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blowers 基本例句 n.布洛尔斯 And enforcement is crucial: inspectors general have to be strong and independent, and whistle- blowers have to be rewarded, not punished as they were in the Bush years. 实施是关键:全体监察人员必须强硬、独立;检举人必须受到奖励,而不能像布什任期内那样受到惩罚。 yeeyan Because of the crowds they draw every year, the glass blowers of Lauscha decided to host a pre- Christmas- market event. 每一年,这里都会吸引大量游客光顾,劳沙的玻璃吹制工决定举办圣诞节前市场活动。 yeeyan The internet has handed much more power to whistle- blowers. 互联网赋予了举报者更多权力。 ecocn The Justice Department said the investigation and settlement would not have been possible without the assistance of whistle- blowers who worked at Pfizer. 司法部声称,如果没有辉瑞内部的人士揭发,这一调查基本上是不可能的。 yeeyan There were similar concerns among employers about a flood of claims when a law was brought in to protect whistle- blowers in 1998. 1998年,当保护检举者的法律得到通过,一些雇主同样担心会出现大量索赔案例。 yeeyan After Enron, an energy firm, collapsed in a flurry of fraud, Congress passed the Sarbanes- Oxley act in 2002 which, among other things, protected whistle- blowers from retaliation. 能源公司安然卷进诈骗漩涡后倒闭,国会于2002年通过了萨班斯-奥克斯利法案,和其他一系列措施,共同保护检举揭发者不受报复的伤害。 ecocn But nothing the whistle- blowers said has scared me as much as the conversation I had last week with a Pembrokeshire farmer. 然而举报人所说的就和我上周与彭布鲁克郡的一农场主所进行的谈话一样没什么能吓到我的。 yeeyan Growers have tried numerous ways to rattle pollen from tomato blossoms.They've used shaking tables, air blowers, blasts of sound, and vibrators laboriously applied by hand to each bloom cluster. 为了使花粉脱离番茄的雄蕊,种植者们尝试了很多方法,如摇床、鼓风机、音波冲击和费力的手工摇动等等,但皆效果不佳。 yeeyan In 2006 Congress gave it powers to require companies to open their books and to grant immunity to whistle- blowers. 2006年,国会授权公司公开他们标书和给予举报人豁免权。 ecocn In court papers, a lawyer for the sons has portrayed his clients as whistle- blowers who alerted authorities as soon as their father revealed the fraud to them. 在法院的卷宗中,有马克兄弟对其父罪行进行揭发的律师记录,他们从父亲口中得知骗局的真相后,便立即报告了当局。 yeeyan In his factories he employed cohorts of skilled glass- blowers and legions of mould-boys. 在他的工厂里,他雇了一大群熟练的玻璃吹制工和模具工。 ecocn It is also employing methods, such as wiretaps, that are used to fight other kinds of criminal activity, and is reimbursing whistle- blowers more handsomely. 委员会也开始采取一些手段,比如窃听,这种常用于与其他犯罪行为进行斗争的方式,以及采取给告密者以更为丰厚的报酬的手段。 ecocn Like most whistle- blowers, Sugaoka and Kikuchi are citizen heroes, but are now unemployed. 正如大多数内幕揭发者一样,菅冈和菊池是民众中的英雄,但是现在他们都在失业。 yeeyan Magnets pull out steel and iron, blowers tease out bags and paper, while shakers and centrifuges help separate other materials. 磁体“吸出”钢铁,鼓风机吹走塑料袋和纸张,而震动机和离心机分离其他的材料。 yeeyan Sadly, as a number of high-profile criminal cases against whistle- blowers show, the Obama administration has followed its predecessor in aggressively cracking down on unauthorized leaks. 很遗憾,从一系列众所周知的针对检举者的刑事案件不难看出,奥巴马与其前任一样选择了对未经授权的信息泄露予以强烈打击。 yeeyan Still others deal with the use of all terrain vehicles, leaf blowers, and wood- burning stoves. 其他地区仍在处理越野车,吹落叶机和柴火炉的使用问题。 ecocn The government should do more to protect whistle- blowers. 政府应当给予举报者更多的保护。 yeeyan The new rules try to correct this, for example by allowing a reward to be paid in some circumstances to whistle- blowers who only grumble internally. 新规定尝试加以完善,比如,在某些情况下对只在公司内部抱怨的揭发者给予奖励。 ecocn To protect the whistle blowers, the first branch of the Chongqing municipal people's procuratorate allows them to meet the procurators in a private room with no window. 为保护举报人,重庆市检察院第一分院允许举报人和检察官在保密的小房间内单独会面。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Wikileaks, an international publishing service for whistle- blowers, goes to extraordinary lengths to protect its sources, but it cannot control them. “危机解密”----一个向泄密者提供发布平台的国际性网站为了保护其密报提供者可谓搅尽了脑汁,可它却不能控制这些人自身的行为。 putclub Blowers move helium gas through the reactor and over the pebbles, where nuclear fission releases large amounts of energy, heating up the helium. 鼓风机将氦气吹过反应堆,经过核裂变释放出大量能量的小球,加热了氦。 yeeyan |