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词汇 bluff
释义 bluff 英blʌf美blʌfAHDblŭf ★☆☆☆☆高四GST宝八COCA¹¹⁰⁷⁸BNC¹⁷⁸⁷¹iWeb¹²¹⁸⁵Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰

vi. 以假象欺骗,吹牛

deceive by pretending to be stronger,cleverer,surer of the truth,etc.,than one is

vt. 以虚张声势找出或达成

find or make one's way by doing this




a cliff


of a person or his/her manner rough,plain,and cheerful

a high steep bank usually formed by river erosionpretense that your position is stronger than it really is;

his bluff succeeded in getting him accepted

the act of bluffing in poker; deception by a false show of confidence in the strength of your cards
very steep; having a prominent and almost vertical front;

a bluff headland

where the bold chalk cliffs of England rise

a sheer descent of rock

bluntly direct and outspoken but good-natured;

a bluff but pleasant manner

a bluff and rugged natural leader

deceive an opponent by a bold bet on an inferior hand with the result that the opponent withdraws a winning handfrighten someone by pretending to be stronger than one really is美式英语词汇,可能来自荷兰语bluffen吹嘘,原本是个扑克牌游戏术语,表示“虚张声势”。玩过扑克牌的人应该都知道,在玩牌时,人们往往会虚张声势,明明抓了一手烂牌,却摆出一副胸有成竹、志在必得的模样,吓得对方不敢出手,从而在游戏中获利。这种虚张声势在英语中就叫做bluff。它原本仅仅是一个玩扑克牌的专业术语,但现在已经广泛应用于各种场景。bluff it out伪装而得以幸免蒙混…bluff throw假传bluff work边坡整平工作…bluff erosion陡壁冲刷bluff failure陡壁坍毁bluff body钝体,非流线形体,扁…bluff board挡泥板river bluff河边陡岸double bluff双重陷阱 双饵…blind man's buff捉迷藏call sb's bluff要某人摊牌; 激某人…call someone's bluff指出对方外强中干, …put on a good bluff虚张声势而又装出很安…run a bluff on虚张声势throw a bluff on虚张声势
GRE红宝书bluff = cliff(n 悬崖, 峭壁, 一般来说, 想跳楼的都是虚张声势. 尤其是失恋的, 他是想用死来挽回感情.
blow吹 + 音:风,只过是吹大气,虚张声势而已;blow + 音:拉风→吹,兜风,鼓起风,拉风指出风头,拉起风帆,拉大旗做虎皮,虚张声势;有cliff的意思,还有让你走到悬崖边上是想吓唬你,虚张声势
GRE难词记忆bluff→blow v.吹+stuff n.东西→吹出来的东西→虚张声势发音记忆布老虎 ⇒布老虎和纸老虎都只是虚张声势近义词 sham假con骗局scam骗局bank银行trick诡计cliff悬崖blunt钝的loud大声的blag俚v.delude欺骗bold大胆的deceive欺骗pretend假装headland海角hillside山腰cheery活泼的pass off发生precipice断崖sheer极轻薄的hearty亲切友好的forthright直截的plain-spoken坦率的steep cliff陡峭的山崖four flush 四张同花的牌…no-nonsense不容许胡说的…
S+~+AHe says he'll win the race,but he's only bluffing.他说他会赢得这场比赛,事实上只是在吹牛。
S+ ~+n./pron.She wasn't bluffing him.她并没有唬他。
He could bluff his way through any difficulty.他可以招摇撞骗闯过任何难关。
He bluffed me into thinking that his stick was a gun.他唬得我相信他的手杖是一支枪。用作名词n.His threat was just a bluff.他的威胁只是虚张声势。
It was just a game of bluff.那只不过是唬人的把戏。
It is not easy to climb a bluff mountain.登上陡峭的山可不容易。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.He is kind and friendly despite his rather bluff manner.他虽然态度有点粗鲁,但为人厚道,待人亲切。
She has a bluff way of speaking,but a kind heart.她说话直率,但心地善良。
S+be+~He was bluff and friendly.他坦率友好。Pbluffern.吓唬人的人Pblufflyad.率直地粗率地Pbluffnessn.直峭率直坦率

