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词汇 acquire
释义 ac·quire 英əˈkwaɪə美əˈkwaɪrAHDə-kwīrʹ ★★★☆☆高四六研IMST牛46八GCOCA²⁵¹³BNC⁴³⁹⁰iWeb²⁰⁰⁸Economist⁴⁸⁵⁰

vt. 〈正〉获得; 得到

gain sth by your own efforts, ability or behaviour

vt. 购得; 获得; 得到

obtain sth by buying or being given it

come into the possession of something concrete or abstract;

She got a lot of paintings from her uncle

They acquired a new pet

Get your results the next day

Get permission to take a few days off from work

take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect;

His voice took on a sad tone

The story took a new turn

he adopted an air of superiority

She assumed strange manners

The gods assume human or animal form in these fables

come to have or undergo a change of physical features and attributes;

He grew a beard

The patient developed abdominal pains

I got funny spots all over my body

Well-developed breasts

locate a moving entity by means of a tracking system such as radarwin something through one's efforts;

I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese

Gain an understanding of international finance

gain knowledge or skills;

She learned dancing from her sister

I learned Sanskrit

Children acquire language at an amazing rate

gain through experience;

I acquired a strong aversion to television

Children must develop a sense of right and wrong

Dave developed leadership qualities in his new position

develop a passion for painting

acquire, achieve, attain, earn, gain, get, obtain, secure, win

这组词的共同意思是“取得; 获得”。其区别是:


2.achieve主要指取得成功、成就或实现预期目的; acquire主要指逐渐获得知识、能力、荣誉等; attain主要指达到重要目标或获得珍贵的东西; earn凭借功劳赚得或获得工资、报酬、荣誉、赞赏等; gain主要指获得或赢得有一定价值的东西; get指以各种方式获得各种所需或不需之物; obtain指获得所需之物或达到预期目的; secure指得到渴望或竞争性的东西; win指在竞争、比赛、争论或战斗中击败对手而赢得胜利或获得人们的爱戴〔好感〕等。

3.achieve指克服困难之后而获得; acquire, attain, earn指通过努力而获得; gain指通过巨大努力而获得; obtain多指通过长期努力而获得,有时也指无须经过努力; 其他各词不强调通过努力与否; get可指通过各种方式获得; earn还指凭借功劳而赚得; win还指通过作出优异成绩而赢得。

4.achieve强调结果; acquire强调量的增加; attain含有达到完美地步的意味; gain强调所获得之物能够造成的优势; obtain强调愿望得到满足; secure强调有把握或成功地获得。

5.get是这组同义词中的最常用词,可指主动争取,也可指被动接受,有时不一定需要很大努力就能获得; acquire指持续,慢慢地获得,强调过程; 而earn, gain都强调经过艰苦努力而获得的这一结果, gain比obtain所付出的努力还要大些; win则指在竞赛中或战斗中赢得或获得胜利,可以通过努力获得,也可以偶然获得。例如:

He did not get what he had earned.他未获得他应得到的东西。
The ability to use a language can be acquired by the act of using the language.运用语言的能力,只能通过不断练习才能获得。
She gained rich experience in teaching.她获得了丰富的教学经验。
I've got your telegram.我已经收到了你的电报。
We wished to obtain first-hand information.我们要能得到第一手情报就好了。
Industry won him his success.勤奋使他获得了成功。

6.acquire的宾语多为知识、技能等; earn的宾语多为金钱、荣誉等理应得到的东西; obtain的宾语多为期望已久的东西; gain的宾语多为经验、利益、优势、好处等; 而win的宾语则为比赛、战斗等; get的宾语则比较广泛,即既可以是具体的东西,也可以是抽象的事物。例如:

He got what he had earned.他获得了他应得到的东西。
You must work hard to acquire good knowledge of English.你要用功,以便精通英语。
Our firm has gained a good reputation.我们公司赢得了好名声。
Then I'll go and get you a chair.我去给你拿把椅子来。
At last, he obtained his father's pardon.他终于得到了父亲的原谅。
They won the basketball match.他们打赢了这场篮球赛。

7.这组动词都可跟简单宾语。get, earn, gain, obtain, secure和win可跟双宾语; secure还可跟wh-从句; win还可跟含不定式的复合宾语。此外, gain和win有时还可用作不及物动词。acquire和attain常跟抽象名词。











