

单词 力不从心
释义 力不从心 lì bù cóng xīn 常用成语
unable to do as much as one would like to繁体力不従心近义无能为力;心有余而力不足反义得心应手;力所能及变体力不從心正音“不”,不能读作“bú”。
法文malgré sa bonne vollonté,ne pouvoir accomplir ce qu'on voudrait
俄文есть желáние,да сил нет
德文beim besten Willen nicht tun kǒnnen按我的政治思想水平;斗争阅历和知识能力,担当编选陈毅同志诗词的工作确是力不从心。张茜《陈毅诗词选集 序言》东汉时,班超受明帝派遣,率领几十个人现使西域,屡建奇功。然而,班超在古西域经过了27个年头,年事已高,身体衰弱,思家心切,于是就写了封信,叫他的儿子捎至汉朝,请求和帝刘肇把他调回。此信未见反应。他的妹妹班昭又上书皇帝,申明哥哥的意思。
和帝刘肇被深深地感动了,马上传旨调班超回汉。班超回到洛阳不到一个月,就因胸胁病加重而支世,终年71岁。主谓式:作谓语;宾语;用于谦辞;中性词。南朝 宋 范晔《后汉书 西域传》:“今使者大兵未能得出,如诸国力不从心,东西南北自在地。”解释: 从:顺从。想做某事,可是力量达不到或无力去做。《后汉书·西域传》:“今使者大兵未能得出,如诸国力不从心,东西南北自在也。”
徐贵祥《历史的天空》六章:“在几个中队长当中,他喝的墨水算多的,但是要想把梁大牙的‘布告’写明白,他还是力不从心。”近义词 力所不及无能为力心余力绌鞭长莫及力不胜任力有未逮独木难支爱莫能助心有余而力不足…
反义词 得心应手力所能及随心所欲量力而行举重若轻量体裁衣探囊取物不自量力易如反掌蚍蜉撼树手到擒来垂手可得力挽狂澜轻而易举
那游泳的人似乎力不从心,但最后还是设法游到了彼岸。The swimmer seemed to be in difficulty, but managed to reach the shore in the end.
我独自一人经营企业已力不从心;我必须找帮手。I've gone past running the business on my own now; I must get help.
像我这种身体,骑自行车度假力不从心。A cycling holiday would be too much for an unfit person like me.12月中旬到了,经过又一年的拼搏,我们还是有点力不从心。
It was the middle of December; we were fried after yet another year of battle. ecocn

不过,在面对类似 BP石油泄漏这样的持续性难题时,奥巴马在努力适应并唤起斗志和行动方面有些力不从心。
Yet, faced with sustained challenges like the BP oil spill, Obama has struggled to calibrate his inner clock and rouse himself to palpable intensity and action. yeeyan

The traditional information system for transaction processing can only contribute to producing data information, but not to analyzing them. cnki

Single parents stretch in so many directions that they sometimes feel they can't manage. renren

But because of the lack of legislation design of the amount in economy crime, the administrative departments feel difficult when they are identifying crimes. dictall

But they often struggle to distinguish between indecent imagery and more innocuous pictures with large flesh-coloured regions, such as a person in swimwear or a close-up face. yeeyan

However, if the goal is set too high, we may feel too hard to achieve and give up halfway. hajzxx

And yet in months of campaigning Mr Romney has struggled to win over more than25% of Republican voters, and every so often another candidate shoots ahead of him see chart. ecocn

The ideology of choice is all-pervasive in today's society, and has contributed to growing feelings of anxiety and inadequacy among consumers. yeeyan

Lady Ashton is undoubtedly stretched, and not merely by lack of experience or an inability to be in two places at once. ecocn

The worry is that strong demand for Treasuries as reserves might tempt America to overstretch itself. ecocn

If you feel overwhelmed and are thinking about outsourcing, you can also just stop doing stuff. It works surprisingly well. bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

With the constant acceleration of informational globalization, journalistic writing which is involved in the process of news spreading is unable to adapt to the situation. cnki

“ This kind of situation is not a problem that an individual can solve,” he said. yeeyan

Among those, Townsend says, are improving federal support for local law enforcement, much of which was overwhelmed by the storm. bugutang

The problem is you usually fall short. Then you punish yourself for not achieving everything you wanted to. treasure.1x1y.com.cn

I can't let seemingly positive things force me to walk around unhappy all the time because I'm falling short. It's not worth it. treasure.1x1y.com.cn

We realized that at scale, the traditional tools for storing and processing information fall down. infoq

Now he looks increasingly out of his depth. ecocn

In the information era, new problems emerging in the intellectual property field can no longer be solved by the traditional copyright systems and related laws. kns50.chkd.cnki.net

There are three occasions in which this approach of using Boolean expressions may appear restrictive. www.zszhushuai.blog.ccidnet.com

Patriarchs of The Central Buddhism Committee of Vietnam want to revive the School of Zen by deep research of the Vietnamese Zen, but they are not able to do what they want. cnki

At present, environmental public interest litigation on the procuratorate of topics is still in theory, there is no clear legal basis, the procuratorate in protecting the environment is powerless.591-lw

要做到 GTD要跨过很多层次,许多学员经常感到力不从心。
There are many levels to GTD, and disciples often feel that they're falling short of their true potential. yeeyan

Too ill to get out of bed, she had strong feelings of uselessness. hicoo




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