用作动词He couldbluffhis way through any difficulty.他可以招摇撞骗闯过任何难关。
John is a deep card; no one canbluffhim easily.约翰是个机灵鬼,谁也不容易欺骗他。
The man is trying tobluffhis way out of the whole thing.这人想装做无辜来摆脱此事。
They werebluffedinto believing we were not ready for the attack.他们上了当,以为我们还没有作好进攻准备。用作名词The company's threat to sack anyone who went on strike was justbluff.公司威胁说谁罢工就解雇谁,那只不过是虚张声势罢了。
The hardest tumble a man can make is to fall over his ownbluff.人摔得最痛的一跤,是为自己吓唬自己所绊倒。
The precipitousbluffstopped us.多悬崖的绝壁挡住了我们的去路。用作形容词He wasbluff, strong, friendly, and outgoing.他性格坦率,倔强,和蔼,开朗。
He is kind and friendly despite his ratherbluffmanner.他为人厚道,待人亲切,虽然态度有些粗鲁。
Beneath hisbluffexterior he was really quite a sensitive man.他外表粗放,但其实是个用心细腻的人。adj.abrupt
同义词 blunt,blustering,brief,direct,frank,open,rough,short,tartbarefaced,bearish,breviloquent,brusque,candid,crusty,curt,downright,forthright,gruff,hearty,honest,laconic,no-nonsense,outspoken,plain-spoken,rude,short-spoken,sincere,snippety,snippy,straightforward,tactless,terse,unceremonious
反义词 courteous,devious,dishonest,lengthy,long,politenoun.boast;deceit
同义词 ruse,sham,subterfugebluster,braggadocio,bragging,bravado,deception,delusion,facade,fake,feint,fraud,front,humbug,jiving,lie,pretense,pretext,show,snow,stall,trickfalse colors,false front
反义词 frankness,honesty,openness,reality,truthnoun.precipice
同义词 cliff,crag,hill,promontory,ridgebank,escarpment,headland,mountain,peak,rockverb.deceive
同义词 delude,pretendaffect,beguile,betray,bunco,con,counterfeit,defraud,fake,feign,fool,humbug,jive,juggle,lie,mislead,sham,shuck,simulate,snow,trickdouble-cross,fake out,illude,psych out,put on,take in
反义词 be honestprotect,supportcome clean,reveal,tell the truth
affectverb pretend, imitate
act,adopt,aspire to,assume,contrive,counterfeit,do a bit,fake,feign,lay it on thick,make out like,playact,put on,put up a front,sham,simulate,take on
affectsverb pretend, imitate
acts,adopts,aspire to,assumes,bluffs,contrives,counterfeits,does a bit,fakes,feigns,lies it on thick,makes out like,playacts,puts on,puts up a front,shams,simulates,takes on
assumeverb pretend
act,adopt,affect,bluff,counterfeit,fake,feign,imitate,impersonate,mimic,pretend,put on,simulate
assumesverb pretend
accepts,ascertains,concludes,conjectures,considers,counts upon,deduces,deems,divines,estimates,expects,falls for,fancies,finds,gathers,gets the idea,guesses,has a hunch,have sneaks suspicion,hypothesizes,imagines,infers,is afraid,is inclined to thinks,judges,posits,postulates,predicates,presumes,presupposes,speculates,supposes,surmises,suspects,theorizes,thinks,understands
beguileverb fool
betray,bluff,burn,cheat,chisel,con,deceive,delude,double-cross,dupe,entice,exploit,finesse,flimflam,gyp,have,hoodwink,impose on,jockey,juggle,lure,manipulate,mislead,play,play for a sucker,rook,rope in,scam,seduce,shave,snow,stick,string along,suck in,take,take in,trick
beguilesverb fool
betrays,bluffs,burns,cheats,chisels,cons,deceives,deludes,double-crosses,dupes,entices,exploits,finesses,flimflams,gyps,has,hoodwinks,imposes on,jockeys,juggles,lures,manipulates,misleads,plays,plays for a sucker,rooks,rope in,scams,seduces,shaves,snows,sticks,string along,sucks in,takes,takes in,tricks For all the bluster, one can't help feeling the tough EU stance is a bit of a bluff.
说道威胁恐吓,你会不由得发现欧盟强硬的立场也不过是虚张声势而已。 yeeyan

