词汇 | 刮目相看 |
释义 | 刮目相看 辨形“刮”,不能写作“乱”。 辨析“刮目相看”和“拭目以待”;都含有“擦眼睛看”的意思。但“刮目相看”偏重在去掉老印象;重新看待;“拭目以待”偏重在等待着看某种事情的发展。 辨形“刮”,不能写作“乱”。 辨析“刮目相看”和“拭目以待”;都含有“擦眼睛看”的意思。但“刮目相看”偏重在去掉老印象;重新看待;“拭目以待”偏重在等待着看某种事情的发展。 歇后语乌鸦照镜子 法文considérer avec un nouveau point de vuene plus reconnaǐtre qui a changé en bien 俄文по-нóвому смотрéть 德文jn auf einmal mit ganz anderen Augen sehen 从这时候开始,吕蒙下定决心,一有空就读书,学识长见得很快。有 一次,当时的大知识分子鲁肃和吕蒙一起讨论国家大事,鲁肃常常 被吕蒙问得不知道该怎么回答。鲁肃很高兴地轻轻地拍拍吕蒙的背说:“以前我 以为你这个大老粗只是在军事方面有本事,现在才知道你学问很好啊, 看法独到,你再也不是以前吴下吴国的那个阿蒙了!” 吕蒙很自信地笑着说:“士别三日,当刮目相看,你怎么能用老眼光看我呢。” 【注意】❶含褒义。❷注意与另眼相看的区别。另眼相看表示看待某个人不同于一般,强调的是看待上的特殊,而刮目相看强调的是看法上的改变。 反义词 Mr Brown needed to distinguish himself from his predecessor, impress a jaundiced electorate and do it in hurry—or face being seen as a fag-end failure. Yet over the past year, a staggering three- fifths of the world's broad money- supply growth has flowed from emerging economies. Less laborious, certainly, but if you can achieve the same level of performance with less effort, surely that's more impressive, not less. It was a no-brainer to hire the guy and place him in a spot where he could really influence things. You’re no doubt looking at the sandwich of the future. I hope to earn your respect someday. Now, opponents see you differently. To earn respect from your lover, learn some basic knowledge on football in advance. In the final negotiation, stead of keeping speechless, I spoke out freely my points, which surprised my teammates to a large extent. As the “ paper of record, ” exclusive access to premium content from famous journalists might be appealing to a crowd that aims to impress at the water cooler and cocktail parties. His no- frills style of traveling coach on planes and buying his own coffee at an airport Starbucks has divided observers used to seeing pampered Chinese officials. The proof is a boom in exports, which jumped18.5% in2010, that is the envy of the developed world. With a roaring economy, gleaming new infrastructure and a rising profile on the world stage, one might assume China’s people are feeling pretty good about their lives these days. |
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