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词汇 力所能及
释义 力所能及 lì suǒ néng jí 常用成语
saying that which is in ones power to dowithin grasp近义力挽狂澜;得心应手;为所欲为反义力不能支;无能为力正音“及”,不能读作“jī”。
俄文по мере возможности
德文in js Macht in js Reichweite特别是要用实例;用典型示范去告诉他们组织起来的好处,这种好处是超出单干户力所能及的。郭小川《十字路口》主谓式:作谓语;定语;指能够办到;含褒义。唐 裴铏《传奇 韦自东》:“殿于宏壮,林泉甚佳,盖唐开元中万回师弟子之所建也;似驱役鬼工,非人力所能及。”解释: 及:达到。指自己的能力;实力所能做到的。《续资治通鉴长编·哲宗元符元年》:“移易大臣乃出陛下独断,虽宰臣所不敢与,必待询访而后敢言,岂臣力所能及?其理甚明。”
朱光潜《谈美书简》三:“谈到观点的转变,我还应谈一谈近代美学的真正开山祖康德这位主观唯心论者对我的影响,并且进行一点力所能及的批判。”近义词 得心应手随心所欲能者多劳为所欲为量力而行力挽狂澜
反义词 力不从心力不能支力不胜任随心所欲自不量力力所不及无能为力力难胜任可望不可即
人只能做力所能及的事。A man can do no more than he can.
这完全是你力所能及的工作。This is a task well within your ability.
此事非你力所能及。It's beyond your might.本文是对上一篇文章中讨论的技术的扩展,并且回答了那些我力所能及的问题。
This article expands on the techniques discussed in that previous article, as well as answering as many of those questions as I can. ibm

But if the gap between what can be achieved and the high ambition of Global Zero grows too wide, its claim to temper idealism with gritty pragmatism will be in jeopardy. ecocn

Give some quality thought towards appreciating who you are and what you bring to the table in every aspect of what you do. yeeyan

With agile development, a team of developers does as much as they can in a certain time frame, which supports a time-based payment model. ibm

The company has cut about as much as it can. hxen

While United, formidable as they are, do it better than most they do not have a monopoly on skill, and they left Rome with the uneasy feeling that some things might be forever beyond them. yeeyan

You have done what you could. yeeyan

However, the South African authorities remain adamant they have done all they can with the resources available. yeeyan

Still, I marvel that the students who actually do pay will spend so much money on something they could do themselves. yeeyan

With so much unknown, it makes sense to be smart about the things you can control. yeeyan

I'm going to talk about how to prevent this problem first, then tell you a few things you can do when you run into it again in the future as well. yeeyan

While we’ve run out of space to house them, we give what we can— free water and free health care. yeeyan

I went on a quest to reclaim a bit of the selflessness that I know is in all of us and that we are all capable of. yeeyan

And I did everything humanly possible within my power to keep him on a treatment regimen, but, alas, to no avail. yeeyan

We are giving what we can to serve the cause and we hope our music will influence others to do the same. fao

At every developmental stage your child reaches, she can do things by herself. If you do them for her, you are not really helping her, but rather holding her back. ebigear

In these tough times, young people need all the help they can get. yeeyan

Get in there and help where you can. Make yourself useful. yeeyan

The new thinking is that the most useful thing ministers can do for emerging sectors is to use the pull and prestige of high office itself. ecocn

As a career exploration and transition coach, I’m going to do all I can to help that along! yeeyan

Always aim higher than you believe you can reach. hjenglish

The Santa Cruz family believes that each individual should be held responsible for their own impact on the planet, and do whatever they can to reduce that impact. yeeyan

My joke is that I’ve been busy ever since, doing all the good work I can think of, so He can have confidence in me. yeeyan




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