前缀ac-同ad-, 去,往。词根quir, 追求,同question, 追问,问题。
用作动词 v.
~+名词acquire a new lease of life获得新生acquire an education受教育acquire an understanding取得谅解acquire a target捕捉到目标acquire a taste for sth开始喜欢某事物acquire a title of得到…的头衔acquire bad habits养成坏习惯acquire experience获得经验acquire fame and wealth获得名利acquire fluency in French学会流畅地讲法语acquire good habits养成好习惯acquire knowledge获得知识acquire language习得语言acquire mannerisms形成独特风格acquire property获得财产acquire supplies获得供给品acquire the art of public speaking获得讲演的艺术acquire the habit of养成做某事的习惯acquire the information获得信息acquire the right to do sth取得做某事的权利~+副词acquire assiduously持之以恒地积累acquire cruelly粗鲁地获得acquire easily轻易地取得acquire innocently清白地获得acquire painfully痛苦地获得acquire patiently耐心地获得acquire quickly迅速地获得acquire scientifically科学地获得acquire sensibly明显地获得~+介词acquire by purchase以购买的方式获得acquire through experience通过经验获得
用作动词 acquired taste

养成的爱好a thing that you do not like much at first but gradually learn to like

非常记忆acAC米兰〖编码〗+qui快〖谐音〗+re热〖拼音〗⇒AC米兰球员快速进球获得热烈的欢呼ac=ad,去,趋近+quir索要,获取+e→获得,取得⇒学到,习得,养成技能、习惯等。词根记忆ac+quire追求→不断追求才能够获得→获得谐音记忆音“快了”⇒考完四级就快获得学位了词根记忆ac+quire追求→不断寻求才能够获得词根记忆ac加强动作+quire寻求得到=获取词根记忆ac+quire追求→不断寻求才能够获得近义词 getwingainearnobtainattainpickupachievecultivate反义词 losegive
be deprived of
S+~+ n./pron.I've suddenly acquired a stepbrother.我突然有了一个继兄弟。
I managed to acquire two tickets for the concert.我设法弄到了两张音乐会的票。
The company has just acquired new premises.公司刚购得新办公楼。
The company has recently acquired new offices in central London.公司最近在伦敦市中心弄到了新的办公室。
We acquired the shares for £1.⎩75 each.⎩我们以每股1.75英镑买下了股票。⎫
He acquired a property.他得到一笔财产。
We should acquire more firsthand information.我们应当取得更多的第一手资料。
I tried to acquire the information I needed.我千方百计地搞到了我所需要的资料。
The couple acquire a good reputation in art circles.这对夫妇在文艺界获得美名。
Our firm has acquired an increasing prestige.我们公司的声望不断提高。
He has acquired a reputation for dishonesty.他得到了奸诈的名声。
How did she acquire her skill?她的本领是怎样学来的?
She has acquired a good knowledge of English.她英语已经学得很好。
You must work hard to acquire good knowledge of English.你必须努力学习英语,以求精通。
We must acquire advanced science and technology.我们一定要把先进的科学技术学到手。
How do you acquire so much knowledge of buying and selling of stocks in such a short time?你是怎样在这么短的时间内获得这么多有关股票交易知识的?
We want people to acquire the habit of using public transport instead of their cars.我们希望人们养成使用公交交通而不是私家车的习惯。
I have recently acquired a taste for olives.我最近开始喜欢吃橄榄了。
I've never really acquired a taste for wine.我从来没有真正喜欢过酒。
Any drug user who shares a needle is at risk of acquiring AIDS.共用针头的吸毒者都有感染艾滋病的风险。
The business was acquired from Orion four years ago.这铺子是4年前从列昂那儿买来的。
How can such a large quantity of know-ledge be acquired?这么大量的知识怎样才能学到呢?
The ability to use a language can be acquired by the act of using the language.运用语言的能力,只能通过不断练习才能获得。
The habit is easily acquired but broken up with difficulty.此种习惯养成容易,摒弃就困难了。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.His character acquired him a good name.他的品格使他得到好名声。
Her manner acquired her universal odium.她的举止遭到普遍的非议。Pacquireda.获得的后天的Pacquirer转得人取得人受让人Preacquired再获得的重新获得购回Pacquirementn.取得得到获得学到的东西


acquire的基本意思是“得到”,可指“购得”“习得; 学到知识”“获得名声,地位或名望”“患上疾病; 受到感染”等,含有“逐渐具有; 不断积累; 开始学会”等意味。acquire也可指不正当的“获得”。

