词汇 | 危如累卵 |
释义 | 危如累卵 辨析参见“千钧一发”。。 辨析见“千钧一发”。 【注意】注意“危如累卵”的“累”读lěi,是三声。 反义词 Nor is it just rich- world taxpayers’ money that is at stake. More was at stake than just the fate of the two men. More than business interests related to airline travel and the ability to import food into Europe are at stake. But in the current climate, with the very creditworthiness of the United States at stake, we would keep the present tax regime in place while avoiding the severe economic drag of higher tax rates. Hyperpower and hyper- partisanship are an explosive combination. The world will have to learn to live with it. His fiscal plans are full of the word “ prudent”.Mr Kan believes Japan is sitting on a dangerous heap of debt. The careers of scientists, the health of patients and the scientific future of the nation are at stake. TOP09 is a conservative, free- market grouping that has sent voters dummy invoices showing the level of the country's debt. As the global population soars toward nine billion by2045, this corner of Africa shows what’s at stake in the decades ahead. There is no longer a debate about whether carbon pollution is placing our planet in jeopardy. For one, the near- collapse of Bear Stearns has shown that some banks' very survival may be at stake. The budget surplus he inherited is now a deficit, the fiscal hole in America’s retiree programmes is bigger than ever, the tax system is an unstable, patched- up mess. Not only would a Greek sovereign default deal a major blow to a still very fragile European banking system, it would also focus the market's full fury on the other highly vulnerable eurozone members. In the real world, policemen are seldom sure whether the many not one suspects they want to torture know of any plot, or how many lives might be at stake. More than Mr Erdogan’s career is at stake. So is Turkey’s future. |
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