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词汇 口诛笔伐
释义 口诛笔伐 kǒu zhū bǐ fá 常用成语
condemn in both speech and writing繁体口誅筆伐近义大张挞伐正音“伐”,不能读作“dài”。
俄文казнить пером и словом
德文etwas mündlich und schriftlich verurteilen他捐廉弃耻,向权门富贵贪求,全不知口诛笔伐是诗人句,垄上璠间识者羞。 ★明·汪廷讷《三祝记·同谪》联合式:作谓语;宾语;定语;表示对坏人坏事的揭发;中性词。明 汪廷讷《三祝记 同谪》:“他捐廉弃耻,向权门富贵贪求,全不知口诛笔伐是诗人句,陇上墦间识者羞。”解释: 诛:谴责。伐:讨伐,声讨。用言语或文字进行谴责和声讨。明·张岱《与李砚翁》引宋·吕祖谦曰:“君子所以口诛笔伐于荜门圭窦之间,而老奸巨猾心丧胆落。”
王旭烽《茶人三部曲》二部一二章:“虽手无缚鸡之力,难与强寇兵戈相见,但鞍前马后,口诛笔伐,老夫力胜也。”近义词 大张挞伐群起而攻之鸣鼓而攻之
反义词 歌功颂德树碑立传
他断断续续地同评论家们口诛笔伐,使得肝火旺盛。He kept the adrenalin flowing with off-and-on feuds with his critics.不过我的体验并不具有代表性。福特现在正在遭受汽车买主、经销商、第三方评估者和媒体的口诛笔伐。
My experience has not been typical, however, and Ford is getting roasted by owners, dealers, third-party evaluators, and the media. fortunechina

The regime refused to budge, rounded up its critics and annulled the results. ecocn

RUSSIA marked the first anniversary of its war with Georgia with a verbal salvo against Ukraine. yeeyan

Soaring prices are not good for local politics, and the property market is becoming the battleground for critics of the Singaporean government. yeeyan

She has been denounced in the state- controlled media and charged in absentia with conspiring against the State. yeeyan

And do not forget that we will have largely eliminated the mega insults of outdoor farming: fertilizer runoff, fossil- fuel emissions, and loss of trees and grasslands. yeeyan

While the film had done well in the box office, critics almost universally found it distasteful and were butchering it in newspapers around the country. gopep

Each stage respectively characterized as criticism both in speech and in writing, terror activities and participation in government or taking over power. dictall

In any case, the Vatican was not the only world authority under fire this week for giving heart to anti- Semites. ecocn

Some things became clear to both myself and the president as the world leaders increased their rhetoric against us. yeeyan

Some things became clear to both myself and the president as the world leaders increased their rhetoric against us. They were going to invade anyway. yeeyan

他曾经在电影《麻木》 Numb中出演长年患抑郁症的电影编剧,该片遭到了剧评家的口诛笔伐,票房入不敷出,不久被人遗忘了。
He starred as a chronically depressed film writer in the quickly forgotten movie Numb, which was mauled by critics and flopped at the box office. yeeyan

Their ratings of corporate debt may have held up well, but they were way off in structured securities, not a lot better in sovereign debt, and now their municipal- bond ratings, too, are under fire. ecocn

She says if it ever got out she would be crucified in the public eye an eye that has kept a close watch on her most of her adult life.

The group has not appeared the Chinese soccer degenerates into the object which the media denounces in word and in writing. hicoo

Iran said the vote was fair and has made Britain the target of some of its fiercest rhetoric. yeeyan

Italian football is now rallying around Inter Milan coach Jose Mourinho. vchina

In“The Crisis Caravan” her ire is directed at the ghoulish cavalcade that sweeps in after wars, famines and natural disasters. ecocn

在其他的城市 NBA的超级巨星被称为出版协会,而且口诛笔伐的对象包括队友,球队管理层,记者甚至球迷。
In other cities, NBA superstars might have called a press conference and begun firing verbal missiles in all directions at teammates, team management, reporters and even fans. wwenglish

IN A country where politicians are loathed and public spending must fall, it is hard to imagine a more appropriate policy than cutting the number of MPs. topsage

These large-scale land- lease deals have attracted criticism on the grounds that they could impair the rights of existing smallholders and damage the host country's own food security. ecocn

After the initial success in 1980 of his autobiographical play, “The Dresser”, his work was regularly savaged by London critics. ecocn

Campaigning for the Taipei and Kaohsiung elections has been typically colourful, noisy and acrimonious. ecocn

Such critics cite the council’s relentless condemnations of Israel and its cavalier attitude to free speech. ecocn




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