

单词 受制于人
释义 受制于人 shòu zhì yù rén 常用成语
be enslaved to somebody制:控制,辖制。受别人所控制,不得自由。繁体受制於人近义任人宰割没有权势就要受制于人,就可能被轻视,无论办什么事儿都是难于上青天。
No power will be enslaved, may be contempt, whether do anything is reach for the stars. shuangyimuye

Intended to demonstrate the awesomeness of America's hard power, the Iraq war exposed its limitations. hicoo

然而,在 OEM合作模式下,宁波大部分服装企业几乎没有核心技术和自主品牌,往往受制于人;
However, under the OEM cooperation pattern, Ningbo Majority of Clothing Enterprise does not have the core technologies and the independent brand nearly, often is under the control of others; gdyjs

People's structure of communication is subject to their environments and particularly forms a relationship akin to a synthesis together with the objective structure of media. dxbylw

People can control their own destiny, if we be controlled by others, that mistake was not destiny, but in our own. kf91

If China is not able to make a difference in this battle, import price of potassium fertilizer in coming few years will probably like iron ore, under control by others. blog.sina.com.cn

They prefer to discipline themselves rather than be disciplined by others. tianya

Some young people get into prostitution, stealing and drugs, which can put them more in the control of others and in trouble with the Police. yeeyan

在受制于人的情况下参与竞争让 ING的前路更显坎坷,委员会已经禁止 ING给出最有竞争力的价格。
More troubling for ING's future is that it will have to compete with one hand behind its back. The commission has forbidden it from offering the most competitive prices. ecocn

Saliwerwu'er gradually lost its power and independence, lived in a turbulent society and made a hard living. This left a strong influence on the modern Yugu Nationality. cnki

Until the18th century mankind’s output had been restricted by the amount of physical force that humans and domesticated animals could exert and by the amount of wood that people could chop down. ecocn.org

Don’t give into pressure. yeeyan




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