The frill is that ruff-like collar it uses to bluff its enemies, like feral cats.
皱褶是用于吓唬敌人的轮状衣领,就像野猫一样。 ebigear

Well, John Edwards has just called Mr. Obama’s bluff, by proposing that individuals be required to show proof of insurance when filing income taxes or receiving health care.
约翰·爱德华刚刚说奥巴马虚张声势,他的计划书里指出个人被要求出示投证据,在填写收入税单或者是收到健康关爱款项的时候。 yeeyan

Above all, calling the bluff of bankers by paying them much less would amount to a big bet.
首先,给虚富张声势的银行家们支付较少的薪资是一个大胆的冒险行为。 yeeyan

And then it was simply a matter of the bluff.
然后,只剩下虚张声势的问题。 putclub

As with the warnings about China’s response to passage of the currency legislation, the warning about arms sales is probably not a bluff.
正如中国对通过货币立法的回应的警告一样,对出售武器的警告可能也不是虚张声势。 yeeyan

Emily had always been able to bluff Henry.
艾米丽总是能够吓唬住亨利。 yeeyan

I said, calling her bluff.
我说,想戳穿她的虚张声势。 ecocn

Many Democrats, in turn, think they have been too quick to compromise in recent budget battles and are determined to call the Republicans’ bluff for once.
民主党人则认为自己在近期的的预算“战争”太早妥协了,又一次被共和党人的虚张声势给忽悠了。 ecocn

Many managers, faced with this situation, will simply call your bluff.
很多经理人,面对这种情形的时候,会很简单就认为你在虚张声势。 yeeyan

One of the choppers set down on the beach below them, the other on the bluff above.
有一架直升机在他们下面的海滩上降落,其余的直接降落在断崖上。 yeeyan

Operators bluff about closing their online businesses, saying price rises will scare buyers away.
网上经营者虚张声势地要关了在线商店,说价格上涨会吓跑买家。 yeeyan

Or a bluff?
还是虚张声势? yeeyan

Osami Nagano, the bluff, hearty sailor, became Chief of Naval General Staff in charge of operations on April9,1941.
永野修身,直率的、精力旺盛的水手,在1941年4月9日,成为了海军司令部总长。 yeeyan

So it seems very unlikely that any of these banks will emigrate soon.Still, inside them the idea of self- imposed exile has risen in salience: from a bluff to a plan B.
所以这三家公司看起来不会很快迁离,而内部自我放逐的想法越发地明显,已经从虚张声势演化为另谋出路。 ecocn

Still, anything could happen in this game of nuclear bluff.
然而,在这个核武器虚张声势的游戏中,任何事情都有可能发生。 ecocn

Talk of Britain getting the single- market portfolio was also bluff, as the parliament would have vetoed a Briton in charge of financial services.
关于英国得到统一市场大臣的言论也是虚张声势,因为议会将不会同意由一个英国人来掌管金融服务。 ecocn

This only works if you are prepared for the possibility that your employer will call your bluff.
只有你做好了准备认为老板会虚张声势的威胁你的情况下你才能做这些。 yeeyan

Yeah, that was like odd stuff from after Bluff Limbo from'94 to'95.
对,一些古怪的素材来自94年到95年,就是《地狱边缘的绝壁》灌好以后。 yeeyan

You can't bluff Satan with logic or your opinion, but you can use the weapon that makes him tremble-the truth of God.
你不能用逻辑或意见吓唬撒但,但你能用神的真理令他发抖。 ebigear




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