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词汇 bluster
释义 blus·ter 英ˈblʌstə美ˈblʌstɚAHDblŭsʹtər ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝TCOCA³⁷¹⁷⁵BNC⁵²²⁹⁵iWeb³³⁰⁶⁴Economist¹⁴⁶²⁸

noisy confusion and turbulence;

he was awakened by the bluster of their preparations

a swaggering show of couragea violent gusty windvain and empty boasting
blow hard; be gusty, as of wind;

A southeaster blustered onshore

The flames blustered

show offact in an arrogant, overly self-assured, or conceited manner来自英国人的本族语日耳曼语,和单词blow吹、刮、blast爆炸词源相关。bluster oneself into anger勃然大怒
blu=blow,吹,刮+st可能是动词的过去分词后缀+er动词的反复形式后缀→反复吹或刮⇒呼啸,咆哮。GRE红宝书blust = blastn 一阵突然风
blast 一阵风,爆炸,冲击波, burst爆发成狂风与怒吼
近义词 gas煤气blow打击rant咆哮rage狂怒puff喷出waft飘浮resent恨fury愤怒crow乌鸦brag吹牛tout兜售swash飞溅boast自夸vaunt吹嘘bark狗吠protest抗议bristle刚毛bravado作威threaten威胁complain抱怨gust突然一阵gasconade吹牛bully欺凌弱小者braggadocio自夸shoot a line吹牛bridle马笼头,缰绳…rodomontade大言不惭swagger大摇大摆地走…rhodomontade大言不惭harangue慷慨激昂地劝说…

用作动词Heblusteredhis way through the crowd.他吆喝着挤过人群。
Theyblusteredabout how they would beat us all up.他们威胁说他们要如何痛打我们大家。
The galeblusteredall night.大风刮了一夜。
The storm isblusteringnortheastward across the open Atlantic.风暴正向东北方向移动,吹向广袤的大西洋。
He always tries toblusterhis way out of difficult situations.他总是自吹自擂以摆脱困境。
Instead of admitting when we do not know something, we bluff andbluster.我们总不愿意承认我们的无知,而是能吹则吹,能唬则唬。用作名词We could hear theblusterof the wind and rain.我们能听到狂风暴雨的吹打声。
Much of hisblusterrose from timidity.他的吵嚷大都是由于怯懦。
I wasn't frightened by what he said, it was justbluster.他说的话吓不倒我——不过是雷声大,雨点小。
He impressed no one by hisbluster.他的大话没有给任何人留下印象。noun.bullying, intimidation
同义词 braggadocio,bravado,swaggerbluff,boasting,boisterousness,bombast,bragging,crowing,rabidity,swaggeringrampancyverb.bully, intimidate
同义词 bulldoze,gloat,hector,swagger,yapbadger,boast,brag,brazen,browbeat,cow,crow,domineer,rant,rave,roar,roister,storm,strut,swell,vapor,vauntride the high horse,shoot off one's mouth,show off,talk big
arrogancenoun exaggerated self-opinion
bawlverb yell
bellowverb holler
bellowedverb holler
bellowsverb holler
bleatnoun sheep sound
baa,blat,blather,bluster,cry,fuss,gripe,maa,whine And the Chechen tragedy helps to explain why Mr Putin's neurotic bluster plays so well among ordinary Russians.
同时,车臣的悲剧也有助解释向普通俄罗斯人解释为何普京神经质般的咆哮起到如此有效的作用。 ecocn

As for Pakistan, for all its bluster, it desperately needs foreign, ie, American money.
对于巴基斯坦,它的咆哮,它极其需要别的国家的援助,也就是美国的金钱。 ecocn

For all the bluster, one can't help feeling the tough EU stance is a bit of a bluff.
说道威胁恐吓,你会不由得发现欧盟强硬的立场也不过是虚张声势而已。 yeeyan

For now, however, much of China's recent bluster turned out to be self- defeating.
不管怎样,到目前为止,中国发出的大多数恫吓结果都是固地自封、弄巧成拙。 yeeyan

One sure sign, based on pattern recognition, is that those that talk tough and are full of bluster are predictably those that are the first to blanch in the face of adversity.
根据模式识别,有一点是可以确定的,那就是,那些嘴上强硬,夸夸其谈的家伙,在面对逆境的时候,通常是最先退缩的人。 fortunechina

Amid a global meltdown, perhaps Tories would forget their bluster and agree that British interests would not be served by standing aloof and watching Spain’s reduction to economic rubble.
在全球经济萎缩期间,保守派好像忘却了他们的怒吼,同意了:英国的利益不会被供应,而是规避并且观看西班牙衰减成为经济的碎片。 yeeyan

But in fact he may never have uttered those precise words, and there is both ambiguity and calculation behind the bluster.
但事实上他可能从未讲过这样的话,在虚声恫吓的背后,含糊其辞和工于计算兼而有之。 ecocn

Expect talk about Europe’s politicians demonstrating that they are stronger than markets, and lots of bluster about the wickedness of Anglo-Saxon“ speculators”.
可以想象,闲言碎语会嘲讽那些自命不凡的欧洲政客,铺天盖地的虚张恫吓会抨击盎格鲁撒克逊“投机者”的险恶。 ecocn

Mr Kim’s bluster is probably intended more for an American audience than a South Korean one— as well as for his own people.
金先生的咆哮很可能意在他的美国观众,以及自己的人民,而不是南韩。 yeeyan

Ms Bhutto, despite much noisy bluster about the sanctity of democracy, would have no principled objection to forming a partnership with General Musharraf.
布托女士对有关民主神圣性的大量嘈杂的咆哮充耳不闻,原则上不反对和穆沙拉夫将军结盟。 ecocn

Over the past18 months they have mostly taken refuge in denial and bluster, punctuated by bickering and by heaping blame on financial markets.
在过去18个月,他们大多数都以否认和夸夸其谈置身事外,不时争吵不休,对金融市场横加指责。 ecocn

Strip away the bluster, and this was a fight about electoral advantage.
剥开空泛之谈,这是一场选举利益之争,如今胜负未定。 ecocn

The ECB, for all its bluster, may have to loosen sooner than it would wish to in order to stem the euro's rise.
欧洲央行尽管极为愤怒,但是也可能不得不在自己所希望的时间之前更早地放松政策,以便阻止欧元的升值。 ecocn

The question in the minds of most Indians is how we should react to this piece of bluster?
大多数印度人会考虑这样一个问题,对于这一声明,我们应该做何反应? yeeyan

Their populist cultural complaints might sound typical of the bluster that seems to happen naturally wherever Islamist parties collide with a secularist state.
其民粹主义文化的抱怨是一个伊斯兰政党和世俗国家发生碰撞发出的典型咆哮。 ecocn

This week, despite typical North Korean bluster, the South’s navy held “live-fire” exercises around the peninsula— though it avoided Yeonpyeong.
本周,尽管朝鲜再次威吓,韩国海军还是绕着半岛但是避开了延坪岛进行了“实装”演习。 ecocn

Yet the Kremlin masked these shortcomings through secrecy and bluster, and Americans' own insecurities fed into the perceptions of Soviet strength.
虽然克里姆林宫用保密和威吓掩盖着他们的缺陷,但是是美国自己的不安全感导致了对苏联军事力量的误判。 yeeyan




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