词汇 | 别开生面 |
释义 | 别开生面 辨形“生”,不能写作“声”。 辨析参见“别具一格”。。 辨形“生”,不能写作“声”。 辨析见“别具一格”。 歇后语京戏演唱《白毛女》 法文faire du nouveaucommencer quelque chose de nouveau 俄文оригинáльный 德文einer Sache ein neues od. eigentümliches Geprǎge geben 由于曹霸受到皇帝的宠幸,长安城里的王公贵族和官府人家,都以藏有他的画为荣。大家不惜以很高的价钱,来收购他的墨迹。 长安北面的太极宫中,有一座著名的凌烟阁。阁内四壁上绘有唐朝二十四位开国功臣的肖像。这些肖像,是七十多年前著名画家阎之本画的。由于年代已久,原先栩栩如生的功臣像,现在大部分已经剥落,不仅失去了当年的风采,有的甚至难以辨认。为此,玄宗把曹霸召来,要他重新画过。要重画功臣肖像谈何容易。曹霸阅读了大量史,料对照已经暗淡模糊的功臣肖像,仔细琢磨,精心构思,然后挥笔绘制。不久,二十四位功臣的肖像重放光彩,并且以崭新的风格展现在人们面前。 曹霸既擅长于画人物,又擅长于画马。一次,玄宗传曹霸进宫,当场叫人把他最喜爱的一匹叫玉花骢cong的名马牵来,命曹霸为它作画。 曹霸叫侍从把一幅巨大的白绢裱糊在殿壁上,同时对玉花骢进行了很长时间的观察,然后转过身,飞快地挥舞墨笔。不多久,威武神骏的玉花骢就展现在白绢上。玄宗越看越满意,马上叫侍从取来许多金帛赏赐给曹霸,并且封他为左武卫将军。但是好景不长,玄宗在任用李林甫;杨国忠等权臣后,爱好声色,奢侈荒淫,长期不理政事,曹霸也越来越少被召进宫去作画。后来他又因一件小事获罪,被削去官职,降为平民,只得离开长安。 公元755年,安禄山;史思明发动叛乱,玄宗逃往四川。曹霸也流落到成都,靠在街头替路人画像过活,晚境极其凄凉。 一次,著名的诗人杜甫来到成都,在朋友家里看到曹霸画的《九马图》,得知这位名噪一时的画家也在成都,便马上去寻访。几经打听,终于在街头找到了曹霸。 杜甫了解了曹霸的身世和遭遇后,非常同情和感慨,写了一首诗赠给他。诗中有这样两句:“凌烟功臣少颜色,将军下笔开生面。” 这两句诗的意思是:凌烟阁中功臣像已失去了往日鲜艳夺目的色泽,亏得你左武卫将军下笔使它们重放光彩。 宋·赵次公注:“凌烟画像颜色已暗,而曹将军重为之画,故云开生面。” 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 The Stone Fashion Show was a totally new stage show of stone. Camel racing was held last Sunday in Berlin, capital of Germany. My friends held a special birthday party for me and I feel really warm. The latter bring forth new ideas and condense his thought as two new propositions. After a short introductory session and several speeches, an exciting show by local inhabitants has been shown in the community square. This year, the mayor of London has promised spectators a rich mixture of live performances, a colourful parade and culinary delights at the famous landmark Trafalgar Square. According to Daily Mail, on June10, more than 100 professional clowns marched through the Salvadoran capital to protest against the killing of a bus passenger by two imposter clowns. Can say this entirely new works with pictures, half memoirs, the half is society. Lu Xun's“ classical sensibility, ” was built on such a broad vision, deep cultivation, integration of new machines, spectacular based on a natural expression. You can write on it with marker, or print a special label out of your computer. You can even give it a special cover too! If the couple love break with tradition, then draw up an open up a fresh outlook for his speech! His method of study was characteristic. On June10, more than100 professional clowns marched through the Salvadoran capital to protest against the killing of a bus passenger by two imposter clowns. The characters in this play speak in different dialects just as in real life. This really breaks a new path. Promising higher taxes to deflation-coshed voters just ahead of an important election would be a strange calculation in any country. Janelle and Billy held a special birthday party for Max on Sunday. This is an entirely new sort of wedding ceremony. They threw a brilliant bash for everyone in the F1 paddock on Thursday night the last person went to bed at 4.30am and they did the same tonight. With its unusual interiors, its magnificent display cases and its clever lighting, Mr Pei’s creation quickly and rightly took its place as one of the great museums of the world. Also on hand are representatives of the private X Prize Foundation, which is sponsoring a competition to create a vehicle that is both super efficient and appealing to consumers. |
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