单词 | 口若悬河 |
释义 | 口若悬河 辨形“若”,不能写作“苦”;“河”,不能写作“何”。 辨析参见“侃侃而谈”。。 辨形“若”,不能写作“苦”;“河”,不能写作“何”。 辨析见“侃侃而谈”。 法文avoir la langue bien pendue 俄文язык хорошо подвешен 德文wie ein Wasserfall reden 拉丁文copia verborum 他在年轻的时候,已经是一个很有才学的人。尤其是他对于日常生活中所接触的一些现象,都能留心观察,然后再冷静地去思考其中的道理。因此,他的知识十分渊博,对于事情也常常能有独到的见解。后来,他又潜心研究老子和庄子的学说,并且对他们的学说有深刻的理解。 过了些年,朝廷一再派人来请他。他实在推辞不掉,只得答应了,到朝中做了黄门待郎。到了京城,由于他的知识很丰富,所以无论对什么事情都能说得头头是道,再加上他的口才很好,又非常喜欢发表自己的见解,因此每当人们听他谈论时,都觉得津津有味。 当时有一位太尉王衍,十分欣赏郭象的口才,他常常在别人面前赞扬郭象说:“听郭象说话,就好象一条倒悬起来的河流,滔滔不绝地往下灌注,永远没有枯竭的时候。”郭象的辩才,由此可知。 而后人就以“口若悬河”来形容人善于说话,一旦说起话来就橡倒悬的河水;滔滔不绝,永远没有停止的时候。 【注意】常与滔滔不绝连用。 反义词 Eloquence helps her to handle with the business. They asserted that she was beautiful and eloquent, that she took a number of assistants with her, that she was“the biggest thing that ever hit this burg.” The tourist guide is very familiar with every place of interests. She often talks eloquently about the local history and tradition of each place. Management gurus are always glibly proclaiming revolutions. I was toasted by him most eloquently at the dinner. Alcohol makes you think that you sound smart while actually making you objectively dumber. Wearing business suit and shoes, walking up and down in the platform, bearded Patrick spoke eloquently, eyes shining with wit. I never expected my eloquence to stir up an even greater amount of curiosity in this old lady. You were full of eagerness, and talked a great deal then; you were very interesting, and I really must confess I was a little carried away by you. If you’re trying to catch someone out, once they’ve done their spiel, ask plenty of difficult questions. His slick, entertaining presentation was eventually made into a film, “ An Inconvenient Truth”. When foreign students first came here, they could not say boo to a goose, but there is now no shortage of eloquent speakers and outspoken thinkers. In order to show that he was an eloquent speaker, the young man talked on and on about all irrelevant matters. I was soon under the spell of this formidable and eloquent woman. We have all met those glib, intimidating graduate students or faculty members. We receive several hundred responses, many of which were eloquent, intriguing, or downright wacky. These folks might well prefer a plain- spoken war hero like Mr McCain to the articulate and arugula- munching Mr Obama. I encountered them several times as I moved through the various rooms of art. Each time I heard her constant gush of words, I moved away quickly. Which is more than can be said for Zimbabwe's monetary authorities. Ultimately it was not the eloquence of the arguments against the Corn Laws that led to their abolition—and more's the pity. |
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