释义 |
卖方 mài fāng 基本例句 bargainorsellerseelerwriterthe selling partyvendor繁体賣方反买方寡头卖主垄断一种由少数卖方控制的市场状况。因为卖主极少,以至卖主的任何行为都可能对价格产生实质影响,从而对其竞争对手产生相当大的冲击影响力A market condition in which sellers are so few that the actions of any one of them will materially affect price and have a measurable impact on competitors. 卖方须与买方签订契约。The vendor signs a contract with the purchaser. 报价荒谬,卖方已被抛弃在市场之外。Quotation ridiculous your seller falling behind prevailing market. |