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词汇 另起炉灶
释义 另起炉灶 lìng qǐ lú zào 常用成语
make a fresh start繁体另起爐竈近义别具一格;标新立异;别树一帜反义一如既往;一成不变变体另起爐灶正音“灶”,不能读作“dù”;“另”,不能读作“líng”。
法文reprendre une affaire sur de nouvelles bases
俄文начинать всё сначала
德文mit etwas nochmals von vorne anfangen第二师范解散,要另起炉灶重新招生,重新招聘教职员。梁斌《红旗谱》五十动宾式:作主语;谓语;定语;用于做事;中性词。清 李汝珍《镜花缘》第14回:“必至闹到‘出而哇之’,饭羹莫辨,这才‘另起炉灶’。”解释: 比喻重新从头做起。清·李星沅《答荫兴堂提军李子廉镇军黄惺溪观察书》:“能将匪首董老官擒获惩究,余可望风敛迹。否则,大局甫定,复烦兵力,须另起炉灶矣。”
鲁迅《准风月谈·查旧账》:“为了另起炉灶,从新做人,非经过二十年不可,真是麻烦得很。”解释: 比喻另立门户,另搞一套。清·曾国藩《覆郭意城》:“盐务即责成厘东两局,不必另起炉灶,极是极是。”
梁斌《红旗谱》五〇:“第二师范解散,要另起炉灶重新招生,重新招聘教职员。”近义词 重整旗鼓别辟门户别具一格别树一帜标新立异重新努力别辟门户…
反义词 双管齐下一如既往一成不变
即使出现最坏的情况,我们也总可以随时在这里变卖商店,然后在其他地方另起炉灶。Even if the worst comes to the worst, we can always sell up our business here and start again somewhere else. Android一开始就自己单搞了一套内核,然后另起炉灶开发了自己的用户空间代码。内核社区适时地谴责了这种做法。
Android started by forking the kernel and writing its own user space mostly from scratch, and the community has duly condemned these moves. yeeyan

When your father went back to college for his teaching degree, it meant starting over, but I wanted him to fulfill his potential. whatai

Sure the details are different, but essentially, these tasks are repetitive. If so, then you need to create a template, so that you don’t reinvent the wheel every time you do the task. yeeyan

Threatening to abandon the CD and start anew will seriously undermine the authority of the CD. Such threats are unacceptable.

Yet the ways companies make products, especially electronics, have been disrupted and redesigned. yeeyan

The project has also been helped by building on existing technology and modifying it rather than starting afresh. yeeyan

To realize the happiness observes, education in colleges should not start all over again, but seek outlets from the moral, intellectual and physical education. boshuo

公司首席执行官 Pablo Isla认为没必要再建一个生产基地。他称,“我们目前不会考虑在亚洲另起炉灶,但可能会建立一个物流中心。
The chief executive, Pablo Isla, sees no need for a second product base: “ We’re not thinking of replicating the brain in Asia, ” he says, “ though maybe logistics.” ecocn

Without clear transitions, a speaker can inadvertently leave the audience scratching their heads as the speaker takes off in a new direction in the presentation. yeeyan

Hagelstein, Wu and others started from scratch rather than trying to improve the performance of existing devices. yeeyan

Even so, Mr Maggi’s change of emphasis is significant. yeeyan

库什内一直敦促法国缓和与卢旺达的关系。但是却是萨科奇的参谋长 Claude Guéant,去年前往基加利另起炉灶。
Mr Kouchner long urged a warming of French ties with Rwanda, but it was Claude Guéant, Mr Sarkozy’s chief of staff, who went to Kigali last year to make a fresh start.

Certain countries are, to my knowledge, thinking of setting up a “new kitchen” so as to move FMCT negotiations out of the CD. putclub

If the purpose of such a move is to reach a negotiated FMCT, we should be clear, if not clearer, about what the objective of the prospective treaty is in the first place. putclub

If America cannot find a way to bring China and India into the existing global power structure, they will start drifting away to form their own clubs. ecocn

We can imagine that if one decides to propose a new framework, it would be difficult to predict how long a consensus could be reached then, let alone to achieve a post- Kyoto agreement. putclub

He was a strong-minded man and knew that Love cannot be forced, so as he was not on good terms with his wife and had to live separately together with his9-year-old son. cntuw

由于很大一部分的 Mac OS仍基于陈旧的代码,苹果公司决定另起炉灶、从头开始。
Because large portions of the Mac OS were still based on creaky old code, Apple decided that it had to start from scratch. yeeyan

In the next few weeks it will open a branch in Connecticut, with three more states to follow by next spring. ecocn

China strongly opposes any attempt to infringe the basic principles of UNFCCC and to abandon the Protocol so as to start something new.

该框架并没有另起炉灶,它与其他框架是互补的,并且可以与它们一起使用,甚至可以用于基于 servlet和 JSP页面的应用程序。
Rather than trying to reinvent the wheel, it complements and can be used in conjunction with these other frameworks, and can even be used with applications based on servlets and JSP pages alone. ibm

Something remarkable and cheap and likely to make customers and investors happy long before you get to the cliff. yeeyan




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