词汇 | 剑拔弩张 |
释义 | 剑拔弩张 辨形“剑”,不能写作“箭”;“弩”,不能写作“努”。 辨析剑拔弩张和“一触即发”;都可形容事态紧张;有时可以通用或连用。但剑拔弩张能形容书法雄健或气势逼人;“一触即发”不能。 辨形“剑”,不能写作“箭”;“弩”,不能写作“努”。 辨析剑拔弩张和“一触即发”;都可形容事态紧张;有时可以通用或连用。但剑拔弩张能形容书法雄健或气势逼人;“一触即发”不能。 法文menaces de guerresituation tendue 俄文держáть оружие наготове 德文das Schwert gezogen,den Bogen gespannt es herrscht dicke Luft 反义词 “The Dark Knight” is constant climax; it’s always in a frenzy, and it goes on forever. But the sudden upsurge in violence has not brought the stricken, impoverished country at the heel of the Arabian peninsula any closer to ending eight months of tense political stalemate. And climate talks in Bangkok this month ended in even deeper acrimony between the developing and developed economies. President Obama and congressional leaders held hours of sometimes tense meetings this week at the White House. Bill Acton, one of the founder members of the Fintry project, says he gets dismayed when he sees developers and communities at loggerheads over wind farm projects. The strains in euro-zone bond markets this year show that there are other ways for markets to drive a wedge between the strong and the weak. The verbal sabre rattling by US Treasury Secretary Geithner is a threat to the open global trading system. So are US forces in the region. Secret intelligence files reveal severe tensions between putative allies who can be drinking tea one day and fighting each other the next. This time India has shown admirable forbearance. There has been remonstrance but no sabre- rattling. The men said they were Indian, but the attacks appeared to ratchet up tensions in an already volatile region. If you’ve had unpleasant experiences in the past, think about why they were unpleasant and what you could do to change the dynamics of the situation. If he links up with the Kurds, his northern Sunni Arab allies could angrily desert him, since they are at daggers drawn with the Kurds in and around Mosul, northern Iraq’s biggest city. She promised to turn a “ new page” in the testy relationship by broadening its focus beyond security issues. I am in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, and heading for a remote bit of Nuerland, hard up against the bandit border with Ethiopia. Absolutely everyone was gunning for us because we had just won the title. BRITAIN'S military chiefs have been at daggers-drawn for much of this year. As ethnic tensions in Darfur still simmer and southern Sudan is on edge ahead of an independence referendum due in January, Mr Kony and his men can still sow strife across a wide area. Fortunately, at least for the present, this rivalry is far less emotional than India-Pakistan relations, having not been born of historical grievances. Ms Sahlin's alliance with the Greens and the Left party has been fractious. |
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