

单词 blowouts
释义 blowouts
As Amy Myers Jaffe, an oil expert at Rice University, puts it, the industry’s strategy on blowouts was not to have them, rather than to work out how to put one right quickly.
莱斯大学的石油专家埃米迈尔斯贾菲表明,石油工业关于管道爆裂的策略,就是不能发生爆裂,而不是出事之后想办法如何去对付。 ecocn

Blowouts can be avoided by being aware of this before you leave.
在你们出发前就意识到这一点的话,可以避免产生冲突。 neworiental

Facilitate the resumption of soil layer formation and revegetation is the fundamental way to control blowouts.
促进土层以及草原植被的形成与恢复是风蚀坑控制的根本途径。 magsci

He points out how many really expensive second venture blowouts there are.
他指出,有很多大手笔的二次创业后来落得个一败涂地的下场。 yeeyan

Protection of grassland vegetation and top soil layer is vital to avoiding the development of blowouts.
保护沙质草原区植被和地表土层不受破坏是防止风蚀坑发生发展的关键。 cnki

Blowouts occur in all types of exploration and production operations, not just during drilling operations.
井喷可能发生在各种类型的勘探与开发作业过程中,不仅仅是在钻井作业过程中。 www.infopetro.com.cn




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