesverb make room, lodging available
accords,accustoms,adapts,adjusts,agrees,attunes,bends over backwards,complies,composes,conforms,coordinates,corresponds,don't makes waves,don't rocks the boat,fits,goes by the book,goes with the flow,harmonizes,integrates,makes consistent,modifies,plays the game,proportions,reconciles,settles,shapes up,suits,tailor-makes,tailors,tunes
accommodationsnoun place of residence, usually temporary
apartments,boardinghouses,boards,crash pads,cribs,digs,hotels,houses,housings,lodgings,motels,pads,quarters,roofs,room and boards,rooming houses,rooms,shelters
administrationnoun human or group who manages effort of an organization
President,admiral,advisers,board,bureau,cabinet,chair,chairperson,chargé d'affaires,command,commander,committee,consulate,department,directors,embassy,executive,executives,feds,front office,general,governing body,headquarters,legislature,management,ministry,officers,officials,powers,presidency,presidium,stewards,superintendents,supervisors,top brass,upstairs
bboardnoun electronic messaging system
BBS,board,bulletin board,bulletin board system
benchnoun large table
board,counter,desk,easel,ledge,shelf,trestle,work table,workbench Fixes that require changes to two or more subsystems should go through the board to ensure that all parties agree to the solution.
需要变更两个或多个子系统的修改应该需要通过变更委员会来确定每个部分都达成一致意见。 ibm




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