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blue sea blu:si: 短语⁶⁰³⁶¹ 基本例句 蔚蓝的海 Now exactly what do we really want? You see we are between the devil and the deep blue sea on this issue and people just do not know exactly what to do. 我们真正想干些什么?你知道在这个问题上我们处在进退两难的境地,人们简直不知道该干些什么。 xiaoxue123 He was hanging over the side of the ship, working between the devil and the deep blue sea. 他被悬吊在船侧,工作在“去见恶魔与跳入大海的境地”。 mile.teacher.com.cn Pier plans Bo cut the waves, lying in the blue sea like a long queue silver wave. 栈桥划波斩浪,象一条长龙横卧于碧海银波。 qite8 Summer, clean rocks, the wind blowing gently, genial buzz, pan- foot blue sea waves, there is a natural ten-mile beach for the swim, soft sand can be open. 夏日,山石洁净,清风习习,流泉叮咚,山下碧海泛波,有天然的十里浴场供游,松软的沙滩可憩。 qite8 When straightening up, I saw blue sea and sails. 挺起身来,我看见碧海蓝天,白帆隐现。91fob |