

单词 blowing
释义 blow·ing 英'bləʊɪŋ美'bloɪŋ 高COCA⁶⁴⁰⁰BNC⁶⁷⁵⁹iWeb²⁷⁵¹³Economist⁸³⁰⁶
processing that involves blowing a gasblow打击safe-blowing炸开保险箱行窃…whistle-blowing告密mind-blowing引起幻觉的blowing engine送风机,鼓风机,鼓风…blowing fan压风机blowing promotor发泡助剂blowing down停炉blowing well自喷井core blowing吹芯blowing pressure吹塑压力blowing out停风停炉blowing plant压缩空气装置…blowing ventilation吹入通风,压入式通风…blowing agent起泡剂,发泡剂…blowing current熔断电流blowing dust高吹尘,吹尘…soot blowing烟灰吹除blowing period吹风期converter blowing转炉,吹炼
blow-ing动名词⇒n.吹制;吹气法v.吹;吹气blow的现在分词形式近义词 windy有风的boastful自夸的

It'sblowinghard tonight.今晚风大得很。
The taps areblowing.熄灯号响了。
The northeast wind wasblowinghard at that time.那时候东北风刮得正紧。
It wasblowinggales of hurricane this time yesterday.昨天的这个时候正刮着狂风。
A storm or galeblowingfrom the northeast.东北大风从东北来的风暴或强风
The cold wind from Lake Baikal isblowinghard.从贝加尔湖吹来的冷风在呼啸。
A gust of chilly autumn wind isblowingfrom the north.一阵冷飕飕的秋风从北方吹来。
I'm notblowingmy own trumpet, but I did all the top jobs.我并不是自吹自擂,但所有的重要工作都是我干的。adj.agitating the air
同义词 blastingbreathing,fanning,puffing,whiskingadj.being agitated by the air
同义词 tumbling,whirlingflapping,fluttering,whipping
blowyadjective airy
bravadonoun boastfulness
blowing,bluff,bluster,boasting,bombast,braggadocio,bragging,bullying,crowing,fancy talk,fanfaronade,fuming,gasconade,grandiosity,guts,hot air,pomposity,pretension,raging,railing,rant,selfglorification,storming,swaggering,swelling,talk,tall talk
breezyadjective windy
windyadjective breezy
airy,blowing,blowy,blustering,blustery,boisterous,brisk,drafty,fresh,gusty,raw,squally,stormy,tempestuous,wild,windswept A balmy breeze was blowing across the beautiful lake.
一阵柔和的微风轻吹过那美丽的湖面。 putclub.com

Hot, dry summers prevail in this part of the word, with frequent, hot winds blowing from the northwest.
源源不断从西北吹来的热风,使得夏季干热成为这里的代名词。 yeeyan

By blowing downward these fans oppose the force of gravity, effectively lightening the vehicle.
对抗重力而向下喷吹的这些扇,有效地启动了这个行使工具。 yeeyan

For skin under and around noses that are irritated by too much blowing, menthol and eucalyptus can relieve pain.
鼻子下面和周围发炎的皮肤是由于过度吹风造成的,薄荷和桉树可以减轻疼痛。 yeeyan

His decision is tantalizing to observers, and has had some speculating that the winds of change might really be blowing through Burma.
他的决定让观察家们大感意外,有些人设想变革的春风可能真的吹透缅甸了。 yeeyan

His eyes fill with tears and his hair stops blowing and he crushes his pink glasses in his hand.
他的眼睛里充满了泪水,他的头发也不再吹舞,他把那个粉红框的眼镜捏碎在手里。 yeeyan

In Switzerland, there is even a national holiday dedicated to blowing him up.
在瑞典,甚至有一个全国性假日旨在给雪人气球充气。 yeeyan

Inquiring why he did so, his guest explained that he was blowing on the stew to cool it down.
又询问他为什么这样做,他的客人解释说,对着炖菜吹可以使热菜凉下来。 yeeyan

Instead of abating, the wind is blowing even harder.

It is a nuisance the way it keeps on blowing.

So a few months later, I find myself on the beach, blowing in the wind and still asking the God who calms storms to tame the fierce emotions within me.

Some are calling for more drastic action, though that would stiffen the headwinds blowing against a fragile economy.
有些措施在号召更剧烈的动作,即使这会加剧已将经济吹的摇摇欲坠的逆风。 ecocn

Such men have their beliefs, but they are also seasoned politicians. They can see which way the national mood is blowing.
这些人有他们的信仰,但他们也是老练的政治家,他们能够看到国家的情绪正在吹向哪个方向。 ecocn

The boy was blowing bubbles.

The first time I walked in on one guy blowing another through a hole in the wall I felt… nothing.
第一次,当我路过有人从墙上的洞给另外的一个人吹箫的场景,我感觉一切都是浮云。 yeeyan

The leaves are blowing away.

The image that comes to mind here, others have written about M- theory, is of a God blowing soap bubbles.
于是上帝吹肥皂泡的景象浮现在我们的脑中,其他人在谈及 M理论时也这样表述。 yeeyan

They have also performed some laboratory tests by blowing on ice-assisted rocks. These simple tests support the ice- raft hypothesis.
他们也进行了一些实验室试验,通过用风吹冰上的石头这一简单实验,支持了冰筏假说。 yeeyan

This time, he watched him blowing on the food, which intrigued him all the more.
这一次,森林之神看见他更感兴趣的对着食物吹着气。 yeeyan

Unless destroy or influenced in some way by ocean boundaries, waves continue to travel for long distances in the direction that the wind was blowing when they formed.
波浪除非被海洋边界以某种方式消除或影响,发展它就会继续沿着其形成时的吹向而运动很长距离。 ebigear

We were simply too busy to join book clubs, take glass- blowing classes, or even stay late at the office.
我们只是太忙没法去参加读书俱乐部,去上玻璃吹制班,或者甚至在办公室呆到很晚。 yeeyan

What a rush to be sitting on top of a giraffe as it raced across the desert, the sun warm on his back, the cool wind blowing in his face.
长颈鹿在沙漠上奔跑时,坐在它上面那种感觉可真是快啊!温暖的阳光照在背上,脸上还有凉风吹过。 hjenglish




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