

单词 blunt
释义 blunt 英blʌnt美blʌntAHDblŭnt ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIST宝6八COCA¹⁰¹⁷²BNC¹⁰⁹³³iWeb⁹⁹⁸⁶Economist⁷¹⁴³


not sharp


speaking roughly and plainly, without trying to be polite or to hide unpleasant facts

vt. 把…弄钝; 减弱

make less sharp or forceful

having a broad or rounded end;

thick marks made by a blunt pencil

used of a knife or other blade; not sharp;

a blunt instrument

characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion;

blunt talking and straight shooting

a blunt New England farmer

I gave them my candid opinion

forthright criticism

a forthright approach to the problem

tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank

it is possible to be outspoken without being rude

plainspoken and to the point

a point-blank accusation

devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment;

the blunt truth

the crude facts

facing the stark reality of the deadline

make less intense;

blunted emotions

make numb or insensitive;

The shock numbed her senses

make dull or blunt;

Too much cutting dulls the knife's edge

make less sharp;

blunt the knives

make less lively, intense, or vigorous; impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation;

Terror blunted her feelings

deaden a sound

用作形容词 adj.
~+名词blunt knife不锋利的刀blunt refusal不客气的拒绝用作动词 v.~+名词blunt sb's enthusiasm减弱某人的热情blunt the edge使刀锋变钝
非常记忆bl〖象61〗+un联合国〖编码〗+t伞〖编码〗⇒61个人在联合国用钝的伞打架GRE红宝书音:笨榔头,笨重的榔头的头是很钝的,打下去也是很直接的发音记忆“不拦的”→口无遮拦的→率直的发音记忆“不拦的”→口无遮拦的⇒率直的形近词bruntn.主要冲击力近义词 rudeimpoliteadj. direct反义词 sharpadj. keen
~+ n.He is sharpening a pair of blunt scissors with a whetstone.他在用磨刀石磨一把不锋利的剪刀。
She gave us a blunt refusal.她毫不客气地拒绝了我们。
S+be+~My pencil's blunt; can I borrow your sharpener?我的铅笔钝了,能借用你的削铅笔刀吗?
To be quite blunt,I think the government has made a complete mess of things.坦率地说,我认为政府把事情搞得一团糟。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHis son is blunt in mind.他儿子反应迟钝。
She is rather blunt in speech.她说话很直率。S+be+~+to- vThe ax is too blunt to cut down the tree.斧头太钝,砍不倒树。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.If you cut the iron wire with a knife, you'll blunt its edge.如果你用刀砍铁丝,会使刀锋变钝的。
Time blunts the edge of sorrow.时间会减轻悲痛。Pblunthook钝钩Pblunt-pointed钝头的Pbluntnessn.钝率直迟钝Pbluntlyad.坦率地率直地





My pencil isblunt, could you lend me a knife to sharpen it?我的铅笔钝了,你能借我把刀子削一削吗?
It involves systematic yet banal design, andbluntreportage.它使用系统的,然而平庸的设计和迟钝的新闻报道。
He's verybluntand will tell you what he thinks about anything.他的个性非常直率,会把他所想的都说出来。
The opinions of the article are tooblunt.文章的观点过于直露。用作动词His mind wasbluntedby boredom.他的头脑因厌烦而变得迟钝。
You 'llbluntthe scissors if you use them to cut cards.用剪刀剪硬纸板,你会把剪刀弄钝的。adj.not sharp
同义词 dull,dulled,round,roundededgeless,insensitive,obtuse,pointless,unsharpened
反义词 needled,pointed,polite,sharp,subtle,tactfuladj.straightforward
同义词 brusque,candid,curt,explicit,forthright,matter-of-fact,outspoken,rude,trenchantbluff,brief,frank,shortabrupt,crusty,discourteous,gruff,impolite,plain-spoken,snappy,snippy,tactless,unceremonious,uncivil,unpolished
反义词 devious,kind,nice,polite,tactful,lengthy,longneedled,pointed,sharp,subtleverb.make dull
同义词 cripple,dampen,debilitate,sap,soften,undermine,water down,weakenattenuate,benumb,deaden,desensitize,disable,enfeeble,numb,obtundhebetate,take the edge off
反义词 aid,assist,encourage,help,strengthen,enliven,increaseneedle,point,sharpen
abruptadjective rude or brief in manner
appeaseverb satisfy, pacify
allay,alleviate,assuage,be enough,blunt,calm,compose,conciliate,content,diminish,do,ease,gratify,lessen,lull,make matters up,meet halfway,mitigate,mollify,patch things up,placate,propitiate,quell,quench,quiet,serve,soften,soothe,subdue,sweeten,tranquilize
appeasesverb satisfy, pacify
allays,alleviates,assuages,blunts,calms,composes,conciliates,contents,diminishes,does,eases,gratifies,is enough,lessens,lulls,makes matters up,meets halfway,mitigates,mollifies,patches things up,placates,propitiates,quells,quenches,quiets,serves,softens,soothes,subdues,sweetens,tranquilizes
baldadjective simple, unadorned
bareadjective simple, unadorned
barefacedadjective shameless;open
apparent,arrant,audacious,blatant,blunt,bold,brash,brassy,brazen,candid,clear,flagrant,frank,glaring,immodest,impudent,insolent,manifest,naked,obvious,palpable,temerarious,transparent,unabashed,unconcealed A sound banking system requires an independent monetary policy, which uses interest rates rather than blunt directives, to guide credit.
健全的金融系统需要独立自主的货币政策,利用利率而不是生硬的指令来管理信贷。 ecocn

