词汇 | 卷土重来 |
释义 | 卷土重来 辨形“土”,不能写作“士”。 辨析参见“东山再起”。。 辨形“土”,不能写作“士”。 辨析见“东山再起”。 歇后语烂泥路上开汽车;席包泥巴作被盖 法文revenir à l'attaqueorganiser un retour 俄文вновь вернуться 德文nach einer Niederlage wieder auf die Beine kommen 杜牧后来游览项羽自杀之地,感慨万千。他写的《题乌江亭》诗中“卷土重来未可知”,即感叹若项羽当年没自杀身亡,而是渡江积蓄力量,再与刘邦较量,那么,谁胜谁负还很难说呢! 反义词 Unless he unveils radical plans to improve the lot of younger Spaniards, they will be back. But after the Federal Reserve cut its discount rate in August investors eagerly returned, pushing prices up by an average of40% in dollar terms by the end of October. But many experts worry that people will become too complacent and fail to heed warnings if the virus returns in a more dangerous form in the autumn. But the inevitable changes in the CDA leadership and Labour’s comeback mean other options could be on the table as well. But it has crept back, as a wave of religiosity has prompted many to embrace a more distinctively Muslim look. And then the feelings come rushing back and the addict becomes even more desperate to allay those feelings again now that they have found a way to escape them. For its part, China tends to see Japan as a proxy for the United States, whose cold-war- era alliances with Japan and other countries in the region now seem aimed at holding it back. The other reason TB is back is its relationship to AIDS. The haze has returned this year. The displaced islanders, however, plan to return one day, and if they do they will want to start fishing and building hotels and even an airport. If you manage to de- clutter and get things under control, how are you going to prevent the clutter from coming back into your life? Fashion experts agree that since longer and bohemian style skirts have started to make a comeback. I knew that if I accepted their request to open my facilities today, they’d have the power to return tomorrow, to tell me to close them. It can never hope to create a stable democracy in Afghanistan; all it needs is a small contingent to protect Kabul, and some special forces and bombers to deal with any returning al- Qaeda fighters. It is this measure that broke the chain of transmission and the reason why SARS has not made a come back since. Will China be able to keep bouncing back, or might the recessionary winds from across the Pacific cool things down? On Sunday, four months after that episode ended in bloodshed, the “ red shirts” were back. Presidents have a way of coming back, and America has legendary recuperative powers. Weber's“ message films” left the Jazz Age audiences cold and while she attempted several“ comebacks” during the twenties, when she died in 1939, she was managing an apartment building in Fullerton. He’s been off the playing field for most of SecretInvasion, but his2009 looks to see him back in the mix. |
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