

单词 acquainted
释义 ac·quaint·ed 英əˈkweɪntɪd美əˈkwentɪdAHDə-kwānʹtĭd ☆☆☆☆☆高四GT宝COCA¹⁶⁶¹²BNC¹⁴¹⁹¹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

having fair knowledge of;

they were acquainted

fully acquainted with the facts

acquainted with熟悉acquaint使了解be acquainted with熟悉become acquainted with开始认识、开始了解…make someone acquainted with使某人认识……get acquainted with知道
GRE红宝书来自acquaintv.使了解,告知ac使+quain t知道 →使人们知道→告知
acquaint 使了解,告知;frequent 常见的,常去, 时常出入,所以很熟悉;音:我看它,我总看单词就熟悉了
来自acquaintv.使熟知近义词 with用of关于to对于in on参加in在 … 里about关于aware知道的alive活着的on在 … 之上versed熟练的advised熟虑的versed in精通au fait精通的familiar熟悉的advised of通知friendly友好的learned有学问的apprised of获悉informed of听说alive to 认识到used to过去常常privy私下知情的conversant熟悉的sociable好交际的familiar with熟悉enlightened开明的privy to私下知情的conscious of意识到accustomed习惯了的informed见多识广的instructed受教育的conscious神志清醒的conversant with 精通通晓clued动词clue的过去式,动…apprised动词apprise的过去…aware of知道的, 察觉到的, 意…cognizant of认识到, 知道, 晓得…反义词 unacquainted不知道的
用作形容词Are youacquaintedwith him?你跟他熟吗?
I amacquaintedwith her.我认识她。
We'll talk further after you areacquaintedwith the possibilities for our product sales.等你们全面了解我们产品销售的可能性之后,我们再进一步细谈。adj.(aware
同义词 abreast,conversant,informedadvised,enlightened,familiarizedapprised of,clued in,familiar with,in the know,versed in
反义词 ignorant
abreastadverb up-to-date
au courant,au fait,contemporary,familiar,in touch,informed,knowledgeable,up,versed
accustomedadjective be or become prepared, used to
acclimatized,acquainted,adapted,addicted,confirmed,disciplined,familiar,familiarized,given to,grooved,habituated,habituated in,in the habit,inured,seasoned,settled in,trained
awareadjective knowledgeable
acquainted,alert,alive,appraised,appreciative,apprehensive,apprised,attentive,au courant,awake,cognizant,conscious,cool,enlightened,familiar,go-go,groovy,grounded,heedful,hip,in the know,in the picture,informed,into,know the score,know what's what,know-how,knowing,latched on,mindful,on the beam,on to,perceptive,plugged in,receptive,savvy,sensible,sentient,sharp,tuned-in,up on,wise,wise to,wised up,with it
cognizantadjective aware
acquainted,alive,apprehensive,au courant,awake,conscious,conversant,down with,familiar,grounded,hep to,hip to,in on,in the know,in the picture,informed,judicious,knowing,knowledgeable,observant,on the beam,on to,perceptive,plugged in,savvy,sensible,sentient,tuned-in,up on,versed,wise to,with it,witting
consciousadjective alert, awake
able to recognize,acquainted,aesthetic,alive to,apperceptive,apprised,assured,attentive,au courant,aware,certain,cognizant,conversant,discerning,hep to,in on,in right mind,informed,keen,knowing,mindful,noticing,noting,observing,on to,perceiving,percipient,recognizing,remarking,responsive,seeing,sensible,sensitive to,sentient,supraliminal,sure,understanding,vigilant,watchful,wise to,with it,witting
conversantadjective experienced, familiar with
abreast,acquainted,alive,apprehensive,au courant,au fait,aware,cognizant,comprehending,conscious,cool,down with,hep,hip,informed,into,kept posted,knowing,knowledgeable,learned,on the beam,perceptive,percipient,plugged in,practiced,proficient,sensible,sentient,skilled,up,up-to-date,versant,versed,well-informed,witting It’s time to get acquainted with the very machine that extracts diamonds.
言归正传,现在是该熟悉这种开采钻石的机器的时候了。 yeeyan

Since the pace of work may be somewhat less hectic, job candidates may find they have a better chance of getting acquainted with prospective colleagues and bosses.
夏季的工作节奏可能较慢,求职者可能有更好的机会与未来的同事和老板相互了解。 fortunechina

A translator must be well acquainted with the target language.
一个好的译者必须很熟悉目标语言。 hjenglish

