词汇 | 半途而废 |
释义 | 半途而废 辨形废,左部是“广”,不是“疒”。 辨析半途而废和“浅尝辄止”;都含有“中途停止;没有做到底”的意思。半途而废偏重在工作已做了不少;“浅尝辄止”偏重在稍微尝试一下。半途而废多用于事业和工作及学习和研究上;并带有惋惜的意味;“浅尝辄止”多用于学习上;有时也用于研究上。 辨形废,左部是“广”,不是“疒”。 辨析半途而废和“浅尝辄止”;都含有“中途停止;没有做到底”的意思。半途而废偏重在工作已做了不少;“浅尝辄止”偏重在稍微尝试一下。半途而废多用于事业和工作及学习和研究上;并带有惋惜的意味;“浅尝辄止”多用于学习上;有时也用于研究上。 歇后语走路扯断脚 法文s'arrêter en beau chemin 俄文брóсить на полпутй 德文etwas auf halbem Weg aufgeben 一天,乐羊子在路上拾到一块金子,回家后把它交给妻子。妻子说:“我听说有志向的人不喝盗泉的水,因为它的名字令人厌恶;也不吃别人施舍而呼唤过来吃的食物,宁可饿死。更何况拾取别人失去的乐西。这样会玷污品行。”乐羊子听了妻子的话,非常惭愧,就把那块金子扔到野外,然后到远方去寻师求学。 一年后,乐羊子归来。妻子跪着问他为何回家,乐羊子说:“出门时间长了想家,没有其他缘故。”妻子听罢,操起一把刀走到织布机前说:“这机上织的绢帛产自蚕茧,成于织机。一根丝一根丝地积累起来,才有一寸长;一寸寸地积累下去,才有一丈乃至一匹。今天如果我将它割断,就会前功尽弃,从前的时间也就白白浪费掉。” 妻子接着又说:“读书也是这样,你积累学问,应该每天获得新的知识,从而使自已的品行日益完美。如果半途而归,和割断织丝有什么两样呢?” 乐羊子被妻子说的话深深感动,于是又去完成学业,一连七年没有回过家。 涂:道路。 【注意】“半途而废”的“废”意思是“停下来”。 反义词 Halfway doesn't count, nor do good intentions or high hopes. Mr Daschle is now the third of his planned appointees to fall by the wayside; Mr Obama’s carefully cultivated image of competence and coolness is starting to fray. Experts now predict that the project, a joint venture with EDF, a French state-controlled electricity giant, will die. Do nothing by halves. Reform has not completely petered out. Most of the projects like that I’ve seen are really half- assed code that got sold as sustainable. The tiger- mother approach isn't an ethnicity but a philosophy: expect the best from your children, and don't settle for anything less. Get your whole group involved in healthy activities and eating that way they won't be tempting you to fall off the fitness wagon. If you try to handle too many objectives per month, they all suffer. If your self- perception is that you can't accomplish something because you never finish anything you start, then go finish something and change your self- perception. He attended art school briefly, then quit; after taking some film classes at a community college, he dropped out of that as well. They let prevention fall by the wayside. Why is it that all such efforts have so far either been half baked or else repressed? You will meet unexpected challenges along the way, how you view them will determine whether you keep moving forward or abandon your goal. Just as dangerous is the cowboy coder who rides in to save the day, but leaves a lot of half- assed code behind for other people to deal with. We must carry the experiment through to the end, not give up halfway. Don't leave things done halfway. Three previous campaigns against the Pakistani Taliban there since2004 petered out. Either they were carried out half-heartedly, or bafflingly abandoned in the midst of battle. Tom Enders, who heads the Airbus division, has signalled that the project could be scrapped. |
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