acquire是及物动词,其宾语多为抽象名词,如用实物则显得做作, acquire也可接双宾语。可用于被动结构。



His character acquired him a good name.他的人品使他得到好名声。
用作及物动词We should try toacquiregood habits.我们应该努力养成良好的习惯。
He willacquirethe right to permanent residency here.他将获得这里的永久居留权。
We hope toacquirethe knowledge in the happiness.我们希望在快乐中获得知识。
One can neveracquireenough experience.经验是永远学不足的。
You mustacquiregreat skills of perception.你必须学会洞察事物的高超技巧。
We shouldacquiremore firsthand information.我们应当取得更多的第一手资料。verb.obtain or receive
同义词 achieve,amass,bring in,buy,collect,earn,gain,get,have,pick up,promote,take,winaccess,annex,attain,catch,cop,corral,gather,grab,land,procure,secure,snag,wangleget hands on,get hold of,latch onto,lock up,rack up,scare up,take possession of
反义词 disperse,divide,fail,forfeit,give,lose,miss,misunderstand,pass,scatter,spend,throw away,give up,let go,releaseforgo,relinquish,surrender,yield
acceptverb receive something given physically
accumulateverb gather or amass something
accrue,acquire,add to,agglomerate,aggregate,amalgamate,assemble,bring together,cache,clean up,collect,collocate,compile,concentrate,cumulate,draw together,expand,gain,gather,grow,heap,heap together,hoard,incorporate,increase,load up,lump,make a bundle,make a killing,mass,pile,pile up,procure,profit,rack up,roll up,round up,scare up,stack up,stockpile,store,store up,swell,unite
accumulatesverb gather or amass something
accrues,acquires,adds to,agglomerates,aggregates,amalgamates,assembles,brings together,caches,clean up,collects,collocates,compiles,concentrates,cumulates,draws together,expands,gains,gathers,grows,heap together,heaps,hoards,incorporates,increases,loads up,lumps,makes a bundle,makes a killing,masses,piles,piles up,procures,profits,racks up,rolls up,rounds up,scares up,stacks up,stockpiles,stores,stores up,swells,unites
achieveverb bring to successful conclusion;reach a goal
accomplish,acquire,actualize,attain,bring about,bring off,bring to pass,cap,carry out,carry through,close,complete,conclude,consummate,deliver,discharge,dispatch,do,earn,earn wings,effect,effectuate,enact,end,execute,finish,follow through,fulfill,gain,get,get done,manage,negotiate,obtain,perfect,perform,procure,produce,rack up,reach,realize,resolve,score,seal,see through,settle,sign,solve,win,wind up,work out
assumeverb take, undertake
accept,acquire,appropriate,arrogate,attend to,begin,confiscate,don,embark upon,embrace,enter upon,seize,set about,take on,take over,take up
assumesverb take, undertake
accepts,ascertains,concludes,conjectures,considers,counts upon,deduces,deems,divines,estimates,expects,falls for,fancies,finds,gathers,gets the idea,guesses,has a hunch,have sneaks suspicion,hypothesizes,imagines,infers,is afraid,is inclined to thinks,judges,posits,postulates,predicates,presumes,presupposes,speculates,supposes,surmises,suspects,theorizes,thinks,understands A successor, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, due to come on stream in Chile in 2016, will acquire that quantity of data every five days.
而其继任者,因2016年即将到来的智利流而诞生的‘大口径综合巡天望远镜’,每五天就将获得这么大的数据量。 yeeyan

Launch yourself in a direction you want to go by considering the skills you have and enjoy using, skills you want to acquire and rewards that are meaningful to you.

The individual DITA topics have no inherent context in themselves, but acquire context according to their role within the map.
单个 DITA主题自身并没有固有的上下文,而是根据在映射中的角色获得上下文。 ibm

The robot can acquire the object.

Another result is the establishment of alternative systems in which one can win respect and acquire self-esteem, such as gangs.
另一个结果就是替代系统的建立,在这个系统中人们可以赢得尊重,获得自尊,像是那些帮派份子。 yeeyan

Applications can connect to the RES and have the rules execute there or acquire the rules and execute them locally.
应用程序可以连接到 RES并在那里执行规则,或者获得规则并在本地执行它们。 ibm

For example, chauffeur Pande said he wants his two children to acquire skills that will help them do better jobs than driving.
例如,作为司机的潘德说,他希望他的两个孩子能学到技术,让他们找到比司机更好的工作。 putclub




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