

单词 blunts
释义 blunt·s 英blʌnt美blʌnt COCA⁷⁶³²²BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹

not sharp


speaking roughly and plainly, without trying to be polite or to hide unpleasant facts

vt. 把…弄钝; 减弱

make less sharp or forceful

having a broad or rounded end;

thick marks made by a blunt pencil

used of a knife or other blade; not sharp;

a blunt instrument

characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion;

blunt talking and straight shooting

a blunt New England farmer

I gave them my candid opinion

forthright criticism

a forthright approach to the problem

tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank

it is possible to be outspoken without being rude

plainspoken and to the point

a point-blank accusation

devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment;

the blunt truth

the crude facts

facing the stark reality of the deadline

make less intense;

blunted emotions

make numb or insensitive;

The shock numbed her senses

make dull or blunt;

Too much cutting dulls the knife's edge

make less sharp;

blunt the knives

make less lively, intense, or vigorous; impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation;

Terror blunted her feelings

deaden a sound

用作形容词 adj.
~+名词blunt knife不锋利的刀blunt refusal不客气的拒绝用作动词 v.~+名词blunt sb's enthusiasm减弱某人的热情blunt the edge使刀锋变钝
近义词 rudeimpoliteadj. direct反义词 sharpadj. keen
~+ n.He is sharpening a pair of blunt scissors with a whetstone.他在用磨刀石磨一把不锋利的剪刀。
She gave us a blunt refusal.她毫不客气地拒绝了我们。
S+be+~My pencil's blunt; can I borrow your sharpener?我的铅笔钝了,能借用你的削铅笔刀吗?
To be quite blunt,I think the government has made a complete mess of things.坦率地说,我认为政府把事情搞得一团糟。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHis son is blunt in mind.他儿子反应迟钝。
She is rather blunt in speech.她说话很直率。S+be+~+to- vThe ax is too blunt to cut down the tree.斧头太钝,砍不倒树。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.If you cut the iron wire with a knife, you'll blunt its edge.如果你用刀砍铁丝,会使刀锋变钝的。
Time blunts the edge of sorrow.时间会减轻悲痛。




My pencil isblunt, could you lend me a knife to sharpen it?我的铅笔钝了,你能借我把刀子削一削吗?
It involves systematic yet banal design, andbluntreportage.它使用系统的,然而平庸的设计和迟钝的新闻报道。
He's verybluntand will tell you what he thinks about anything.他的个性非常直率,会把他所想的都说出来。
The opinions of the article are tooblunt.文章的观点过于直露。用作动词His mind wasbluntedby boredom.他的头脑因厌烦而变得迟钝。
You 'llbluntthe scissors if you use them to cut cards.用剪刀剪硬纸板,你会把剪刀弄钝的。 No tearing when using the real silicone doll, and no hooking on blunts, sharp objects or nails.
娃娃身体娇嫩,使用时严禁强力撕扯,严禁坚硬的钝器、锐器、指甲等的钩挂。 muchun

The fact that employer- provided insurance is untaxed blunts employers’ incentives to control costs.
雇主提供的保险完全免税,这就打消了雇主控制成本的积极性。 ecocn.org

Another likely culprit, though, is the regulation of product markets: if regulation makes competition less intense, it blunts companies' incentives to raise productivity and thwart their rivals.
除此之外,还可能有另一宗罪,即产品市场管制:如果管制致使激烈竞争的缺失,这将降低企业提高生产率的动机并使之厌恶竞争。 ecocn

But the maturity periods of such loans are usually measured in days, so the pressure on the borrower to repay blunts their usefulness.
但是在成熟的市场,那样借贷利率通常以天计算,所以借贷者还款的压力会减弱其运用资金的效率。 blog.sina.com.cn

Even if higher private saving blunts the effect, some crowding out is eventually all too likely.
即使更多的个人储蓄会弱化这一效应,某些挤出效应将最终与其类似。 cn-em

For example, we have shown that, in rodent models, maternal high-fat feeding during the prenatal and lactational period blunts stress responsiveness in neonatal pups.
例如,我们已经在啮齿动物身上论证了,在胎儿期和哺乳期进行母乳喂养可以减少新生儿对压力的响应性。 dxy

Just how exercising before breakfast blunts the deleterious effects of overindulging is not completely understood, although this study points toward several intriguing explanations.
不过,对于早餐前的锻炼是如何降低暴饮暴食给身体带来的伤害尚未完全弄清,虽然该研究给出了一些有意思的解释。 blog.sina.com.cn

One reasonable explanation is that etching removes and blunts microcracks.
有一种合理的解释是说腐蚀能够去掉并钝化微裂纹。 kuenglish

Pessimism blunts the tools you need to succeed.
悲观会让你成功需要的工具变钝。 ejia

Senility blunts the awareness of the aged, so they can reminisce about happier days when they were younger.
衰老会使对年龄的感觉变得迟钝,这样他们就可以回忆起年轻时的快乐时光。 www.f062.com

Similarly conflict between opposites only blunts the Mind- heart and it is this dullness that prevents the understanding of the problem.
在对立面之间类似的冲突只是削弱了理智和心灵,而正是这种迟钝阻碍了对问题的理解。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn

This appearance is misleading and blunts the urgent call for policy change.
这一表象具有误导性,减弱了改变政策的紧迫性。 who

This not only blunts Mr McCain’s most powerful criticism of Mr Obama. It also raises serious questions about the way he makes decisions.
这不但使麦凯恩对奥巴马最强有力的批评大打折扣,也使他的决策方式出现了严重的问题。 ecocn

Time blunts the edge of sorrow.
时间一久悲痛自减。 tdict

Weak health systems are almost certainly the greatest impediment to better health in the world today. They are the central obstacle that blunts the power of global health initiatives.
薄弱的卫生系统几乎肯定是当前阻碍全球健康的最大因素,是影响全球卫生行动充分发挥作用的核心障碍。 who




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