词汇 | 势如破竹 |
释义 | 势如破竹 辨形“势”,不能写作“事”。 辨析参见“势不可当”。。 辨形“势”,不能写作“事”。 辨析见“势不可当”。 法文sans rencontrer de résistance réelle 俄文с сокршительной силой 德文unaufhaltsam und erfolgreich voranschreiten mit unwiderstehlicher Wucht 大将杜预不同意多数人的看法,写了一道奏章给晋武帝。杜预认为,必须趁目前昊国衰弱,忙灭掉它,不然等它有了实力就很难打败它了。司马炎看了杜预的奏章,找自己的最信任的大臣张华征求意见。张华很同意杜预的分析,也劝司马炎快快攻打吴国,以免留下后患。于是司马炎就下了决心,任命杜预作征南大将军。公元279年,晋武帝司马炎调动了二十多万兵马,分成六路水陆并进,攻打吴国,一路战鼓齐鸣,战旗飘扬,战士威武雄壮。第二年就攻占了江陵,斩了吴国一员大将,率领军队乘胜追击。在沅江;湘江以南的吴军听到风声吓破了胆,纷纷打开城门投降。司马炎下令让杜预从小路向吴国国都建业进发。此时,有人担心长江水势暴涨,不如暂收兵等到冬天进攻更有利。杜预坚决反对退兵,他说:“现在趁士气高涨,斗志正旺,取得一个又一个胜利,势如破竹像用快刀劈竹子一样,劈过几节后竹子就迎刃破裂,一举攻击吴国不会再费多大力气了!”晋朝大军在杜预率领下,直冲向吴都建业,不久就攻占建业灭了吴国。晋武帝统一了全国。 故事出自《晋书 杜预传》。成语“势如破竹”,形容战斗节节胜利,毫无阻挡。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 The overwhelming autonomous organization like Xin Min Institute, Fashion Agency, youngster academy of China who advanced the society reformation. But should she decide to run in2012, she would hit the Republican primaries like an avalanche. As Western leaders remain locked in inconclusive debate on how to respond, Gaddafi's forces have blasted the rebels into retreat all the way back to Benghazi. Novak Djokovic continued his imperious run of form by winning the Wimbledon men's singles title last Sunday. Serena took the momentum into the second set, dropping only two points on serve in the opening three games. More disconcerting is the lack of critical thinking, and at times, blind faith that China is on a roll, so don't rock the boat. That should help to extend the benefits of the web to more of the world's population. But it will also help to spread what critics regard as the web's negative aspects. You think you're on a roll. When the German army invaded Paris in 1940, the lift cables were cut as Hitler's men stormed the city. He saw it as a sign of how well the state's Somali community has become established since he arrived in 1994 as a refugee. The main stage for them is taking impressive and unstoppable shape on a tract of once deindustrialised, contaminated land in the east of the city see article and article. Sean carried all before him in our club's tennis tournament and won the champion's trophy. In China, Apple’s on a roll. But that was the corner that mattered to the Americans and Australians who were trying to stem the seemingly inevitable tide of Japanese conquest in1943. He saw it as a sign of how well the state’s Somali community has become established since he arrived in 1994 as a refugee. The England star proved a pivotal figure for Chelsea as they clinched the Premiership title in devastating style last term. Since then a Team Yatai group with irresistible force, finally aspires to seize the superior. Finally they thundered through the Roman defenses along the northern boundaries of the empire. Christine Todd Whitman’s victory over Jim Florio in 1993 turned out to be the precursor to the1994 Republican national sweep. But Porto, whose dominance in their domestic league saw them go unbeaten and finish38 points ahead of Braga, were far from their best in Dublin. Getty Images ONCE they started falling, the totems toppled like nine pins this week. A new European Union EU directive known as Solvency II, which will have global ramifications, is being thrashed,through various EU bodies and is about95% complete. Originally considered a caretaker leader, the mayor of Lille led the party to a sweeping victory at regional elections earlier this year. Where telephones lead, development follows. |
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