

单词 华而不实
释义 华而不实 huá ér bù shí 常用成语
flashy but not substantial繁体華而不實近义金玉其表;虚有败絮其中反义表里如一正音“华”,不能读作“huà”。
法文apparences trompeusestout ce qui reluit n'est pas or
俄文бессодержáтельная красивость
德文die Blüte ist prǎchtig,aber taubschǒne Form,leerer Inhalt nur ǎuβerlich schǒn做工作要扎扎实实,讲求实效,不要华而不实,夸夸其谈。春秋时,晋国大夫阳处父出使到魏国去,回来路过宁邑,住在一家客店里。店主姓赢ying,看见阳处父相貌堂堂,举止不凡,十分钦佩,悄悄对妻子说:“我早想投奔一位品德高尚的人,可是多少年来,随时留心,都没找到一个合意的。今天我看阳处父这个人不错,我决心跟他去了。”店主得到阳处父的同意,离别妻子,跟着他走了。一路上,阳处父同店主东拉西扯,不知谈些什么。店主一边走,一边听。刚刚走出宁邑县境,店主改变了主意,和阳处父分手了。店主的妻子见丈夫突然折回,心中不明,问道。“你好不容易遇到这么个人,怎么不服他去呢?你不是决心很大吗?家里的事你尽管放心好了。”“我看到他长得一表人才,以为他可以信赖,谁知听了他的言论却感到非常讨厌。我怕跟他一去,没有得到教育,反倒遭受祸害,所以打消了原来的主意。”店主说。这阳处父,在店主的心目中,就是个”华而不实”的人。所以,店主毅然地离开了他。偏正式:作谓语;定语;指内容空虚;含贬义。《晏子春秋·外篇·不合经术者》:“东海之中,有水而赤,其中有枣,华而不实,何也。”《左传·文公五年》:“且华而不实,怨之所聚也。”解释: 华旧读huā:开花。实:结果实。只开花,不结果。《晏子春秋·不合经术者》:“东海之中,有水而赤,其中有枣,华而不实。”
《山海经·中山经》:“又东七十里,曰半石之山,其上有草焉,生而秀,其高丈余,赤叶赤华,华而不实,其名曰嘉荣。”解释: 比喻外表华丽而本质空泛。也比喻作风浮夸而不踏实。《左传·文公五年》:“天为刚德,犹不干时,况在人乎?且华而不实,怨之所聚也。”


近义词 虚有其表弄虚作假朴实无华绣花枕头脆而不坚金玉其表好高鹜远大而无当纸上谈兵言之无物秀而不实败絮其中金玉其外,败絮其中金玉其外,败絮其中…
反义词 表里如一实事求是朴实无华好高鹜远弄虚作假春华秋实
他的讲话净是华而不实的词藻。His speech was full of fine words which meant nothing.不过这里也存在局限性:这样大规模的财富流动容易滋生腐败,或者变成华而不实的面子工程。
But there are limits: Such huge flows of wealth can be squandered on corruption or showcase projects that turn into white elephants. yeeyan

但像 LVMH集团就好的多,其欧洲的34%的收入,也都是得益于亚洲人对其华而不实的产品虚荣的追捧者。
But good news for a group like LVMH, with just 34% of its revenues earned in Europe thanks to Asian consumers’ seemingly endless appetite for its baubles. ecocn

But the scheme is only a temporary fix, and is just the sort of grandiose engineering project that tends to cause environmental problems of its own. ecocn

They are, to be sure, a peculiarly boring breed of romantic, speaking in turgid prose rather than poetry. yeeyan

Television is fast, colourful, easy, funny, scary, informative, and slick. yeeyan

Short skirts, overly high heels, flashy makeup, pale jeans, and anything really tacky or dated is generally a no. yeeyan

Meanwhile, slick fashion suits will have you looking like a rock star, but only for a couple of years. edu.sina.com.cn

给宇航局明天的月亮,连同所有将人和材料送上月球所需要的那些新的华而不实的硬件, 以换琅目前的飞船退休计划会是一个很聪明的手段。
Offering the agency the moon tomorrow—complete with all the flashy new hardware required to get people and materials up there—in exchange for a shuttle-retirement plan today would be a clever ploy. ecocn

公共部门已沦为管理不当的笑柄,大量公共资金被浪费到过多的课税返还和华而不实的 IT产业上。
The public sector, meanwhile, has become a byword for mismanagement, with vast sums of public money being frittered away on over payments of tax credits or costly IT projects. ecocn

Most of the other issues swirling in the lawyer- soldier tornado are either trivial or meretricious. yeeyan

The parent’s doctors should be nudged to justify flashy but exhausting diagnostic tests, and to constantly re- evaluate medication regimens. yeeyan

The implication in all such speeches is that a party's policies spring from the nation's collective consciousness, and not from anything so tawdry as political strategy sessions and focus groups. ecocn

He felt he had made a mistake by hiring the flashy, controversial Carly Fiorina as his successor at HP, and that he had to do a better job of choosing the right person to run Boeing. ecocn

The best of them understand the need for rules, but don't have the luxury of abstraction. yeeyan

All I want is a way to track my money easily, with no other bells and whistles, and a way to access that online so that I can view it from anywhere. yeeyan

Rather than relying on distracting flashy ads, we developed relevant, clearly marked text- based ads above and to the right of our search results. yeeyan

Some of the follies these Indians, Bangladeshis, Chinese and Filipinos build will not earn much return, but at least they help spread the wealth around. ecocn

With big, showy behavior, it's a lot easier for them to discount the issue versus if you brought it up in a serious tone. yeeyan

Real power for the first time in the better part of a century is no small bauble. yeeyan

Not only had these flashy computer systems failed to forecast behaviour in, say, the subprime mortgage world, but they had also seduced bankers and investors to take foolhardy risks. blog.sina.com.cn

And Messrs Bogle and Malkiel are right to argue that the low- cost appeal of index funds will be diluted if too many bells and whistles are added. ecocn

The public is able to digest these“ follies” easier than larger buildings, the latter of which may be controversial for their break with tradition on such an imposing scale. ebigear




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