词汇 | 卧薪尝胆 |
释义 | 卧薪尝胆 辨形“薪”,不能写作“新”。 辨析卧薪尝胆和“发愤图强”都有决心奋斗;谋求富强的意思。但卧薪尝胆含有刻苦自励的意思;它形象而典雅;而“发愤图强”只是浅显的陈说。 辨形“薪”,不能写作“新”。 辨析卧薪尝胆和“发愤图强”都有决心奋斗;谋求富强的意思。但卧薪尝胆含有刻苦自励的意思;它形象而典雅;而“发愤图强”只是浅显的陈说。 法文couver sa vengeance 俄文спать на хворосте и пить жёлчь 德文sich die Demütigung der eigenen Nation immer wieder bewuβt machen 【注意】含褒义。 This idiom is used to describe inspiring oneself and working hard to accomplish an ambition. The king who slept on brushwood and tasted gall is as familiar to Chinese as King Alfred and his cakes are to Britons, or George Washington and the cherry tree are to Americans. This month those under the sign of Aries may have to adopt a policy of compromise. As long as business is fine and life is going well, you think it's OK to make some sacrifices. The King of Yue, Gou Jian submitted and sued for peace. After4 year steeling oneself for revenge, major rises' and falls' Naples returns Yijia finally, and is reviving gradually. Painstakingly days live, Revival,3000 Miss Vietnam A can swallow. You think it was the resolution of Goujian, the Yue king? Humans are more resilient than we think and can endure trying times, as demonstrated in a2005 study that tracked mood changes in dialysis patients. He endured hardships to plan retaliation. Microsoft MSFT has two massive platforms in Windows and Xbox, and has been thrashing about for a decade trying to build one in mobile. We had a bad taste in our mouth the whole summer. Everybody in China knows the story'Sleeping on bavin and tasting gall', but I wonder if you know the true reason of the destruction of the ancient State Wu by State Yue. Students are told that if they want to succeed they must be like King Goujian, sleeping on brushwood and tasting gall—that great accomplishments come only with sacrifice and unyielding purpose. So the love which serving country's love that provides me the power for revival and have insisting on working for19 years in motherland. A big- budget epic film entitled Beginning of the Great Revival, starring many of the country's leading actors, was released this month. |
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