Accounting practices have undergone a vast change with the changing business environment and hence as the head of a business, you should keep yourself acquainted with them.
随着经营环境的变化,会计实务也发生了很大的变化,因此作为企业所有者,你应该熟悉它们。 yeeyan

After we got acquainted, he agreed to serve as the campaign treasurer.
我们结识之后,他同意做我的竞选财务主任。 yeeyan

But this scratch gets you acquainted with the concept and suffice for our WEKA tests in this article.
但我们的简介让您充分熟悉了这个概念,已足够应付本文中 WEKA试用。 ibm

Do we really know the mountain well when we are not acquainted with the cavern?
在我们还没有认识山洞时,我们能说已经认清山了吗? ebigear

Don't you feel acquainted with all these?
这一切,你会不会觉得有些熟悉? ebigear

First off, how did you become acquainted with speculative fiction? What's the appeal of the genre for you?
首先,你是如何接触到科幻小说的?这类体裁对你的吸引力在哪里? yeeyan

He had these parties where you became acquainted with the Beatles and Mick Jagger.
在他举行的聚会里,你能结识甲壳虫乐队和米克·贾格尔。 yeeyan

He therefore acquainted his father, Ali Baba, with his wish to invite him in return.
他因此介绍了他的父亲,阿里巴巴,希望邀请他回来。 yeeyan

Her mother, while Pearl was yet an infant, grew acquainted with a certain peculiar look, that warned her when it would be labour thrown away to insist, persuade, or plead.
还在珠儿是婴儿的时候,她母亲就渐渐熟悉了她的一种特别的神情,那是在告诉母亲,此时对她的一切强制、劝说或请求都将无济于事。 hjenglish

I happened to get acquainted with the widow of some departed high Anglo- Indian official.
我偶然结识了一个高级英裔印度官员的遗孀。 yeeyan

If you are not acquainted with this material, refer to them first and then revisit this discussion.
如果您对此内容不熟悉,请首先查阅相关内容,然后再回到本讨论。 ibm

If you have a Capricorn friend, you may be well acquainted with the Capricorn traits listed above.
如果你有一个摩羯座的朋友,你可能会非常熟悉上面列出的摩羯座特点。 yeeyan

North American Indians were idealized in European literature of that time; they were considered happy because they were not acquainted with modern civilization.
在当时的欧洲文学中,北美印第安人被美化:他们不熟悉现代文明,因而被认为是幸福的。 yeeyan

Our boss got acquainted with a couple of real estate agents in the golf Club.
我们老板在高尔夫俱乐部里结识了几位做房地产的商人。 examw

She is better acquainted with his heart than I, or anyone besides; and she would never represent him as worse than he is.
她比我,或比其他任何人,更熟悉他的心。而且她绝不会把他说得比他本人更坏。 putclub

The two later became acquainted, and Wright even began designing a house for Rand, though it was never built.
后来两人逐渐相识,赖特甚至开始为兰德设计一座房子,虽然那所房子从未破土动工。 yeeyan

The UCL team scanned the brains of20 young mothers while they viewed pictures of their own children, children they were acquainted with, and adult friends.
当20位年轻母亲在看自己的孩子,熟识的孩子和成年朋友的照片时,伦敦大学学院的研究小组对他们的大脑进行了扫描。 edu.sina.com.cn

They become better acquainted with business goals driving the requirement for the specific market in which the application will be executed.
它们对业务目标有更充分的认识,从而促进应用软件将要被投放的具体市场的需求。 ibm

This video, listed in Resources, is an essential primer for any woman who wants to become more intimately acquainted with the visible parts of her sexual anatomy.
这个视频在参考资料中列出。 对那些想要更加深刻地从解剖学认识她们性器官可见部分的女性,它是必不可少的入门作品。 yeeyan

We start to get acquainted with ourselves when we are very young.
当我们还很年轻的时候,我们就已经开始在了解自己。 yeeyan

When you are better acquainted with the person, you can discuss the domestic difficulties of a colleague or neighbour, or perhaps even a friend or relative.
当你和此人更熟后,你可以和他谈论一些身边同事或者邻居的家事,乃至是亲友的问题也无妨。 edu.sina.com.cn

Yes, you can use the concierge, the travel guides, the map, or the bus tours to get acquainted with a new location.
是的,你可以通过管理人员,旅游指南,地图,或旅游巴士这些途径了解一个新的位置。 putclub




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