

单词 bn
释义 bn.
A2007 WHO report, A Safer Future, estimated that a flu pandemic could affect more than 1.5 bn people, or 25% of the world's population.
2007年世卫报告《 A Safer Future》估计禽流感大流行可能感染15亿人,相当于世界人口25%。 yeeyan

Both of their combine can build the BN model more efficiency.
二者结合能更有效地生成 BN模型。 cnki

It also held three online fairs for agricultural by- products, with a total transaction value of 4.066 bn RMB.
举办了三次“农副产品网上购销对接会”,共促成交易金额40.66亿元。 putclub

Bn entry-level position in sales. Eventual goal: manager of marketing department.
销售方面的初级官位。最终目标:销售部门的经理。 qingziw.hn00.com

Bn unerring faculty for detecting hypocrisy is one of her most useful attributes.
能没有差错地看出伪善的能力是她身上最有效的特性之一。 fuzi.hn00.com

A consortium of five top Chinese power companies is overseeing the 1.138 bn Yuan project.
这一耗费11.32亿人民币的项目由中国五大巨头电力公司组成的财团监督运行。 yeeyan

Bark Necrosis BN now affects most modern rubber plantations worldwide, with a wide range of severity across sites depending on the clone, the age of the trees, the site and the country.
树皮坏死 BN目前危害了世界大部分胶园,胶园受害严重度取决于橡胶品种、树龄、种植地和种植地区。 magsci

Financial markets were gripped by fears of a full-blown emerging country crisis Wednesday night amid mounting expectations that Argentina could be forced to default on its bn debt burden.
由于越来越多人预期阿根廷无法按时偿还1280亿美元的外债,人们担心出现全面的金融危机,导致该国的金融市场处于异常困窘的状态。 edu.sina.com.cn

He even claimed that he would talk to PR that PR should support SAPP to contest one-to-one with BN.
他甚至声称他会与民联商量及讨论,并认为民联应该退出以及支持沙进步党和国阵一对一的竞选。 dapsabah

He told the people that it is time to tell the BN government that Sabah is not their fixed deposit.
他说,现在是时候告诉国阵政府,沙巴已不是他们的“定期存款”。 dapsabah.org

It might also spark more defections, putting BN closer to its goal of a two-thirds parliamentary majority, sufficient to redraw electoral boundaries.
甚至也有可能使更多人转移阵营,从而使得巫统更有机会取得议会三分之二多数票,从而可以重新划定选举区。 ecocn

It is when the opposition Pakatan Rakyat in Sabah touches the issues the BN government is very fast to act on them.
这是因为当沙巴反对党民联触及有关国阵政府的问题时而引起市民的共鸣。 dapsabah.org

It train the BN frame with the algorithm based-on bound, and train its parameter with the algorithm based-on scored.
它以基于约束的算法来学习 BN结构,而用基于记分的算法来学习给定结构的参数。 cnki

Maybe when B1 through Bn take place, they set up some other processes in my soul.
可能当 B1到 Bn发生时,他们也使其他某些过程在灵魂中发生。 yeeyan

Mr Najib will have to win big to convince the sceptics, at the very least restoring the BN’s two-thirds majority.
纳吉先生还必须赢得一次大的胜利来说服持那些对恢复 BN的三分之二席位报怀疑态度的人。 ecocn

Sadly the BN government has not been kind to the Natives by not respecting this legal provision.
可悲的是国阵政府并没有善待当地的土著,同时也不尊重这项法律规定。 dapsabah.org

She says that she has written the very last chapter already BN and that the last chapter contains details of what happens to each surviving character. HPM.
她说她已经写好了最后一章 BN,这一章详细地写了所有幸存者身上发生的事情。 hoolee8

She says that she has written the very last chapter already BN and that the last chapter contains details of what happens to each surviving character. HPM.
她说她已经写好了最后一章 BN,这一章详细地写了所有幸存者身上发生的事情。 www.hoolee8.com

So at the end of Bn, the body stops repairing itself.
那么在最后的 Bn时,身体停止修复自我。 yeeyan

The opposition still represents a potent threat to BN, particularly as more young voters join the rolls.
反对党仍然对巫统形成有力威胁,尤其伴随着更多的年轻选民加入反对党阵营。 ecocn

They should take the cue from PBS which was a very strong Sabah- based party and free from BN control for about nine years.
他们应该可以从沙巴团结党以前的处境获得提示,团结党是一个强大的沙巴本土政党,并且没有受国阵控制约九年之久。 dapsabah.org

Variable correlation is expressed with consequence graph in Bayesian Networks BN, analysis of failure mode and effect of complex system is realized.
贝叶斯网络用因果关系图的形式表达变量间相互关系,实现复杂系统的故障模式和效应分析。 www.bgzdh.com.cn

BN modeling step is to decide model variables, and decide the network topology based on variable consequence.
贝叶斯网络建模先确定模型变量,根据变量间因果关系确定网络的拓扑结构。 www.bgzdh.com.cn




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