释义 |
历久弥坚 lì jiǔ mí jiān 一般成语 基本例句 unshakable and ever firmerin one's faith/etc.弥:越,更加。经历时间越长久,越显得坚定不移。繁体歷久彌堅巴中友谊经受住了各种严峻考验,基础牢固,历久弥坚。 Bilateral friendship had withstood severe challenges and enjoyed a firm basis. www.fmprc.gov.cn 年轻使我不懂得爱——那种纯洁且历久弥坚的爱。 Skepticism has kept me from believing in true love— one that is pure and enduring. kekenet 自此,跨越20年两个大洲的时空,玛丽和马克斯的友谊始终凌驾于生活中的起起落落,历久弥坚。 Spanning20 years and two continents, Mary and Max's friendship survives much more than the average diet of life's ups and downs. blog.sina.com.cn 自从1999年上市后,索尼推出的这只叫做“艾波 AIBO”的电子狗玩具在市场上历久弥坚。 Introduced in1999, AIBO is one of the most sophisticated toys on the market. yeeyan |