The blunt poetry of his words, his unadorned insistence on respect, promised a new and uncompromising order, martial in its discipline, forged through sheer force of will.
他直率的诗句,对尊重的朴实坚持,并承诺一个新的不妥协的秩序,军事化的纪律,靠着纯粹的意志力稳步前进。 yeeyan

He was known as a blunt and demanding manager, but he also gained a reputation as a fair-minded boss who rewarded good ideas, no matter where they came from.
作为经理,他是出了名的直言不讳和要求苛刻,但员工们也说他是一位公正的老板,总是对好的创意进行奖励,不管这些创意是谁提出来的。 ecocn

I was rather blunt in my reply.
我的回答相当直言不讳。 ebigear

Mandelson was more blunt as he warned of the impact of the recession.
曼德尔森也对经济衰退的影响发出警告,他更加直言不讳。 yeeyan

Merely touching cash or even staring at a money- filled screensaver could blunt the impact of hard or painful events.
仅仅触摸一下现金,甚至盯着看充满金钱的屏幕,就可以钝化痛苦事件的影响。 yeeyan

Mr Lewin was blunt in his diagnosis of the crime problem.
他在分析国内的犯罪问题时相当直言不讳。 ecocn

No, if I may be so blunt.
恕我直言,我不这样认为。 xue163

The spurs cause blunt trauma to the shoulders which again never have time to heal properly before the horse is ridden and spurred in another rodeo.
马刺会造成肩膀的钝伤,这些伤从来都没有等到痊愈就会被在另一场竞技秀中再次被骑和刺。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Supremes turned a stake aimed at the heart of the regulatory monster into a blunt matchstick.
最高法院就这样将对准监管巨兽心脏的矛头变成了钝火柴杆。 ecocn

The course we are jointly pursuing is not a blunt assault, but a diversified multi- pronged approach.
我们联合追求的过程并非是一种生硬攻击,而是多样化的多管齐下的方式。 who

The Foreign Office is lurching from crisis to crisis, thanks to his new blunt foreign policy.
正因英国外交部新的生硬的外交政策,使得外交危机一波未平一波又起。 yeeyan

The knife is blunt.

There is powerful drama here, but too many of the scenes are handled with blunt portentousness rather than the subtlety a story as rich as this one deserves.
整部戏激情澎湃 ,但可惜的是,有不少场景处理得有些生硬而做作,缺少了如此丰富的故事情节所应该有的细腻。 yeeyan

Those are blunt, unyielding admonitions that ring in my head every day.
那些直言不讳的忠告每天都在我头脑中响起。 yeeyan

Uncle and aunt launched a laundry with the blunt hunter.
伯伯和伯母与直率的猎人创办了一家洗衣店. kekenet

Using them like a blunt instrument can hinder rather than help achieve the desired result.
但像钝刀一样,使用制裁手段也能够阻碍而不是帮助实现他们期望的结果。 yeeyan

Wine can blunt the senses.




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