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词汇 blue-collar
释义 blue-collar

of or designating manual industrial work or workersof those who work for wages especially manual or industrial laborers;

party of the propertyless proletariat

blue-collar worker蓝领工人、蓝领一族…blue collar蓝领blue collar worker蓝领工人
blue-collar⇒adj.蓝领阶级的近义词 manual手工的proletarian普罗阶级的working class工人阶级propertyless无产阶级的working-class工人阶级的wage-earning赚钱的; 领工资的…反义词 white-collar白领阶层的
A partial shift of Chinese production could help create some new and mostly blue-collar American jobs.
中国制造的部分移师能有助于产生一些新的、通常是蓝领的美国就业机会。 yeeyan

I’ve often asked myself how a kid from a blue-collar family like mine ever got to work with so many accomplished people in such intellectually stimulating places.
我经常问自己,像我这样一个出身于蓝领家庭的小孩是如何会在这些受启发的地方,与如此多有成就的人一起工作。 yeeyan

It was founded in1905 at a railway crossing along the Los Angeles River as a sort of Eden for business, especially the smelly, dirty and blue-collar manufacturing sort.
1905年,该市创建于洛杉矶河沿岸的一处铁路线交汇处,人们将此地作为某种商业尤其是又脏又臭的蓝领制造业的乐园。 ecocn

A blue-collar neighborhood with stable incomes and families may be a better bet than one inhabited by young singles who move out every few years .
有稳定收入及家庭的蓝领公寓与那些没几年就搬一次家的单身青年聚居区要更值得搏一把。 ebigear

About100 mostly blue-collar workers in Goodyear assemble panels that each have five or six dozen solar cells that were shipped in from China.
在古德伊尔,大约100名绝大多数是蓝领工人的工人每个人用中国运过来的五至六打太阳能电池组装电池板。 yeeyan

But today heavy industry makes modern bosses shudder: all those assets, the blue-collar workers, the investment, are regarded as risks to be spun off, outsourced or dumped.
但今时今日,重工业让现代的老总们胆颤心寒:固定资产、蓝领工人和资金投入都被视作应予规避、外包或是摆脱的风险。 ecocn

Japan’s automakers responded by moving assembly lines to the United States, creating many new blue-collar jobs.
日本汽车制造商的应对是将组装流水线迁至美国,产生了很多新的蓝领就业机会。 yeeyan

Many blue-collar workers are no longer willing to labor for low wages in manufacturing hubs like Guangdong, visiting their families only once a year.
许多蓝领工人已经不愿再为了极低的薪酬而在广东这类制造业中心地区工作,而且每年只能回家一次。 yeeyan

Professionals vote for Mr Obama, blue-collar workers for Mrs Clinton.
专业人士支持奥巴马,蓝领工人则青睐希拉里。 ecocn

Rising prices for exports are also caused by wage increases for Chinese blue-collar workers, whose pay has been climbing as much as 15 percent a year.
中国蓝领工人工资的上涨,也是推动出口产品价格上涨的一个因素。这些工人每年工资的增幅在15%。 yeeyan

She is almost20 points ahead of Mr Obama in the latest Gallup poll, and appeals much more strongly to blue-collar workers.
在最新的盖洛普民意调查中她几乎领先奥巴马先生20个点,而且对蓝领工人来说她的吸引力更强烈地存在。 ecocn

She has demonstrated Mr Obama's weakness with a vital Democratic constituency, the blue-collar worker.
她通过民主党中一个重要的选民阶层——蓝领工人——展示了奥巴马先生的弱点。 ecocn

Some blue-collar voters joked that they were“ too bitter” to vote for Mr Obama.
一些蓝领选民开玩笑说他们太“苦闷”了以致于不能投票给奥巴马先生。 ecocn

The public has turned hostile, even in traditional blue-collar towns.

This was the approach taken by Vallejo, a blue-collar city east of San Francisco, in2008.
位于旧金山以东以蓝领为主的瓦列霍市在2008年采取了这样的做法。 ecocn

Yet a sizeable chunk of the district is made up of blue-collar neighbourhoods, with terraced houses lining the streets near the oil refineries and heavy industry that fringe the Delaware river.
然而,在这个地区的很大一部分社区里,仍然居住着蓝领工人。 他们生活在在特拉维尔河沿岸的炼油厂和重工业附近街道旁的一排排小房子里。 ecocn




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