词汇 | 削足适履 |
释义 | 削足适履 辨形“适”,不能写作“事”。 辨形“适”,不能写作“事”。 俄文подгонять ноги под сапогвтиснуть в прокрустово ложе 德文von den Füβen ein Stück abschneiden,damit sie in die Stiefel passen--etwas in ein Schema zwingen 另一个故事是:晋献公宠爱骊姬,对她的话真是言听计从。骊姬提出要将自己所生的幼子奚齐立为太子,晋献公满口答应,并将原来的太子,自己亲生的儿子申生杀害了。骊姬将这两件事做完了,但心中还是深感不踏实,因为晋献公还有重耳和夷吾两个儿子。此时,这两个儿子也都已经成人,骊姬觉得这对奚齐将来继承王位都是极大的威胁,便建议杀了重耳和夷吾兄弟俩,晋献公竟欣然同意。但他们的密谋破一位正直的大臣探听到,立即转告了重耳和夷吾,二人听说后,立即分头跑到国外避难去了。 《淮南子》的作者刘安评论这两件事说:“听信坏人的话,使父子;兄弟自相残杀就像砍去脚指头去适应鞋的大小一样犹削足适履,太不明智了。” 【注意】❶注意“削足适履”的“削”读xuē。❷含贬义。 反义词 But they face the potential risks of a “ one-size- fits-all” approach in a world of varied consumer tastes. Germany and France were the first to breach the deficit limits, and changed the rules to suit themselves. The principle of privity of contract will, inevitably cause the parochialism of contract law. Never stiffen your idea and never act in a Procrustean way for the stale regulations and queer ideas. If it is to celebrate another major milestone, it will need to figure out how to stop cutting the feet to fit the shoes. They can neither normalize all scientific subjects with physics science, act in a Procrustean way. Doing this is cutting the foot to fit the shoe. |
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