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词汇 危在旦夕
释义 危在旦夕 wēi zài dàn xī 常用成语
of a city under enemy attack may fall at any momentof a critically ill patient may die at any moment近义朝不保夕;危如朝露反义安如磐石辨形“夕”,不能写作“歹”。
法文danger imminentdans une situation critique
俄文опáсность на носу
德文in unmittelbarer Gefahr现在桂林又危在旦夕,柳州也将不保。闻一多《组织民众与保卫大西南》东汉末年,张角领导的农民起义军包围了孔融屯兵地都昌,孔融派太史慈去请平原相刘备出兵救援。太史慈到平原对刘备说孔融目前危在旦夕,盼望出兵前去解围,刘备立即派精兵3000随太史慈前去,起义军见援军已到,立即解除对都昌的包围。主谓式:作谓语;定语;形容十分危险;含贬义。晋 陈寿《三国志 吴志 太史慈传》:“今管亥暴乱,北海被围,孤穷无援,危在旦夕。”解释: 旦夕:早与晚,借指极短的时间。危险就在眼前。《三国志·吴书·太史慈传》:“今管亥暴乱,北海被围,孤穷无援,危在旦夕。”
茅盾《子夜》二:“这是一个电报,很简单的几个字:‘四乡农民不稳,镇上兵力单薄,危在旦夕,如何应急之处,乞速电复。’”近义词 朝不保夕岌岌可危危如累卵气息奄奄奄奄一息朝不虑夕枕戈待旦千钧一发间不容发摇摇欲堕累卵之危危如朝露大厦将倾厝火积薪一发千钧弹尽粮绝
反义词 高枕无忧安然无事安如磐石高枕而卧安如泰山安然无恙
遭遇伊拉克上校的最初片刻,目睹他令士兵在我们面前劫掠我们车里的物件,我们的生命似乎危在旦夕。For the first few moments, confronted by an Iraqi colonel who had his soldiers loot our vehicle in front of us, it seemed as if our lives hung by a precarious thread.
病人的生命危在旦夕。The life of the sick man is at stake.1991年加州航空工业轰然倒下后,《时代》杂志曾以《危在旦夕的加州之梦》为封面文章讨论处境困难的加州。
TIME published a woe-is-California issue called “The Endangered Dream” in1991 after the aerospace industry collapsed. yeeyan

1998年秋,对冲基金长期资本管理公司 Long Term Capital Management已危在旦夕,正是由于重仓投资金融衍生品将其拖垮。
In the fall of1998, the hedge fund Long Term Capital Management nearly collapsed, dragged down by disastrous bets on, among other things, derivatives. yeeyan

柏林会谈之前,德国经济部长迈克尔 Glos警告说,俄罗斯作为天然气供应商的声誉和乌克兰作为过境输送国家的名声已经危在旦夕。
Prior to the Berlin talks, Michael Glos, Germany's economics minister, warned that Russia's reputation as a gas supplier and Ukraine's reputation as a transit country were at stake. yeeyan

本书的作者是纽约大学专攻20世纪史的英国籍历史学家。 如今他的生命危在旦夕—运动神经元病夺去了他的行动能力,很快也将夺去他的语言能力。
Its author, a British20th- century historian at New York University, is dying of motor- neurone disease that has robbed him of movement and will soon rob him of speech. ecocn

But they all tend to endorse Berners- Lee's call for ways to help distinguish what can be trusted and what cannot, particularly when life or death may be at stake. yeeyan

But because of the qing dynasty the feudal landlord regime decadent arrogance don't know oneself exhausted so the feudal system already was hanging by a thread. yeeyan

What are the 3s in your life that are dying on the battlefield but which can still be saved if you reach them in time? yeeyan

法国的 AAA评级标准已危在旦夕。
France’s AAA rating is already at risk. ecocn

One reason for uncertainty about Copenhagen is that America's own climate policy hangs by a thread. iciba

A key panel of the IMF said today that it supports giving more voting power to emerging market and developing countries, warning that the legitimacy of the institution was at stake. yeeyan

National pride was at stake: the group's chairman, Ratan Tata, said after buying Corus that losing the bid would have left India itself disappointed. ecocn

Even though barely a dozen of the hundreds of favelas have been reclaimed so far, the drug lords are clearly already feeling the pinch. ecocn

Previous studies have suggested that some species are at risk for extinction due to their change in habitat, but this study did not delve into which species might be most in peril. yeeyan

Within a day of Lehman going bust, Britain's biggest mortgage lender, HBOS, was on the brink of collapse and by early October so was Royal Bank of Scotland. yeeyan

迄今为止,只有荷兰 Aegon一家获得了救助,但很多公司的信用评级预计会被调降,这将会使更多企业危在旦夕。
So far only Aegon, of the Netherlands, has been bailed out, but a number of rating downgrades are now expected, which could push more firms to the brink. ecocn

While no big pension fund is imperiled, Hackel writes more corporate cash will be have to be deposited in pension funds. yeeyan

If this continues as bandwidth increases and download speeds accelerate, the entertainment industry will be left in ruins. yeeyan

In immediate danger, he said, were the300 million people who depended on forests and the more than1 billion who lived off sea fishing. yeeyan

A person familiar with the matter said that the traders in the unit were told on Friday their jobs were on the line because of the bank’s decision to stop trading commodities on its own account. yeeyan

As Betty's car ran into a truck, her life hung by a thread. hjenglish

It is the toughest job in the world and you have to be ready for anything: two wars, skyrocketing oil prices, an economy in crisis. ebigear

As Blankfein explained: “ At Goldman, we recognize that the capitalist system as we know it is circling the drain— but there’s plenty of money to be made on the way down.” ecocn

The Supreme Court is at stake; our educational system needs the right kind of change. We've got to become energy independent; we have to create millions of new green-collar jobs. yeeyan

And Medvedev's cherished rapport with the U.S. may be at risk if these crimes continue. yeeyan

Measuring economic costs weighs the expense of both vaccination and illness against the net present value of the future earnings of someone who would otherwise die from the disease. ecocn

The stakes in Libya are obviously high for the future of the Libyan people. But spare a thought for the future of European defence co-operation. ecocn




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