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词汇 刹车
释义 刹车 shā chē
v put on the brakesbraketo brakeskidspokecome to a stopdeadman controltrigbrakinglockapply the brakeput on the brakejam the brakes on繁体剎車近煞车汽车刹车失灵撞在墙上了。The brakes failed to grip and the car ran into a wall.
她一见路上有个小孩,便猛踩刹车。As soon as she saw the child in the road, she jammed on her brakes.
那孩子跑到汽车前面的路上,司机猛踩刹车。The driver braked hard as the child ran onto the road in front of him.
汽车停住时发出刺耳的刹车声。The car screeched to a halt with grinding brakes.
我前面那辆小汽车突然停住,我只好刹车。The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake.
他听到汽车刹车发出的尖锐的声音,然后就摔倒了。He heard a screech of brakes and then fell down.
刹车不灵了。The brake doesn't grip properly.
汽车停时,发出尖锐刺耳的刹车声。The brakes screeched as the car stopped.




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