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blue moon blu:mu:n ○○○○○短语⁴⁶⁴²⁶ 基本英英搭配例句Thesaurus例句 很长一段时间; 1个历月里的第2次满月
Noun: a long time;something that happens once in blue moon almost never happens a blue moon不可能的事blue moon很长一段时间…once in a blue moon罕见的,极少的,难得… In spite of all we have learned from space flights, the moon is still a riddle from the distant past-and will be for a long time to come.尽管我们已经从空间飞行中了解了一些,月球仍然是来自遥远过去的一个谜,而且仍将会在未来很长一段时间如此。 There were long stretches where the vast stretches of unoccupied blue seats in Gund Arena reminded observers of an empty swimming pool.有很长一段时间在广阔的蓝色席位冈德体育馆稀稀疏疏坐着一些人。noun.long period of time 同义词 ages,coon's age,forever and a day,long time,years agenoun a period of time aeon,blue moon,century,date,day,duration,epoch,era,generation,interim,interval,life,lifetime,millennium,span coon's agenoun very long time ages,blue moon,dog's age,donkey's years,long time eternitiesnoun forever aeons,afterlifes,ages,ages,blue moons,dog's ages,endless times,endlessness,everlastingnesses,forever and a days,futures,immortality,imperishabilities,infinitenesses,infinities,infinitude,kingdom comes,other worlds,perpetuity,time without ends,timelessness,wild blue yonders,world without ends eternitynoun forever aeon,afterlife,age,ages,all time,blue moon,dog's age,endless time,endlessness,everlastingness,forever and a day,future,immortality,imperishability,infiniteness,infinitude,infinity,kingdom come,other world,perpetuity,time without end,timelessness,wild blue yonder,world without end month of Sundaysnoun forever ages,blue moon,dog's age,eternity,indefinitely long period,lifetime,time immemorial,when pigs fly sempiternitynoun eternity aeon,afterlife,age,ages,blue moon,dog's age,endless time,endlessness,eternality,eternalness,everlastingness,forever and a day,future,immortality,imperishability,infiniteness,infinitude,infinity,kingdom come,other world,perpetuity,time without end,timelessness,wild blue yonder,world without end Did you meet anyone while you were waiting on the sidewalk for me to come out of the Blue Moon? 你在路边等我出来的时候没有遇见任何人么? tuili Even though we go to better places like Pizza Hut on weekends- it's only once in blue moon, like when we have something to celebrate. 即便如此,我们周末还是会去必胜客之类的好地方--当然了,去那种地方的频率极低,只有当有事庆祝时才会去。 hxen Flevy once in a blue moon eats chocolate. 呱呱很少吃巧克力。 iyaya From this perspective, unused functions should not be dropped from software merely because they are used once in a blue moon. 从这个观点来说,不习惯使用的功能不应该仅仅从软件中去除因为他们往往给使用他们的用户一种千载难逢的感觉。 yeeyan He’s the kind of player that comes along once in a blue moon, a play maker whose vision, passing and inventiveness makes a huge impact on any game he plays in. 他是那种百年不遇的天才球员。作为球队的核心,他的视野,激情以及创造性都会对比赛产生巨大的影响。 yeeyan He only comes here once in a blue moon. 他只是偶尔到这儿来一次。371822517.qzone.qq.com How I have been missing you! I haven't seen you in a blue moon. 我多么想念你呀!我已经好久没见到你了。 blog.sina.com.cn I haven't seen you in a blue moon. 我好久没有看到你了。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com The news was a bolt from the blue. After that, the girl with blue blood came to the party once in a blue moon. 这个消息就像晴天霹雳,自那以后,这个贵族女孩很少参加宴会。 tianya We have a rare opportunity that comes along once in a blue moon to any group of Americans. 这是一个千载难逢的机遇,对于任何一个美国人群体来说都是如此。 topsage We seldom met each other anymore, maybe once in a blue moon on a family gathering. 我们很久才见一次面,在大家庭的聚会上。 blog.sina.com.cn |