

单词 博采众长
释义 博采众长 bó cǎi zhòng cháng 常用成语
learn wildly from other's strong points繁体博採衆長近义集思广益反义刚愎自用;自以为是正音“众”,不能读作“zòng”。
辨形“博”,不能写作“搏”。他对学生;画友,从不以我画线,而是主张博采众长,自立门户。黄胄《怀念望云老师》动宾式:作谓语;定语;形容吸收别人的长处;中性词。汉·刘向《说苑·君道》:“凡处尊位者,必以敬下顺德规谏,必开不讳之门,蹲节安静以藉之,谏者勿振以威,母格其言,博采其辞,乃择可观。”解释: 博采:广泛采纳。广泛采纳各方面的长处。宋·刘克庄《宋资政殿学士赠银青光禄大夫真公行状》:“今敌徙南,宜诏有位皆得尽言,然后博采众长,按为定论。”


近义词 集思广益博取众议
反义词 刚愎自用一意孤行自以为是
Thus Disney gained access to the combined resources of a creative army, producing results commensurate with that quality of input. blog.sina.com.cn

Abundantly picks the audiences long, the system is open. edu

Read plenty of other blogs in other niches and grab some good ideas, putting your own spin on them. yeeyan

At present, under the globalization background, designers need to have a clear understanding to show the unique style in their works, both classical and popular, complex and simple style as well. boshuo

Fifth, to base upon reality, and adopt all kinds of good qualities, to create and develop the culture. fabiao

In future time, newspapers should make use of the advantage of television, network and foreign reporters to better its typhoon reports. boshuo

Such factors as its geographical environment, the character of humanism, the opening sense and its innovation spirit result in the phenomenon. cnki

Shanghai boasts unique social setting and humanities environment, which is not only paved a path for the development of Shanghai folk-customs but also varied its style and ingenuity. yunjian

Shanghai Jiao- Wang, a foreign-funded enterprise, is superior in field of are products' creation, display and sale. jukuu

The gold standard, in effect, replaces the Fed chief with the collective wisdom or luck of the mining industry. yeeyan

His early proses are full of sad feelings, the gentle style of aesthetics, the universal attitude to literary creation and the simple and implicit linguistic style. cnki

At the same time, in the course of writing the paper, referenced various books, series and network information resources, and made discuss with some people which having industry experience. fabiao

All-powerful power supply, the Bo adopt many long, choiceness design, realization cross over! jukuu

Wei Jie, who drawing on others, to seek, in improving quality and creating brand has accumulated a wealth of experience. gongsiku

We should not only continue to open up in economic, scientific and technological fields, but also boldly learn from others in promoting cultural progress and social management. hjenglish

We admire the advanced cultures of other nations and would like to learn from them openheartedly. blog.sina.com.cn

Should adhere to ourselves and for the principles I used to carry out various forms of foreign cultural exchanges, adopt many, to show the world the construction of Chinese culture achievement. xuekek

More people should take up the deep study of how programming tools work, come out of their shells, and contribute to the overall communities of those who seek such knowledge. ibm

In the second, this article records the formation process how Koolhaas absorbed quantities of ideologies to be his own before the book Delirious New York was published. qianluntianxia

It is a window through which we broaden our vista, face the world with more open mind and absorbed advantages of different sides. blog.sina.com.cn

Only an open and inclusive country can become an advanced one and only by standing on the shoulders giants can one look farther. hjenglish

Through the classification, sorting out and reviewed the concept of interest, chapter II adopts many scientific definitions of interest and definite s the meaning of interest. fabiao

The improvement of the design level of Chinese modern gardens demands the guidance of a group of innovative, well- versed in both Chinese and western learning, and ready- to-learn landscape architects. jchla

Unlike a lot of other sports, MMA incorporates characteristics of various martial arts styles, therefore you have to practice and adopt their different strengths. plu

As to outside cultures when we study the valuable experiences left by our ancestors are precious and important to our late work. cnki




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