

单词 blown away
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At the time, with over700,000 homes blown away, the U. N. and the Red Cross estimated that over 2.5 million people were in desperate need of aid.
那时,超过70万间房屋被毁,联合国和红十字会估计将有250万人身处绝望,得不到救援。 yeeyan

And then they do a survey of the students, and they are just blown away by what they get back from the students when the students are actually asked.
然后他们对学生进行调查,并被从学生中得到的调查结果所征服。 ebigear

Crops and water supplies are suffering serious damage as earth is washed and blown away across a third of the country, according to the largest-scale study for60 years.
这项60年来最大规模的调查发现,在中国约三分之一的国土上,粮食作物与水利保障正因为风与水对泥土的冲蚀而受到威胁。 yeeyan

Fine particles of dust do not simply lie around until they are blown away by the wind.
沙尘中的细小颗粒只有在风的作用下才会漫天铺地。 ecocn

How he went to India in1959 and was blown away by the religious diversity of India?

Were the buyers' people so blown away by the product demos that they wanted to switch firms?
是购买者同样被他们需要去改变公司的产品小样所征服了么? yeeyan




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