

单词 blowing in the wind
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More nitrogen billows from power- plant smokestacks, blowing in the wind until it settles as acid rain.
从工厂烟囱里翻腾出来的氨气随风漂流然后变成了酸雨。 yeeyan

Some of these plans will prove little more than red dust blowing in the wind.
最终将会证明,有些计划不过是风中弥漫的红尘。 ecocn

The Chinese flag was blowing in the wind.
五星红旗在风中飘扬着。 dictall

The green grass was blowing in the wind.
绿草在风中摇曳着。 wordreference

But when a sedan overtook us I nearly went off the road in surprise: crouched on its roof was a naked girl with her hair blowing in the wind.
当一辆私家车超过我们的时候,我差点惊讶的翻下马路:在这辆车的车顶上蜷缩着一个裸体女孩,她的头发正在风中飞舞。 yeeyan

The stream showed clear and smooth-looking in the glasses and, below the curl of falling water, the spray from the dam was blowing in the wind.
小河在望远镜里显得清澈而平静,打着漩涡的水从拦水坝泻下来,底下的水花在风中飞溅。 bab




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