

单词 blue-chip
释义 blue-chip 英ˈblu:tʃip美ˈbluˌtʃɪpɚ 高COCA³⁰³⁴⁷BNC⁴⁰⁴¹⁴iWeb³⁰⁰⁰⁶Economist¹⁴⁶²⁶

extremely valuable;

Rembrandt is considered a blue-chip artist

来自于历史上赌场筹码的颜色,如果白筹值1美元,则红筹值5美元,蓝筹值25美元。benzo blue苯并蓝baby blue淡蓝色blue asbestos青石棉azo blue偶氮蓝,偶氮篮…anthracene blue蒽蓝azure blue天青蓝bearing blue普鲁士蓝alkali blue碱性蓝blue alert空袭警报,台风警报…alizarin blue茜素蓝blue baby青紫婴儿,婴儿发绀…Alice blue浅蓝antwerp blue亚铁氰酸锌粉…blue annealing发蓝退火,软化退火…acid blue酸性蓝blue algae蓝藻类,蓝藻…bare chip裸芯片,裸片…blue beam蓝色信号射束,蓝电子…berlin blue普鲁士蓝,巴黎蓝,柏…aniline blue苯胺蓝
blue-chip⇒adj.独特的n.绩优股²³;贵重物品¹⁵;蓝色筹码¹⁵=bluechipper.近义词 topnotch 一流的top-class最高级first-class头等的first-rate第一流的number one头号的人物…

用作形容词The unique spaceship climbed straight into the blue sky after a thunderous lift-off from Cape Canaveral.这艘独特的宇宙飞船在轰鸣声中从卡纳维拉尔角起飞了,直冲蓝天。
The Coelacanth has very large eyes and distinct silver blue scales with white markings.它们有很大的眼睛和独特的蓝色带白斑的鳞片。用作名词Blue chip stocks also soared, carrying the Dow Jones industrials up more than338 points.绩优股同时暴涨,带动道琼工业指数上涨三百三十八点。 It is a corporate fairy tale: in a single generation Infosys has leapt from a start- up, founded by a handful of engineers with$250, to global blue-chip company.
印孚瑟斯正如一个企业童话,在一代之内从一间由几个工程师和250美元组成的新公司一跃成为全球蓝筹。 ecocn

Fifty years ago, safety was the watchword for pension funds, insurance companies and endowments; they bought the bonds of governments and blue-chip companies.
50年前,养老基金、保险公司和捐赠基金购买政府和大蓝筹公司发行的债券时还在标榜安全性。 ecocn

Last week's 1.8% decline left the blue-chip index at9487.67.
在上周下跌1.8%后,该指数跌至9487.67点。 iciba

When it comes to blue-chip clients, with easy direct access to capital markets themselves, that may be a problem only for their banks.
至于蓝筹客户,由于它们能轻而易举地直接到资本市场上筹资,上述问题可能只是银行才面临的问题。 cjzg

Women also hold more than half of the entry-level jobs at American blue-chip companies.
在美国的一流公司,初级职位的一半以上也有女性占据。 ecocn




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