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词汇 blowing off
释义 blowing off短语³¹³⁶⁸

动词 blow off:
come off due to an explosion or other strong forceas in.abuse
同义词 insult,offend,persecute,revilebackbite,bash,belittle,berate,calumniate,cap,castigate,decry,defame,derogate,discount,knock,minimize,nag,oppress,reproach,ride,scold,signify,slam,slap,smear,sound,trash,upbraid,vilify,vituperate,zingbad-mouth,blow off,cuss out,cut down,cut to the quick,do a number on,dump on,give a black eye,hurl brickbat,pick on,put down,rag on,rip up,run down,sling mud,swear at,tear apart
反义词 compliment,approve,exalt,flatter,laud,praiseacclaim,adulate,benefit,care for,cherish,commend,defend,esteem,help,honor,preserve,prize,protect,respect,revere,treasureas in.back out
同义词 back down,cancel,give up,renege,surrenderavoid,back pedal,beg off,blow it off,chicken out,cop out,get cold feet,go back on,recant,resign,scratch,shy from,throw in the towel,weasel out,wiggle out,worm outas in.slur
同义词 blacken,blemish,blister,blot,brand,calumniate,cap,chop,defame,denigrate,detract,discredit,disgrace,insinuate,libel,malign,miff,offend,push,reproach,roast,scorch,slander,slight,smear,snub,spatter,stain,traduce,vilify,zingblow off,cut to the quick,cut up,dump on,give a black eye,hit where one lives,kick in the teeth,put down,skin alive,slap in the face,tear down
反义词 approve,beautify,commend,compliment,conceal,exalt,flatter,hide,honor,please,praiseenunciate,pronounceas in.stop
同义词 break,cease,close,drop,end,halt,hold,kill,pause,put an end to,quit,stall,stand,stayconclude,desist,discontinue,finish,refrain,scrub,tarry,terminatebe over,blow off,break off,call it a day,cold turkey,come to a standstill,cool it,cut out,cut short,draw up,hang it up,pull up,quit cold,run its course,shut down,sign off,wind up,wrap up
反义词 advance,allow,begin,commence,continue,do,go,initiate,release,start,carry on,introduce,restartencourageas in.chicken out
同义词 avoid,back down,back out,back pedal,beg off,blow it off,bow out,cancel,cop out,funk out,get cold feet,give up,give way,go back on,have no stomach for,make concessions,pull out,recant,renege,resign,scratch,shy from,surrender,throw in the towel,turn yellow,weasel out,wiggle out,wimp out,withdraw,worm out,yieldas in.discontinue
同义词 abandon,break off,cease,give up,halt,interrupt,quit,suspend,terminateclose,desist,disconnect,disjoin,dissever,disunite,drop,end,finish,interpose,intervene,kill,part,pause,scrub,separate,stopbag it,blow off,call it quits,give over,knock off,leave off,put an end to,refrain from,surcease
反义词 begin,complete,continue,go,initiate,start,bear,commence,connect,create,give birth,join,restart,unitecarry onretryas
同义词 carp,grumble,moan,murmur,mutter,nag,squawkbellyache,crab,fuss,groan,grouch,grouse,kvetch,whine,yammer,yawpblow off,take on
反义词 compliment,praisespeak clearly,please,soothe The igneous rock is the rock that the underground hot melting magma invading stratum or blowing off the earth's surface and then through condensing, piling up and solid.
火成岩是地下高温的熔融岩浆侵入地层或喷出地表经冷凝、堆积、固结而成的岩石。 cnki

The sovereign debt crisis in Europe has not evaporated and the ECB will have to trend carefully to keep the lid from blowing off.

Luckily, Carville and I were on the same wavelength, and he always knew when I was serious and when I was just blowing off steam.
幸运的是,我和卡维尔思想比较一致,他知道什么时候我是在较真,什么时候我只是发泄情绪。 yeeyan

Make a wish before blowing off the candles.

Meanwhile, the sunlike star aged in the normal way, eventually swelling, blowing off its outer layers and collapsing to the white hot ember known as a white dwarf star.
同时,与太阳差不多的恒星以正常的方式衰老,最终膨胀、脱去外层并坍缩成白色热烬,也就是白矮星。 yeeyan

The gas is blowing off.

The soldiers have a challenging mission there, and they were just having a good time and “ blowing off some steam in their downtime, ” Baldanza said.
士兵们在阿富汗的任务很艰巨,他们只是在业余时间好好放松了下自己,“他们需要发泄”巴尔丹扎少校如是说。 cri

These lines of clouds formed when frigid winds blowing off the land chilled the moist ocean air.
当寒冷的风从地面刮起来,冷却了海洋上的潮湿空气时,形成了这些云团的线条。 yeeyan




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