

单词 BLT
释义 BLT 英ˌbiːel'tiː美ˌbiːel'tiː;英ˌbiːelˈtiː美ˌbiɛlˈti COCA⁵⁴²⁵²BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
abbr.三明治¹⁰⁰=a bacon;lettuce;and tomato sandwich 名词复数BLT's
sandwich filled with slices of bacon and tomato with lettuce I'll have a BLT with extra mayonnaise.我要一个熏肉、生菜加番茄三明治,外加蛋黄酱。
“BLT” means “bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich”.是指“咸肉.生菜和番茄三明治”。
A fool'sbltmay sometimes hit the mark.愚者千虑,必有一得。
BLT stands for bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich.BLT指的是培根、莴苣生菜、蕃茄三明治。 Because of its high sensitivity and low background noise, BLT has been attracting more and more attention and become a new hotspot of the investigations in medical imaging research field.
该成像技术无背景噪声、成像灵敏度高,已经受到越来越多的关注,并逐步成为医学影像领域的一个新的研究热点。 fabiao

The electromagnetic interaction with electric devices caused by high power microwave HPM is now much concerned. The BLT equation can solve some problems of electromagnetic interaction.
目前高功率微波 HPM对电子系统的干扰和破坏问题受到了广泛的关注,可运用BLT方程解决一些 HPM产生的干扰问题。 cnki

The new type centrally-fed BLT of No.11 BF at Anshan Iron and Steel Co. imported from PW Co. is with important improvement.
鞍钢11号高炉引进 PW公司新型串罐无料钟炉顶包含了重要的改进内容。 cnki

The BLT is an absolute, the Club a blank sheet.
BLT就是绝对真理,而总会三明治就是一张空白纸。 yeeyan

In this paper, a complicated system is represented by a transmission line network topology model, and its response to the electromagnetic excitement is analyzed using BLT Equation.
本文采用传输线网络拓扑模型来表示复杂系统,并运用 BLT方程来分析传输线网络对电磁激励的响应。 cnki

Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of treating moderate and advanced malignant tumors with the compound Chinese herbal medicine, Bailong tablet BLT and to explore its mechanism.
目的:观察白龙片对中晚期恶性肿瘤的临床疗效并探讨其作用机理。 cnki

Particularly, the interior bioluminescent source in a BLT system is hard to be modulated, which makes the imaging technique more ill-posed and the reconstruction process more complicated.
特别地,在生物发光断层成像技术中难以对体内荧光光源进行调制,这也就使得该成像模式的病态性更强、求解过程更为复杂。 fabiao

Since the first bell- less top BLT came into existence, its structure has been improved continually.
高炉无料钟炉顶装料设备自问世以来,在结构方面不断改进。 cnki

The earl of sandwich and sir francis bacon. Had it not been for them, the BLT would merely be lettuce and tomato. They were dreamers. And sandwich makers.
三明治伯爵和弗朗西斯。培根爵士。如果没有他们三明治里就只有生菜和番茄。他们是梦想家,也是三明治创造者。 blog.sina.com.cn

BLT type pan conveyor is suitable for the transport of large size lump material or hot bulk material.
BLT型鳞板输送机适用于输送大块或灼热的散状物料。 cnki




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